Is the Lufia series any good? Which is the best entry?
I started playing the GBA game on my phone today and it's cheerful and fun.
Is the Lufia series any good? Which is the best entry?
I started playing the GBA game on my phone today and it's cheerful and fun.
2 is the best one.
This I haven't gotten around to playing 1 yet but I've heard its inferior to 2 in almost every way.
2 is easily the best, amazing music too.
You posted the best fight from the best entry.
The DS complete remake was so bad I wanted to fucking die. Iris' redesign was fucking UNF though.
I thought about trying out the DS one too. but I guess I'll save that for last.
what's the Sup Forumserdict on the GBA one?
since I already started it so I might as well keep going...
1 is probably of the most average SNES JRPGs I ever played. It ain't bad. But most the game is pretty typical stuff.
2 is the best. This is almost universally agreed upon. It's that good. It's also one of the few JRPGs with a puzzle focus. Story is nice as well.
The Legend different from the rest of the games. In the sense that it has randomized dungeons. But otherwise it's a decent game.
I have little to no experience with the GBA one.
thank you, user.
>when CURRENT YEAR hits you hard
Lufia GBA has the worst/cheapest western cover I've ever seen but the game itself plays and performs pretty great, looks great.
2 is the best and 3 on gameboy color is pretty good,the ds remake sucks
Lufia 2 is pretty good, Lufia GBC is decent, everything else is mediocre to shit.
Deckar was hit the hardest. Rip in peace, Deckar.
Tia became fucking cute and strangely useful.
Iris embraced her true nature as a semen demon.
on GBC the whole party formation system for ancient texts seems pretty unique
I had no idea there was even a GBA one until I glanced through this topic
It's not talked about much yeah.
check it out then. definitely one of the better looking GBA entries out there.
you can even choose a different color scheme for the protag in the beginning. it's just a different cast of characters, so it's not about Maxim and the others anymore.
it doesn't have anything to do with the others only thing it has is dekar and a awful version of the ancient cave from 2 in it
i noticed a difference the size and scope of the cities
most cities and towns in 2 are about 2-3 houses with like 3-4 npcs, whereas in Lufia 1 the cities and towns feel like cities and towns
1 isn't worth playing. Its a shit game in every way.
2 is pretty good. Nothing outstanding
2 is really monotonous. Town -> Cave -> Shrine -> Town -> Tower -> Shrine for pretty much the whole game. There's like a billion towns and none of the are particularly memorable. Also the puzzles get obnoxious real quick since there are so many of them, and towards the end they get pretty devilish so you're inclined to just look up the solutions online. Still a good game but it has a lot of problems
At least the music is phenomenal.
Designs aside, I liked the DS game.
Lufia II is a prequel to the first game, but is also a much better experience. Story, puzzles, basically every aspect of the first is improved.
Play 2 first, if you like it and the story, give 1 a go.
Nope. I deny this. The sinistral battle 1 from the SNES version is still the best music in the series.
and the remastered version in the remake is ass because it loses that chippy charm.
I feel like it's not even a game because it is literally impossible to die.
I liked Lufia 3 solely because "We need more guys to beat the bad guys!"
>Lufia 3 has 9 party members
>They all actually fight (Sorta)'
Pretty neat.
Hands up if GAYds is a better pronunciation for Gades than how they basically call him "Goddess" in the remake with voice acting because shit Japanese syllables? Gay jokes aside, Gayds sounds like some sort of Celtic deity, appropriate given his appearance, whereas Goddess sounds like... a lady. Maybe appropriate for a deity of destruction. Let's not forget the fantastic Gays Blade.
Hands up if the only good part of the remake was Bertie and Bert / Jimmy and Jamie being Isaac and Miria.
Remember when anime games were good?
The Ancient Cave always seemed like it'd be a cool phone game.
It was one of the better 'game within a game' things I've seen.
>English speaker talking shit about anyone else vowels' pronunciation
the whole series sucks dick, don't fall for the meme op
ours is the lingua franca, deal with it subhuman
I just went through a fresh playthrough a month ago. Let me tell you about that game.
The Ancient Cave is not fun. It's shit.
Only a handful of skills are good and offensive magic sucks dick as a whole.
Don't bother raising Capsule Monsters; move on, catch new ones, get Octo Strike and spam that shit. It's 800% OP.
You don't get to see the villain until the very end.
I don't know what else to say.
I'm still trying to understand this trend of making blatant shitposts with completely off-topic images of moderately attractive 3D women
I see it happening more and more, and I can't think of any explanation for it other than maybe teenagers getting bored and shitposting between classes, while posting the only images they have on their phones just for the hell of it
Who else generally likes high defense characters? Guy was my dude.
So did IDon't tell anyone I said this
Lufia II is legitimately one of the best RPGs on the SNES, up there with Chrono Trigger, FF6 and so on and does not receive enough praise.
The first one is just okay. Haven't played the rest.
Lufia 2 is definitely better than FF6 and maybe on par with CT when I'm not feeling charitable, that's what having actual engaging gameplay and fun puzzles will do for you, but I wouldn't put it on par with a fair number of other RPGs on the system.
Lufia 2 is great.
What's so good about Lufia 2? I'm been itching for a nice old-school JRPG. What does Lufia do that others won't?
2 is better than 1, however playing 1 before 2 makes 2 that much better
1 begins with the ending of 2, and 2's adventure is heightened by the journey of 1. One of the few games where the intro sequence was the most interesting part
Puzzles, puzzles everywhere.
More like playing 1 first ruins 2 because the whole plot gets spoilered in the intro.
puzzles and the ancient cave
>the good guys beat the bad guys
But Golden Sun already does puzzles, and arguably looks a lot better than Lufia does.
Golden Sun also spams random encounters at you and has ridiculously long cutscenes.
Why would you play the GBA one when it's on SNES you turbofaggot
the DS one has absolutely nothing to do with the original, it's not even the same genre, like wtf.
And 2 is the best, but 1 is great too and it's awesome to play 1 first just for that feel when you reach the ending in 2 afterwards
Hence why Golden Sun gets more constant praise than Lufia
I don't see your point
Play Lufia 2, it was one of my first, and still favorite RPG of all time.
The Ancient Cave was so good, many consider it it's own game honestly, and was amazingly fun.
>that moment you enter a room in the deeper levels and find all these chests
>octo-strike everything, thinking your good
>take a step forward
>monster blitz towards you from off screen
>lose four hours of progress
And I still loved it.
>play first game
>they die
Fucking first game spoiled the 2nd game
Friendly reminder that Lufia 1 still has the most broken Mirror/Reflect spell in any JRPG
>will reflect every enemy spell, be it attack or debuff
>will not inpact your party's healing/buffs at all
In 2 it only affects magic defense.
The GBA game is actually a complete different game, not a rerelease or a remake
Golden Sun has random battles, Lufia 2 has battles you can see and avoid.
Those puzzles arent that difficult user but thanks for sharing your experience. Always good to have more lufia discussion.
What would you have done differently?
3 has the best combat and a fantastic soundtrack, I liked it the best
>implying the first iteration isn't complete shit
I rank Lufia 2 as one of the top RPGs on the SNES.
Lufia 1 isn't a BAD game but it really shows its Dragon Quest clone roots. Lufia 2 puts enemies on the dungeons, you can avoid them, stun them with arrows, and otherwise plan out how to fight them. Plus the puzzles. Man, Lufia 2 has some great puzzles.
The best part of Lufia 2 is (actual spoiler if you haven't played it) the fact that even though the end of Lufia 2 is the start of Lufia 1, you still get a bit more story that you didn't see in Lufia 1.
RIP Maxim you total badass
Skip Lufia 2 on the SNES. The DS remade improved the genre and made it slightly better
Music was improved too