Should I start playing these games based on the chronological order of the events...

Should I start playing these games based on the chronological order of the events, or by the order on which they were released?


What kind of fucking retard doesn't play in release order?

Play them in release order. It's more fun this way. I made the mistake of playing them in chronological order first and it was pretty bad.

believe me, doing chronological is stupid, it ruins the experience
with release you'll appreciate the prequel games much more

Release order on Hard difficulty, then chronological order on Expert

Snake kills Dumbledore
There I saved you the trouble of playing 7 books

Rescue the fucking president already!

Release, it allows you to appreciate the evolution of gameplay mechanics.

Release. If you go for the chronological order a lot of reveal or climacting moments lose a lot of their punch because it's assumed you know the various things set in motion.

Anyone who tells you chronological is a retard that dosent get the series.

>chronotard can't spell
as expected

Always release much of the big boss games 3/5/PW a lot of references to things from earlier released games. MGS3 is the worst of this and you miss out on a lot playing it first. Ocelot in particular will have much less impact to you without playing MGS1/2. The games were outright designed to be played in release order.

All these trolls
Play it in reverse release order, start with V becose it's the most technically advanced, you don't want to start with the old shit and get that bad taste in your mouth from the get go besides V is the best anyway
Actually after V you can mostly just either read the plot of others or watch a let's play, their not really that fun to play

His post is completely against playing chronologically though.

Played them in chronological, was fine

Reverse chronological order

fuck I'm retarded

Release. You can skip Peace Walker. Play V if you want to disappoint yourself a little bit, since you will never know the Phantom Pain everyone lauding that game as the possible best game ever did.

This guy played them in crhonological order and, here, and I quote now, "was fine."

here's for (((you)))

Fine, thanks for making it much more than evident to me guys, I will play the series by release
Thank you and have a good night ;3

No, play 2 then 5 then PW then MO then Online then 1 then Metal Gear on MSX then 3 then Acid, Acid 2 and then 4 and then watch every interview with Kojima you can find on youtube to truly understand the series, then watch Super Bunnyhop's videos on it (remember to dislike and leave a negative comment) then post on Sup Forums about what a hack Kojima is
This is the correct way to enjoy the franchise

I don't know, it seems too complicated for me...

Do you ever get tired of re-enacting the same joke, expecting the same arbitrary answers?

Well earned reply.

play 1 and 2.

Play any random call of duty game instead of 3.

3 is basically a generic shooter with bad camera, no stealth and shit story.

People that are willing to try new things perhaps?

People are always like "waaaah play release order", even though they don't know what it fells like to play them in a different order, and they never will.

Peace Walker was my first MGS, then I played MGS3, then POOPS, then Metal Gear 1 and 2 on MSX2, and finally GZ and TPP. And it was all very good.

Also I played Nier Automata and enjoyed it even though I have no idea what Nier or Drakengard are about.

Bloodborne was my first Souls game, I only played DaS2 after, and then DaS, and I really liked it.

Majora's Mask was my first Zelda, and I loved it.

Fight me faggot.