Daily reminder that this is the best Sonic game

Daily reminder that this is the best Sonic game.

Sonic 2 Adventure Battle was objectively better.

Sike, this is a genuine Sonic game without any of the bullshit. Straight up high speed platforming from start to finish.

>high speed
>Stopping to select other character for certain sections
>Speed formation controls are ass
>Broken light rails

Sick bait

>no chao garden
As fucking if

alright premy

>enemies with health bars

Sonic Heroes was great only in concept. The actual execution was incredibly middling to put it mildly.

Generations is still the current king of 3D Sonic.

none of those are valid complaints... try again fag

ew kill yourself fag

>Runs of the Sonic Heroes engine
>No faggot power or flying forms
>Just Shadow levels
It's only a meme to hate this game. This is truly the best sonic game if you can look past the retarded story and DAMNs

what about the tedious as fuck level requirements? and the fact that you have to play westopolis 10 times?

>and the fact that you have to play westopolis 10 times?
I don't mind completeting one short level multiple times since the the game has way more levels than Heroes did. Heroes has you beat every level 4 separate times to get the real ending.

Got it!


>have to play the same levels four times to get the ending
>badnik health gets ridiculous towards the end and grinds the gameplay to a halt
>levels go on for way too long as a result
>team chaotix is just a bunch of fetch quests that can take up to 30 minutes on one stage
also the control is too slippery for the speed characters. Most of these problems are still in Shadow The Hedgehog but at least there's more levels in that game. It's a good concept but SHIT execution


My man I love this game and that was a weak response

there has never at any point in time been a good 3D only sonic game

I'll take it from here!
I'll take it from here.

This game is good for Sonic's team only
Going through the game only once and not four times was pretty enjoyable, having to do the other teams of the same levels was pretty bad

Sonic and Shadow's stages were great, but everyone else's levels were not so much

Ever play Sonic Generations? It has all the good of sonic heroes but none of the bullshit.

>objectively better
Not when two-thirds of the game is mediocre at best and you tack on a god awful story and cutscenes.

As projared once put it, sa2b is like a bowl of lucky charms - full of yucky stuff, but has some good parts.

Good opinions.

If they allowed you to choose any level and still go through levels to get an ending once you complete one path and made the edge ironic instead of unironic, I could've gotten behind this game.

Oh, and rebalance some of the guns and make Chaos control/Chaos blast more useful to go with the high speed gameplay and not go against it.

Shadow May Cry never ever


Why do people act like the adventure games were bad? Story and visuals were shit, sure, but the core gameplay was a very good transition from 2D to 3D.
It was really just the 2D level designs in a 3D space.

The only understandable problem I can get is the glitches, but even then most are just basic stuff that won't really kill the game.

Level 3 Homing attacks and thunder shoot kill most enemies in one hit

i like premytheremy

I didn't mind the mech stages and my only gripe was the treasure stages that are gimped from their SA1 counterpart. Never took the plot seriously, Eggman blows up the moon for fucking sake, it's as over the top as you could possibly get and the terrible dialogue makes it campy as hell. Pretty much every 3D sonic game is flawed in some way, Colors and Generations are the closest they ever got to being flawless.

Probably because two-thirds of it or more depending on the game is retarded.

Sonic/Shadow are alright though I wouldn't call them good transitions of classic Sonic. They kind of started the whole shit with boosters and railroading you into setpieces.

Treasure hunting is tedious and doesn't fit at all. You're going from getting to the goal to a fucking scavenger hunt.

Mech stages are braindead. Hold B to lock onto everything, shoot, and control your clunky-ass walking tank through some hallways and boring elevators.

The alternate play-styles in general is a shit idea and only bogs the game down and alienates your players. They did it to pad the game out and people only defend it nowadays because they fucking grew up with it.

Because precisely 1/3 of each game was actually fun and the rest was trash.

>Knuckles, Amy, Big, E-102
>Tails, Eggman, Rogue, Shadow

Nobody wants to play as a retarded amerifat schizophrenic cat as he fights wave after wave of horrendous fishing levels on a quest to find his imaginary frog friend

I think the problem with the mech stages is that they drag on so long. If you look at Gamma's, they're fast paced and short. It always leaves you wanting more because the level you just played went by so quickly. SA2 mech stages overstay their welcome and leave you wanting anything else.

The frog isn't imaginary you retarded bastard lmao wtf?

Honestly, an Omega game would be good.

You can make it combat focused but fast paced.

Basically, what Shadow the Hedgehog should have been.

>not liking Knuckles, Gamma, or Shadow

it was only a matter of time until that name would get posted here

Sonic Battle is the best anyway

So let's talk, Sup Forums. How would you do the multiple play styles assuming you had to? Like if SEGA asked you to design the levels to fit around the Adventure play styles, how would you make it work?

Leave it to me!

I meant knuckles, my bad.

Gamma stages were shit though. Sadly enough they were alright compared to pretty much every other character who wasn't Sonic or Tails.

Daily reminder that Takashi Iizuka never made a good game

Also had no problems with the mech controls but I always hear they suck. I don't know, SA2 is a game I think gets way too much hate due to years of being hailed as the best sonic game. Mad Space can eat a dick though that's the worst stage in Sonic history
>backwards help monitors with shitty gravity physics
I wouldn't be surprised if the SA2 hate comes from that stage alone

Wave of shit ideas incoming

Have everyone have a base (IE: Sonic) and tweak things slightly.

Like Tails. Slower, but able to hover over gaps. Basically, easy mode.

Have Knuckles have a little more combat in his levels but not to the point where it prevents you from building up any speed.

I want him out of Sonic Team. At this point I'd just higher a new director entirely none of these fuckheads know what they're doin anymore.

>helps design 3&K
>directs Adventure series
>created sonic 4
>actively forced wisps into every new game

How could you go from good to bad so sharply?

>Playing the Casino levels and purposefully getting rid of Amy and Big so I could control Cream to use Cheese to attack

I wish flying characters weren't stuck in tower formation all the time.

I can agree with this but i'd probably add in additional tiers for the Adventure games to show my reactions to them when I was younger to how I am now, because while other games I feel the same as when I played them when I was younger, the Adventure games hold vastly different opinions and feelings from then and now.

>The goosebumps and rush of adrenaline that I get when playing Rail Canyon or Egg Fleet

No other sonic game has given me this feel

>No Chao Garden

>Sonic/Shadow are alright though I wouldn't call them good transitions of classic Sonic. They kind of started the whole shit with boosters and railroading you into setpieces.
People give the boost games a lot of shit for railroading but I played emerald coast recently and holy shit it's actually ridiculous how much of that stage is actually automated.

Not sure why but that made me think how Platinum Games would handle a Sonic action style game if they were offered to develop it

It's the first level. Replay Windy Valley or Red Mountain instead

That game was pretty good. Loved the fact that it stuck to classic visuals rather than the semi-realistic visuals that the most sonic games have.

Some improvements could been made are
>Better level layout
>Differnet layouts for each team
>Different level themes for each team, but sticking to the general theme (Eg. Tropical, City/Factory, Casino, Canyon/Desert, Spooky/Mythical and Final
>2-3 more zones with 2 acts, because the game was too short
>Fixed controls

What about the chaos emerald grabbing part?

I know but even compared to say Modern Green Hill, it's still pretty crazy. And that level even has a lot of automation itself.

Red mountain is fucking great though.

I cant decide between this or sonic 3 and knuckles.

>People give the boost games a lot of shit for railroading but I played emerald coast recently and holy shit it's actually ridiculous how much of that stage is actually automated.

You're retarded. The only part that I can think of that was railroaded is the whale chase scene but that's about it. You're purely talking out of your ass right now

>2-3 more zones with 2 acts, because the game was too short
I can get behind this especially because how the fuck did everyone get from Mystic Mansion to Egg Fleet which is way up in the air

There's plenty of loops and shit they force you through.

The Sonic Heroes engine was the worst thing about Sonic Heroes

Play it again. There's tons of loops and boostpads all over the place. And that jump pad section.

[Spoiler]WEE WEE WEE[/spoiler]

That's because it got fucked up since they suddenly had to rework it to accommodate the PS2.

Oh I forgot about that one, I guess that I've didn't do it as often I would. I never finished the whole game when I was young and never thought about do "collect the emeralds" part.

But yeah, some parts of the special stage were quite tricky and didn't have the automatic control like the older ones.

what's wrong with the engine?

I remember being disappointed how fast I finished this game when I was a kid.

That's why there are the other stories, the special stages and the extra missions.

don't let the thread die guys, this'll be the sonic thread for the night

ah yes, ching chong bing bong, my favorite sonic game

>leave em to me sonic

>stopping to select other characters
The swapping was INSTANT