*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus Christ his arms are short.

>Fuck Racism, Punch Nazis

le ebin modern day politics commentary there senpai

Nice outcrowd shirt faggot

*teleports behind your cocaine*

Go snort some coke, you degenerate

Do y'all wanna see a clip of me fighting sessler in the ring?

I thought the national socialists were wiped out after world war 2?

Not with that reach.

>be girl
>unzip dick
What are you going to do now?


Reminder all racists are against the will of Jesus Christ and will burn in hell for eternty.

>call him a nazi
>punch him in the face
>say that you punched him because he looks like a nazi

Problem solved.

*opens mouth wide*

Weren't there black and arab and asian Nazis though? Why does everyone think an entire country of people not even 100 years ago could rally behind something as arbitrarily evil as "we are white, we must exterminate all nonwhite in as painful a manner as possible"


>Physical assault is perfectly ok as long as the person you're assaulting says something you disagree with
I can't see this horribly backfiring on the left.

It already has, and the media still takes her side.

Murrica is fucked.


The media will always take the side of women; they're assumed to be victims be default and it takes some serious misconduct on their part to change this; do you have any idea *how much* of a piece of shit a single mom has to be before she'll lose custody of her kids?

The media is toothless, they can't contain the truth any more than they could stop Trump from getting elected.

I don't try to sway the hearts of those who are already bough and paid for, 99% of liberals are beyond reason or help, but when people on the fence see some cuck assault Richard Spencer, it makes them sympathize with the right.

To be clear, I don't like Richard Spencer. I think he's a cunt. As a cishet white male who doesn't feel he owes anyone an apology for existing, and isn't keen on wheeling the wooden horse through the gates in the name of political correctness, I totally get where he and his ilk are coming from... but they've gone a bit too far with it.

Doesn't give me or anyone else the right to assault him over his beliefs. I don't like SJW. I tend to disagree with third wave feminists, fourth and fifth wave I believe are completely out of touch with reality, and I think Islam is a cancer.

Still wouldn't assault any of those groups, nor would I want to silence them. The moment we stop talking to each other, even those we disagree with, *especially* those we disagree with, we might as well just be apes flinging shit.

t rex arms

Those comments are fucking gold.