So I just beat this

So I just beat this.
It has suprise ties to Outlast 1 and Whistleblower
Blake goes completely fucking insane at the end.
It's never outright stated and you have to dig around in the notes and such but it's a radio tower that releases special microwave signals periodically that make people go completely crazy after enough exposure. Lynn was significantly less crazier than Blake due to being over 800 feet underground for most of the game and that's why when the baby was born she told him there was nothing there.
The game more or less takes place either at the same time as or after Outlast/Whistleblower.
Also, this relates to the first game in that the radio tower is probably a prototype for the Murkoff Corporation's Morphogenic engine. This would also explain why Lynn becomes pregnant so quickly. And if you remember the opening from the first game. The radio host talks about reports of strange animal behavior in Arizona.

But the big question op is did you like it more than Outlast 1+Whistleblower?

Though most people are going to take the ending at face value. Which is saddening.

I'd say so, yeah.

The thing i didn't like about it is numale protagonist.
I mean in the first outlast the enemies were fucking ripped
In 2, besides the hammer lady, everybody else is like a crack addict skeleton

How long is the game? Worth 30 euros?

5 minutes in and you're already hiding from and being chased by one hit kill enemies

I am so over this gameplay

So shit gets real within the first 5 minutes? I can appreciate that. Most game talk you to death for an hour before anything dangerous happens.

fuck off shill

>Horror game set in a creepy hillbilly town

What a refreshing premise.

I think you can though which is sort of the theme of the game. Not to get too fedoray but the theme seems to take on religion itself, in a very atheistic way, by saying that we can take things as they are from face value or actually work to dig out the truth of what's happening.

I personally like the theological side of the story, in that, the anti-christ is immaculately concepted in an unknowing woman and God is sending several plagues upon the world in order to stop it.

I can dig it.

This. Seeing how the enemies are attacking you, it gets to a point where the no combat makes it ridiculous. Like, you really can't beat away a leper swinging a machete at you?

>Christians are evil


when are we getting a survival horror where we're stuck in a Paris airport terminal with a Muslim?

Never, because real life isn't scary.

He straight up kicks the lady in the face on one occasion and punches her in the face in another.

>le jews did it xD!!

Kill yourself you dumb sack of lard.

i think it's much worse than the original.. there's just a lot less "scary" stuff in this one, it's a lot more shock/gore but without any good buildup. it's more of "oh em gee they're killing le babies!! oh no!!!" instead of "i'm stuck in a fucking asylum with these maniacs"

the original just had a way better setting

Youre right. Such a peaceful people, so much so in fact that I've decided to turn this thread into a love for Islam thread. Commencing dump.



We really need more of these kind and beautiful people that enrich us with their superior culture.


Sweden is currently enjoying the cultural enrichment from those nice muzzie folks

>whining about the use of topoï
You must be the ones who think poems about love or death are all the same, right?

Europe should take note from Sweden!

There is literally a bunch of fucking bitches at my intern that actual think like this and get praised by it.

90% of the game is chase sequences.
To top it all off its boring and everything just drags on.

>enemies were fucking ripped

You're confusing malnutrition with strength. They have extremely body fat, which might make them "ripped" but I doubt they'd hardly be strong.

All the protagonists in these games are giant faggots, in real life anyone in that situation would fight back.

I agree that muslims are a problem, but why preach something completely unrelated on a video game board? This thread will be gone in 15 minutes, thanks to your Sup Forums shitposting.