Things you can say to Sup Forums but not to your girlfriend
Things you can say to Sup Forums but not to your girlfriend
I lurked for 2 years
DOTA 2 is a shit game.
Say hello to my beautiful wife
I love you.
Futa is not gay
not video games
At least I have you.
Overwatch isn't a good game, and the story is SJW pandering to the maximum.
"You were there for me when no one else was"
You are worthless, and have ruined me. Now I'm not a normal human anymore.
"You exist"
Dark souls lore is non-existent and the gameplay sucks
Also, stay off Tumblr, it's a shitty site where turbo-autists all share their stupid AU's and circle jerk one another.
your waifu is shit
Final Fantasy is shit, specially compared to Dragon Quest
She's not only a big fan of the franchise. Also was born the same day FF 1 was released on Japan
Long time no fucking see.
Games are real
You need to lose some weight.
A coworker sucked my dick today. Could have fucked her but we where in a place where I wasn't particularly inclined to have sex in.
You suck
i'm going to impregnate your boipussy
hello you exist thank you for being there for the most trying years of my life which has been every year since 2009 and making me feel acceptable and not autistic and not a disappointment to everyone
I know that, I never said I was an oldfag senpai
ill never leave you
I want to fuck that ___
You're a stupid worthless faggot who has no life or friends you sack of monkey shit. Do the world a favor and go kill yourself and maybe your dead corpse can be useful for compost.
You could say that to your girlfriend.
If you have one. I don't know. I'm not a mind reader.