ITT: Legit 10/10's
ITT: Legit 10/10's
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Remember Third Birthday?
nah that last boss sucked ass
PE2 is better
>The sequal somehow makes the original game not good
>gratuitous low poly low res tits and ass
I'm glad this era of gaming is over
One of the best indeed
why is the sequel on the ps store but not this one
Bad or good ending?
>Nintendo is so assblasted Sega made a better F-Zero game than they ever did that they refuse to make another
Its not perfect but the game is so enjoyable that its a personal 10/10
Breath of Fire IV
My nigga.
Fuck Nintendo.
>Horizon zero dawn
Y-you can't post that in Sup Forums
One of the most underrated games out there.
The ship battles were boring and tedious and stop it from being 10/10
I really enjoyed the ship battles but thats why I said its not perfect. Personally to me though I can overlook its shortcomings and its easily in my top 3 favorite games.
PE's gameplay is really boring tbqh
If by assblasted you mean Miyamoto literally said that they couldn't make a sequel because it was so good that they don't know how they could improve upon it.
Do I have to play the first one to play this?
This. Its honestly shit.
Most of the shrines are garbage and you spend most of your time doing them. I'm on the second divine beast and I don't even have the urge to finish it.
Are you literally me? The shrines are what made me hate the game and I stopped playing during my second divine beast as well.
Everything about this game could've been awful.
I'm with this.
Sure it wasn't secret of mana, but for me it was super comfy.
May be nostalgia talking though.
first of all that is bullshit.
and even if it was true
they should just make a remake with better graphics more tracks and characters then.
also aonline mode would be nice. and a track editor.
I would buy that
You sir may have the wrong game.
Not exactly 10/10 considering how much of a bitch that small inventory was, but I guess that was part of the game. God damn lucky medallions. Really good game though. Fucking hell square pumped out a lot of good games on the PS1, and so many small titles rarely heard from again.
shit tier casual footbal with cars.
overglorified mini game.
>All these baits
Epic for the win my dude
"I think where I struggle is that I don't really have a good idea for what's new that we could bring to F-Zero that would really turn it into a great game again"
they still did all the fucking zelda hd remasters and rereleased a mario kart 8.
God Hand
I'm not saying it's a good excuse, but Nintendo certainly isn't butthurt about it either.
still bullshit
no game is so good that its not worth making a new one on better hardware with more content.
that was the other guy. my point is just they should make a new one with better graphics and more content.
It's a mix of platforming and extremely cool visualisation of human psyche that is fun to play even now.
Also has some really good characters.
single most overrated official meme game of Sup Forums
it literally is shit, not as bad as IGN said but legit terrible.
>single most overrated official meme game of Sup Forums
Nah, that would be Automata
Wait I thought it was the Neptunia games
Automata actually has good gameplay, stay mad BOTWfag.
whats your idea of a 10/10 game.
some weeb shit nobody ever played outside Sup Forums?
they both suck
>inb4 its made by the Japanese so its weeb shit
It really isn't.
The story is RE lite
Aya plays like RE but is pitted against PE enemies (bad combo)
The music is wholly forgettable
The environments are boring, bland, and barren
PE never needed a sequel, and PEII is every single reason why.
PE1 is on the store in America
I don't think PE1 got released in Europe so that might be why
Hating Neptunia is a forced meme.
Psychonauts is a perfect example of good writing carrying an otherwise sub-par game.
Psychonauts from a gameplay and level design perspective is serviceable at best, and frustrating as all fuck at worst.
Collecting all the figments is a hell I won't soon return to.
>tank controlls
>no replay value
sorry thats just too lame
Really shitty control scheme.
>going for 100% in games like this and then complaining about it beeing a chore
no comment
I think he meant Dark Souls
>Aya plays like RE
Are you telling me RE protagonists have such a variety of suits, accessories and access to pseudo-magic that burns entire rooms or buffs your defences?
I mean, feel free to name a RE game like this, i want to play it.
>meme game
This means absolutely nothing. Come up with an actual criticism you fucking retard.
What's the appeal user?
The control scheme is great though. Dodging with the stick is satisfying as fuck.
great game. Still have my disc from when it was a new release.
no. there are a few returning characters but the story takes place in a country next to the one that the original took place. There is an extra character to unlock if you load a save from suikoden 1 where you have all characters recruited before a point near the very end. He does not count towards the "stars of destiny" though so its not required for the good end.
its not
Just let me have an autistic tendency here and there.
If I play a collectathon, I'm gonna collect.
It's not like it's a bad game, I did enjoy it, but it's marred with several issues that only become more apparent the longer you play.
It is
Great gameplay with a beautiful DA and a godly ost.
Fuck people who say this game is too short.
>d-pad is not used for any unique gameplay features when they could easily allow multiple combo presets you could freely switch between instead of needing to manually change the chain from the menu which greatly limits combo variety
>camera is permafucked because its movement is tied to character movement in a game where enemies can attack from all sides at once
I mean the way she controls, dipshit.
The functions of the player character versus the enemies presents a weird mixture of PE and RE elements that, rather than making something new, produce a heterogenous mashup of conflicting design choices.
For example, RE did tank controls to deliberately stifle player responsiveness in order to deliver a sense of helplessness and allow the enemies to overwhelm you.
However, PEII uses tank controls because RE used tank controls.
While also still designing the game, in some ways, as an action-RPG where tank controls are only a disservice to the player.
A similar problem arises in PEII's mimicry of RE's camera angles, compared to PE1's liberal use of wide angles and open spaces to ensure a smooth combat experience.
PEII, the sequel to a game that prioritizes action and combat, attempted to emulate a game which was designed to discourage action and combat.
It's simply a flawed endeavor.
Give it to me straight Sup Forums, is Nocturne really that good?
>good gameplay
>barebons and one of the worst platinum has done
Yes, it's a pure RPG
its too short
no its shit
Twewy is special because it is both a 10/10 and a truly unique game that has not seen anyone try to copy it since. not even square, despite their teasing ;_;
Do you have any reasons for that opinion or are you just doing some epic shitposting my dude
Ace Combat 4, 5 and 0
All three are 10/10
>>Do I have to play the first one to play this?
no but you should play both anyway
I had time to beat it while making this post.
It's awesome, the hardest part of the game is right at the start.
>whats your idea of a 10/10 game.
Bullshit, I found it to be hilariously fun.
If anything, it is one of the few Sup Forums recommendations that actually lives up.
>nu-Sup Forums hates this game now
I fucking hate this place
>Sup Forums is one person
Nah, all you need to do is have at least half of a brain and play one of them and you'll be hating Neptunia in no time.
Sup! I hate God Hand