Should I buy a 580 or wait until Vega comes out?

Should I buy a 580 or wait until Vega comes out?

Other urls found in this thread:

Vega has HBM2 DUH

>Buying AMD
Shitposting aside what do you have right now?

Just Wait™

When should I upgrade my 280x...

nvidia shill pls go

I'm waiting to see what Vega's like and Nvidia's equivalent. I've gone Nvidia the last few times I've upgraded, and have a 970 now.

No really depending on what his card was I was going to give him a proper answer to his question and not just tell him to buy Nvidia. I just wouldn't personally after dealing with their terrible drivers for 6+ years.

>not playing games the way they're meant to be played

>been waiting patiently for a high end AMD card for years
>AMD still pumping out X80 trash
>doesn't even release updated FURY's
Fuck AMD. I haven't gotten an NVIDIA card since the mx400 trashforce era, but AMD's really fucking pushing it.

Here's what I've got. I honestly just wanted to buy whatever's the best out there, and I heard that they were gonna come out with something better in about 2 months.

I can just barely play Overwatch on low settings.

jesus fucking christ man

also wait 4 vega, 580 is mid range

get a 1070. they're as low as $340 burger bucks.

Buy a 480 and bios flash it to a 580 or wait for Vega

Tell me what resolution and frame rate your monitor supports, some games you play frequently that are at least fairly graphically intensive, whether you're fine with medium graphics or not.

t. fellow 280x owner who recently juggled upgrading and decided to hold off
I'll help you decide

>as low as $340
>when the 580 is as low as $200

why buy something inferior for essentially the same price?

If he is playing at 1080p then the gtx1060 will suffice and they come in at between £230-290

Should I also consider upgrading my CPU as well? Or can I still handle games on ultra without any bottlenecking?

You also have to upgrade your CPU dude.
Even the cheapest 7000 series i3 would be a massive upgrade.
Upgraded from a i5 650 to a i3 6100 while keeping the same card and it was mind blowing just how fucking bad the i5 was, and we are talking about a $100 CPU.

Your definitely gonna have a CPU bottleneck an i3 that old will not cut it. If your on a budget go with an i3 6100 or 7100.

>Intel releases i7 7740K to compete with ryzen
>New GDDR6 comes out next year
>New i7 8800K comes out Q4

if you aren't on the Just Wait™ train then you are being cucked

>also Zen 2
so just wait :^)

Get some Ryzen in there, even if it's a 1500x it would be a massive upgrade.

Yeah, wait forever

>not waiting for i8
>not waiting for GDDR7
Enjoy your shit performance

>not saving up for i9 blast processor
>going to get GDDR9

Enjoy your console level performance cuck

Is there any advantage of getting the 7100 over the 6100?

Base clock on the 7100 is 200mhz faster

When is Vega coming out?

Allegedly before July

3 day after the first waxing moon of next month

580 is basically a 1060. It's a great card if you're a 1080p60hz gamer, but anything more, you'll want a 1070+.

Wait for Vega to come out and make a judgement then.

next year they will release some HBM2 memory shit so wait till then ;^)

After beating Balrog

I am gay
I like men
I lift weights
I can dance my place
My place is neat
I keep it clean
I floss everyday
I am gay

I work hard
Play even harder
I'm into fashion
Men are my passion

Even when its cold outside
I'll take of my shirt
Lets go for a ride
I'll make you work
I saw you looking at me
I knew then and there you were coming home with me
I'll wash your back and rub your neck
I'll cook you food
And then il suck your dick

Even when its cold outside
I'll take off my shirt
Lets go for a ride
I'll make you work
Even when its cold outside il take off my shirt
Lets go for a ride
Il make you work, I'll make you work boy, I'll make you work

I am gay
I like men
I lift weights
I can dance
My place is neat
And i keep it clean
I floss everyday
I am gay

I work hard
I play even harder
And I'm into fashion
Men are my passion
I saw you staring at me
I knew then and there you were coming home with me
I'll wash your back
And rub your neck
I'll cook you food
Then I'll suck your dick

Even when its cold outside I'll take of my shirt
Lets go for a ride I'll make you work
Even wen its cold outside I'll take off my shirt
Lets go for a ride I'll make you work boy I'll make you SWEAT
I'll make you work



It would be a new socket so a new mobo

I have an Optiplex with an i5 650 in it, I going to mod it for my friend. What graphics card do you recommend?

You could get a GTX 1060, the 6GB one.
But evne then, the i5 650 will be a massive bottleneck.
I have a GTX 960, and going from the i5 650 to the i3 6100 almost doubled the FPS in pretty much all games.

As someone who literally just upgraded from that same GPU in January, I would just wait for Vega at this point.

If you can't wait and you have enough money for a midrange build, look into buying an R9 Fury on sale, and go for a Ryzen R5 1600 or 1500 build. It'll last you for some time.

I was thinking of getting an 1050ti 4GB or rx 470 4GB. He doesn't give a shit about graphics that much since he plays everything off integrated graphics, all he wants is a playable frame rate and a higher resolution. Thanks anyway

Then go for the cheapest one, both should be more than enough if he plays in integrated.