>i always try to get people to play/try games with me
>never the other way around
>they never do
>just me and my library
Consider yourself lucky if you have a friend who's competent and wants to play games with you.
>i always try to get people to play/try games with me
>never the other way around
>they never do
>just me and my library
Consider yourself lucky if you have a friend who's competent and wants to play games with you.
I can't even get people to join my thread. This is sad.
It's like my very own corner.
lol peepee into ur mouh
what do you expect to happen in this thread? u want to be my friend or some shit?
Maybe. What games do you play?
What country you from friend, if you're from mine I'll play with you.
yea but he has shit taste so it sucks
most multis beyond csgo and other fag shit. only pc atm. link ur steam queer
post your steam ID OP
We still love you, user.
How shit are we talking about? Like, minecraft all day? Telltale "games"?
I had a dream last night that I got along with someone and he added me on steam.
It was a very strange and confusing dream.
>resorting to Sup Forums for companionship
What kind of twisted solitude are you experiencing to make this thread?
wat kind of shit thread u postin OP, bitch about not having ppl 2 play with and when ppl offer u dont post ur info. end ur life
i expect you to give me the sauce on your pic
I'm in the same boat op
except he's one of the two people on my friends list, the other one is never on
>used to have a group of friends I met in college (CompSci) that I could play whatever with
>Old FPS, co-op horde games, 4x, RTS, whatever
>Dota 2 made them all quit every other game
>it's been like this for years, if they have time to play they'll just play Dota 2
>they all have over 1000 hours in Dota 2, some have over 2k, one guy has close to 4k
>I can't stand Dota 2 or "MOBAs"
>I can't play anything with them anymore, and haven't in years
>We all but completely stopped communicating because vidya was our activity in common and I don't play Dota 2
It hurts, anons. Should I have tried harder to get into Dota? I can't stand it to this day
You had me until csgo, big boi.
The last shooter i played was CoD4.
i expect you to end your own fucking life you insignificant slant-eyed chud. Im not sure how you managed to crawl out of the whole you spawned in with those tubes you call hands and those disgusting, disfigured things you call eyes but feel free to fuck off into the abyss and never come back you disgusting mong. End your own life and whatever horrid and sad creature spawned you.
He said beyond CSGO. as in he doesn't play it. Reading comprehension
beyond csgo as in i dont play that shit, fucking lnk ur info chud.
shut the fuck up
Sounds like me, hang in there user.
>all these coop games
>no one to play them with
Fuck getting older, everyone's gone.
>Friend says they want to play a NFS and assassins creed game.
>Get them the latest Need for Speed and Black flag.
>Never touches them.
>Complains about never being able to play co-op since they have one controller.
>Give them my spare.
>Complains about controllers never being charged despite never putting them on charge.
>Buy them a dock.
>They don't use it.
>Continues to play Fallout 4 with building mods.
>He still hasn't finished the main campaign.
>Only person I can play with is SFV with his flatmate.
>Breaks things when he loses.
>Won't stop talking about how great that really expert combo I couldn't hope to pull off with Ken was when he wins.
And then they wonder why I don't own many co-op games.
I consider myself very lucky. After knowing a couple guys for few years we met up in Seattle for The International last August and it was pretty awesome.
>mfw same shit happened to me
>our only thing in common was video games
>felt like i was pestering him since we dont even play games anymore
>havent spoken in almost a year
It's not worth it man. I tried to play them too. I just cant do it.
I have a group of online friends that invite me to play CSGO/Dota/Overwatch every single day. I'm honestly so glad I met them.
Best part is that it was pretty much a freak accident too, met some faggy dude in TF2 and he introduced me to his friends, we eventually all left the faggy dude alone.
>tfw never had anyone to begin with
Oh well.
This almost happened to me except I introduced them to CSGO and we all started playing that as well. They still play Dota but we all play CSGO a lot too.
so are you going to give me some sauce or no? also im white not asian dumbass
I feel you OP. I may get people inviting me to games but if i ever want to play anything other than league of fucking legends i have to corral and harass 6-10 retards into fucking doing something for once.
you have some pretty shit friends
That's not difficult, those are incredibly easy games to find others to play with, it's the niche shit you can't ever find people to play with.
samurai warriors, asscreed shit
how did you even think any of that made me think anything of whatever pitiful race you feel you belong to? How lacking do you have to be to misunderstand basic insults. Who botched your lobotomy? And youre still asking for sauce on one of the most well known hentia doujins of all time? Are you new and stupid?
Outside of vidya they're alright.
The worst feeling in the world
>convincing a bunch of guys to try a new MP game with you
>pester them into buying them on discount or just straight up gift it to them
>get to game
>everyone on VOIP either quiet or not enthused
>you feel judged every single minute, that air of "you made me quit _____ for THIS?"
And then a couple of days later they're back to LoL or Dota or whatever, and you feel like a schmuck
give me your steam
slant eyed generally refers to asians so thats where i got the race thing from, and yes i clearly asked for sauce on the pic twice so im not sure what the disconnect is. Do yoou not know how to read?
It's actually rather uncommon for people's tastes in vidya to match over a large selection of games. A lot of people expect their vidya-playing friends to follow them wherever they go and try every game they want to. That's why people typically have friends they met in MMOs, a game people play for a long time (years sometimes) with a huge social component
It's a smurf because im a huge fucking pussy. I mostly play dark souls right now.
I'll play sfv with you. What's your CFN?
I dont rage so you dont have to worry about that.
Oh youre not joking.....wow. Aint it past your bed time bud? You seem to be confused.
k adding
>everyone on VOIP either quiet or not enthused
>you feel judged every single minute
AHHH, just stop it my man. I do this shit too.
It makes you feel like a fucking idiot that you went through all that pestering for nothing.
if my friends buy me the latest game, I'm going to fucking play it regardless if I like it or not
>find a small small group
>no moba faggotry
>tabletop simulator (MtG mostly), shellshock live, Starcraft, PSO2, occasional valve game
I'm one lucky faggot
Should be the same as my PSN ID.
Can't play right now though, it's 8am and I have college later.
>my best game buddy only plays with his gf now despite her sucking ass at the games we played and completely stopped asking me to play with him
Fucking fag.
nah bud, i work 3rd shift and its my day off. ive got all night, i want to see how long you keep being a dickhead
Common occurrence. After a year or so (sometimes more) you get tired of your GF and go back to hanging with your bros. Either that or the relationship ends before that
ok. gl finging ur cp elsewhere den.
>my best bud got a girl and now were slowly playing less and less
fucking parasites
Pls baby i luv you dont leave
don't you cunts know any of your nerd friends from high school?
just physically hang out with them and rock out with your cocks out and play some games together for a few hours. You do have friends that you can hang out with, don't you?
you dont even know the image i posted do ya? who lets fucks like you in?
Same case happened to me, once with my old bestie over LoL, and then a friend group over D2. I think it just means the friendship wasn't that strong to begin with, and you won't have much in common anyway.
I did but we all went separate ways and most of them went a path I didn't care to follow, like drugs or overactive party life. The last one I had left was a girl who walked straight to the wrong corner of Tumblr and she became way too hard to get along with.
Maybe they've grown out of these things by now but I wouldn't know.
yeah i do, you posted anddo you think im an idiot? Not my fault you get butthurt and think everything is srs busines
Sounds like you should get yourself a male hooker, instead of going for the hard to gets.
I haven't had any friends in a very long time. I've forgotten those I had in high school and they've forgotten me.
Please source this shit right now
I second this
missed the one that mattered..pff scrub
you wanna see little girls get fucked in the ass you fucking creep?
my bad bro, teach me your ways. i need to get better for oniii-san
>No sauce for any of the ero pics posted in the thread
You dont deserve them
Add me and we'll play shit. Always nice to have more people to chill with.
>That ending
Was it a dream? Or reality?
Syati Kamaboko - Clever? Solution
lets play a game
kys degenerate