Was the localization as bad as they said? Or was it a hit job?
Was the localization as bad as they said? Or was it a hit job?
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I don't know. The GameJournoPros has collectively decided the translation is bad, but I didn't notice anything. I don't play shogi so I don't know what to use besides promoted.
They added in references to Kawakami's domestic help job being sexual in nature that weren't in the original Japanese.
you have people at ATLUS who've worked on this game call them out for being wrong, but yet they stick with these freelancing nobodies who have slightly above average fansubber tier experience at best and Anthony Burch saying they are the right ones. Not the professionals.
Oh man this one, unimportant question that you just cheat to answer has RUINED persona 5 for me.
Citation needed
It's not the best I've seen, but given the sheer volume of dialogue in this game, I can forgive most of the slip ups when they do occur.
I'm more annoyed that the English voice cast still doesn't seem to use good pop filters on their mics. Figured they would have gotten that right by now.
But I thought 銀 meant silver, not whatever that character is.
Is that why the English voice tracks all sound like low-bitrate mp3 files?
Atlus translations are still better than any other in the industry. Most of the issues people bring up is them being too literal in translation.
Go back to gaf, they're already crying over LGBQ in it.
No they didn't. Personal maids in Japan are like Masseuse in NA. Bad reputations for doing sex work.
Shill your website somewhere else autist.
Connor you can stop shilling your site.
As far as I can tell, yeah. Every time a character says a word with an S in it, you hear it pop. It's especially bad for Ryuji and a good number of the women.
>This isn't the 1990s, when localization was still young and error was endemic. Nor is Persona 5 a small game, or an insignificant one.
>Literally "It's (the current year), so we should be holding things up to a higher standard than the past" meme.
Jesus Christ, I nearly forgot that human beings seriously use this argument.
if this isn't proof of the Japanese bias in gaming press is the real deal, idk what is.
>reputations for doing sex work
This is true. But it doesn't change the fact that ATLUS USA got creative with their localization.
as far as i can tell only the retards do that so have some hope user
I have nothing to do with that site, though.
>This is what Kawakamifags actually believe
you posting it says otherwise. That or you're as retarded as the Polygon's personal fansubber.
Who cares? Everybody just uses the thieves guild to get the answers anyways.
Are the site's criticisms invalid?
This game would be BoTW high on metacritic if it weren't for the hit job from Ubisoft. The west is afraid.
I thought it was great.
It's not garbage, but it's genuinely below what Atlus should be putting out for their biggest game. Any translator can tell you something fucky happened and they were probably skipping revisions to get it out the door.
Not that it matters.
Wait you can do that?
As an ESL I didn't notice any flaws.
>the answer was bullshit cursive kanji
I didn't even know that was a fucking thing. Is that part of standard curriculum in Japan?
Localisers are just mad because they didn't do a Treehouse job and have "fun" with their translations. They chose accuracy over "fun".
If you can't enjoy the game because it's accurate as much as possible, then might I recommend trying games translated by Treehouse or perhaps a Ubisoft game? We don't want your kind.
You can see what other people voted on, and the correct answer will have 90% of picks.
at least shit aint like fates localization, censorship and bullshit. at least persona aint afraid to show cleavage
I beat the game. The localization is fine.
I think if anything, the complaints about how 'awful' the localization is have to do with the fact that it didn't conform to certain now accepted standards for the entertainment industry with respect to certain, uh, heavily politicized issues.
For instance, your character macks on all of the hot babes and homos are presented as degenerate weirdos.
see the critiques are from nobodies that have never done any professional work. I'm not saying ATLUS is flawless but I'd sooner listen to someone professionals who've done this shit for years versus weeaboos by definition who have never worked on anything a day in their lives who just have fansubber tier experience.
which is a great thing
they are just trying to get revenge for last year when nintendo was blasted heavily for the awful FE fates localization.
why are the only options shit and shit
wasn't there some site saying that Atlus need to "take notes from FE: Fates" on how to do a good translation? or something along those lines
I'm going to be fucking sick.
>being so far up Atlus's ass that any form of criticism about this subpar game is seen as a personal attack
Moonspeaker here. The localization has issues, but it's petty what gaming journalists are trying to do. How many of them can you really even say have a grasp of Japanese and Japanese culture?
Not much complaints. They kept the "meme speak" to a minimum. Or maybe it's my experience with much worse localizations.
There were some games that made me put cfw on my 3ds since the fan translations were much better.
I forget whether it's only treehouse or there's some others. But if I was a game developer I'd handle translations in my own department and make sure I did everything in my power to bankrupt those literal cuck shitbirds
There's nothing wrong with the translation, it's just accurate. It's not like Fire Emblem Fates and insulting to the creator's original vision.
Translation teams are there to translate games, not use another person's work as a means to make their own fan fiction.
>no, no, no! Anthony Burch & SSJSG_BabyNaruto who learned Japanese from community college appointed from Polygon would know more than professionals.
Yeah, you might be on to something with the idea that localization teams are trying to protect their turf.
I imagine that if your localization goal is to just translate and get it voice acted, there are a lot more people who are capable of that, and when they do it, it's not a big deal that it was LOCALIZED BY SO AND SO. And not only that, but when the game is a smash hit and players are like "Hey, this is cool. They just translated the game and left the intent of the developers intact" it really does shine a spotlight on some of the dogshit localization efforts that people have been pissed off about recently. And it counters the argument those localization teams have made that "Japanese stuff needs to be adapted in order to sell in the west."
I still think a big part of the localization complaints are about how the game portrays sexuality, though. I can guarantee you that if what's his name the cuck actually does do his own fan translation, there will be changes there.
>clunky writing
The word "clunky" has definiately ascended to "obnoxious buzzword" -status by now. Next up: "jarring".
dub was cringey most of the time
playing on sub was alright
>"Enough white culture in video games! Give other cultures exposure!"
>Atlus makes the most accurate translation possible for Persona 5
>"Ugh, why didn't they dumb down this game enough, it's too close to its original Japanese language. It's themes and messages are too close to its original culture too, gross."
Which one is it, SJWs?
I'd say it's trying to portfolio bait.
I don't even care about the quality of the localization of Persona 5. I just it support because the most vocal people against it seem like jobless loser weeaboo goons who pretend that they're fluent in Japanese and call themselves "freelance translators" despite the fact that they don't do jackshit.
I watched the video and all I got from it was "all the people complaining about it know each other so everything they've written is invalid". What about the demonstrably poor grammar? What about the low quality voice tracks? What about all the incorrect pronunciation, like the fact that Takamaki has two different pronunciations depending on who's talking? Yeah there might be some shady shit going on behind the scenes at these websites but that doesn't make their criticism wrong (aside from when it's obviously incorrect anyway, like loltaku's Shogi article)
Where the fuck were they during shit like FE Fates and #FE?
you should've seen the people saying "good, fuck streamers" when they said that sharing would be blocked
my only problem with P5 is that if it was a piece of English writing it would get criticized to hell and back, hell just show the errors to an English teacher, I bet they'd complain too
things like complaining about the topics in the class like the OP are ridiculous most of the time though
it's two characters, the second one is 將
They like those translations because they can have "fun!" with them or inject their own agendas into them.
>all the people complaining about it know each other so everything they've written is invalid
That's not at all what was said in the video. The connections were to tie in a tinfoil hat theory, but as stated in the video not a single one of the people who were making these accusations of how terrible the localization was have worked on even a single project professionally, they're freelance nobodies and are basically nitpicking certain lines for not translating them in the way that they do random VN's nobody cares about for youtube videos.
FE Fates and #FE towed the line and censored objectionable content. P5 didn't, and its higher profile since its on PS4, so its being targeted.
Regarding the pronunciation thing, it's apparently a deliberate decision. I can't remember the specific source, but there was apparently a tweet by one of the VAs that it was because of the voice director that the pronunciations were so odd at times.
And I never noticed anything wrong with the grammar. I'm usually a stickler for that sort of thing.
because trying to tell Nintendo anything is about as pointless than it is trying tell ATLUS they're wrong.
The translation went for a literal translation instead of a localized translation.
If you have any experience with fan/small company translated Japanese media then the translation will be fine, but if you only play localized main stream JRPGs then you're going to bitch and moan like these journalists.
well it seems like the dont like thinking for themselves kinda funny given what the lass boss symbolizes
didnt notice any big problems
xenophobes gonna xenophobe because the game is from japan.
All of P5's errors combined still make the game a 99/100
>it was because of the voice director that the pronunciations were so odd at times
I mean, if that's the case it's probably to mimic how regional accents of Japanese will pronounce things totally differently putting accentuation on different parts of the word or something, but to the English ear it hits real harsh and sounds off since most English is fairly standardized in terms of pronunciation with very few exceptions.
They're nobodies but that still doesn't make their criticisms invalid.
>It means they're holding nothing back and are serious to kill us!
Is that a good sentence? Shit no.
They even whined that "It can't be helped" was too confusing and "unnatural" to them. I shit you not.
this entire thread
>this translation is FINE sjws just want to take over muh vidya
>a-at least it's not FE Fates!
what if Fates and P5's localizations both suck
did you ever think about that
>What about the demonstrably poor grammar? What about the low quality voice tracks? What about all the incorrect pronunciation, like the fact that Takamaki has two different pronunciations depending on who's talking?
And the authorities in the matter are fucking nitpicking nobodies that Polygon drew from a hat?
This. I had no idea that that symbol was gold. 金 looks nothing like と, no idea why the fuck the cursive form of it means that, but I guess I've seen worse that end up working similarly.
nothing can suck more than FE Fates localization
Please post the Japanese video then, as I'm genuinely curious as to whether this is true or not.
>freelance translators and editors bash a project pointing out every single problem they can find
pretty clear it's a "hire me next time if you want it done right ;^)" more than anything. game needs another editing pass but this whole thing has been massively overblown.
retard level: max
they cant accept anything unless it panders to them, or they like to pick a bone in general just cause they dont have control
fucking hell at least its way better than fates translation by 10 fold
these people cant accept anything that is good
That's the big thing: Most of the ones calling out Atlus have not worked on any large projects and almost all of them just fansub things and only about 1-2 of them actually work as an Editor on some projects, but still nothing of worth.
It's not like #FE where they rewrote an entire chapter of the story
I haven't played FE Fates, but I have played Persona 5 and at no point did I think that the game was poorly translated. There are a handful of small typographical type errors in some of the text, but that's to be expected in any game with that much dialog/written text.
What is bad about the localization?
and didnt that Anthony Bertch or whatever his name is say like
>after 10 hours i had to drop it i dont understand anything
im just paraphrasing i dont quite remember his quote
Do people really care this much? I played through the entire game without any issue. I fully understood every sentence.
>Is that a good sentence? Shit no.
I've never played P5 so I don't know the context. Is it inherently a bad sentence? No, not really. Is the person saying it an idiot? Because poor grammatical sentences can be used to fluff a character's personality and intelligence and that would be a fine example. Either way, the sentence is perfectly understandable as written even if it sounds weird, I'd hardly call it a huge error. People don't always speak in perfect clean sentences and there's also stylistic translations of phrases.
Thought it was fine but I was also playing Cyber Sleuth and some PS jrpgs months before so P5 felt like a huge step above those.
It's not even comparable. P5's translation respects fans and the original Japanese translation. FEF desecrated the original and was juvenile.
i imagine it would be hard for a guy who doesn't understand anything but memes would have trouble communicating.
AKA: Please someone hire me, I can do so much better of a job than these gainfully employed individuals with salaries and healthcare.
I'd rather have Atlus-style literal translations than treehouse-style "localization" any day.
You say that like they have to be bad for the same or even comparable reasons.
and this is the only thing ive heard about they guy but i guess hes pretty hated
It was a hit job. the game is about japan. it's going to have things about japan in it.
that's it. end of story. If you don't want to play a game about japan don't play it.
the """BAD LOCALIZATION""" they're talking about is mostly references to local Japanese stuff. in a game about japan...
Anyways, You shouldn't be paying attention to Kotaku anyways, they just make this shit up for clicks, the person that wrote that article already admitted he didn't actually agree with the contents of it.
People saying that they can't understand what's going on because of the 'awful localization' are pretty clearly pushing some kind of agenda with that.
There were legit 1-2 head scratchers for me in a 100+ hour game. And I don't know any actual real people who played the game that had difficulty with it.
nobodies are also entitled to their opinion, if anything disregarding someone just because they're a nobody makes you just as bad as those people
as much as I hate that guy, the scene he's complaining about is exactly the first problem listed on
Oh man, I thought I was going crazy or something was wrong with my sound bar. God damn is that driving me nuts. The Voice Acting is mostly ok but I actually wince whenever Mona says anything with an S.
I have a high end sound system and I haven't had any issues like this. Perhaps it has something to do with low dynamic range on your setup???
It's fun to watch the wheels turn with you guys
I don't get it.
Note: this is the type of localization these people want. This is what they did to the Prison School dub.
It's okay, the next campaign against the game is coming soon. There's movement with it being anti/hateful towards the LGBTQ whatever stuff, so get ready for that soon.
Like with all dubs, there are too many americanisms. This alone made Ryuji unbearable at times.
Those freelance nobodies are retards that are being paraded by polygon as authorities in a vein attempt to portfolio bait or fullfill some hit job. I can't wrap my head around which they were trying to obtain. Again, fuck off Connor.
There is an irony in a game stating that one should not accept bad things just because they are coming from someone with a particular social status; and yet being defended under the idea that those complaining about it do not have a particular social status.
The guy that wrote this article is Australian so it's just one massive shitpost, really
hehehe, im sorry what?