Why hasn't anyone made a good FPS with lots of cute anime girls yet? It seems like it would be super profitable.
Why hasn't anyone made a good FPS with lots of cute anime girls yet? It seems like it would be super profitable
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>something that appeals to my tastes would be a huge success
This is literally what children think. You have the brain of a child.
Because people wanna see the cute grill they're playing as.
More importantly, japs are super prone to motion sickness in vidya and FPS games are unpopular over there as a result.
>implying its not even better to look see tits in first person
Unsurprisingly a well constituted answer occurs on the 2nd response to a Sup Forumstards question. God bless Sup Forums & /jp/ lurkers.
Because that seems very contrasting with each other.
Heterosexual warfare with a bunch of faggots target practicing.
Dunno if it would be super profitable, but i'm all in for that.
Sudden Attack 2 from Korea but it shut down because of feminist.
Special Force 2 from Japan.
Counterstrike Online 2 from China.
In all of those game, the waifus are locked behing a paywall.
It's been done before and it wasn't a success.
Moefags and Otaku (anime and manga, not gun otaku) tend to be shit at games that require skills like flick shooting and what not.
Not to mention, Japs, who are the biggest market for anime crap, don't really like comp games.
>It's been done before and it wasn't a success.
I'll need some name.
Valkyria Chronicles is one of the best tactical RPGs of the last decade and has a shitload of cute anime girls
FPS is just a bad fucking genre
Shit man, I don't know.
Railshooters are considered FPS? Then Gal*Gun
There's also that one CoD clone but with cute girls instead and that one barely sold IIRC. Also I think it was 3rd person shooter.
I can't remember its name though, or care for that matter, it looked like ass.
>Railshooters are considered FPS? Then Gal*Gun
Railshooter are a special case and while they are indeed FPS in the strict sense, they do not play like most of them.
>There's also that one CoD clone but with cute girls instead and that one barely sold IIRC.
Bullet Girls and as you guessed, it's a 3rd person shooter so not a FPS.
Also it sold well enough to warrant a sequel.
OP want game like
Because I want a third person shooter instead. Combine the autism of /k/ and Sup Forums and its perfect.
>Sudden Attack 2 from Korea but it shut down because of feminist.
No. It was because the net code/optimization was shitty alongside poor production values, plagirism allegation regarding UI and monsters, Nexon asked(forced) people to take down videos, Nexon jew-ery, alongside several controversies such as removing female characters and the game's rating itself.
I also want this and its one of the reasons I'm trying to teaching myself to code.
Also, to answer the "Only weebs squeebs and Jap faggots like anime" dilemma, I figure if you make a good FPS Westerners will play it. I'm not worried about cornering the Nip market.
So we'll see.
>Bullet Girls
There is already a game like that and it's pure garbage
Well Girls und Panzer proved incredibly popular worldwide, so Im sure there is a market for moe and military otakus out there granted its a perfect balance of cute girls doing military nerd things.
This is essentially what I want. Also a lot of japs seem to get motion sickness from first person games so third person would be the best way to go.
>not wanting to be the cute girl
reddit pls
>not making it 3rd person
The Japanese don't make many FPS games
Otakus and waifu fappers don't play many FPS games
The market for a combination of guns and little girls is incredibly small
No console is going to allow a game where you shoot children
PC sales would be nonexistant as it wouldn't be allowed on Steam
> Bullet Girls
Don't sweat it user, its a shit game anyways.
That's cuz its made by japs. Nips cannot into hardcore shooters.
Make them big girls then.
>wouldnt be allowed on PC
And yet the top mods on Skyrim are killable children and there are loads of jap indie games for PC where you play as litte girls who die in brutal ways like Yomawari and Rose in Twilight
The closest were gonna have are anime mods for Sand Andreas
>Special Force 2
>Developer: Hezbollah
da fuck
>such as removing female characters
Which was caused by feminist.
Dunno about the other point but it's surprising from a game that was the top grossing game for several dozens of week.
I just want ap WW2 game where everyone is a little girl. Why is that so hard?
Are there any anime with cute girls fighting in armies or something?
Preferably something with actual action or a decent story.
Not cock tease action where shit starts to happen, cut to black then show after math.
This is the western version of the game: store.steampowered.com
And I doubt the waifu are in it.
>The Japanese don't make many FPS games
>Otakus and waifu fappers don't play many FPS games
Soft disagree. Look at Overshit. But generally I'd say you're right.
>The market for a combination of guns and little girls is incredibly small
Maybe, but who says they're all little girls? Besides, I'm willing to bet most western weebs would play a shooter with waifus.
>No console is going to allow a game where you shoot children
Questionable. But that doesn't matter because the game would likely be mature anyways and PC is better for the demographics you'd wanna target.
>PC sales would be nonexistant as it wouldn't be allowed on Steam
If hentai games and extremely violent games are allowed on Steam, something like this would be as well. Besides, Steam isn't the only means of distribution its just the easiest/best.
Sounds to me like you're just a naysayer.
Actually, thinking about it, is Resident Evil 6 the first-ever Japanese-developed FPS?
Commie butt
I don't know. Maybe something like Youjo Senki or GuP? It's not exactly what you're describing, but those 2 come to mind.
animu girls are more suited to 3rd person shooters
Here's hoping. Although the concept I'm going with is not exactly comparable to Girls und Panzer or most FPS games, in terms of thematic content, setting, etc.
Like I said we'll see where it goes.
>top grossing game for several dozens of week.
not fucking really. it blead money and the negative press from Nexongate shit didn't help. Created a loss of 30billion KR
AAA? Could be. Can;t think anything else.
As for OP, while I fap to 2d grills, I'm not too enthusiastic on the prospect of shooting cute anime grills on the head. I'm sure most of the people too.
Non-lethal fps could work, similar to splatoon but fps.
Hentai games are not allowed on Steam. They are censored, released with an uncensoring patch on the developer's website.
Violent games are one thing, but a game where you exclusively shoot nothing but girls being sold on Steam would have the media in an uproar and they would tear Valve apart for it. We would have another Mortal Kombat situation, and with the Moralistic Republicans leading the nation you could bet your shit there would be congressional hearings about why they should allow games where you do nothing but shoot up school age children to be sold online.
>b-but they don't have to be little kids!
Then they aren't "cute anime girls" like OP postulates. They're just Christmas cake or some other undesireable trollop.
Thanks I'll check those out.
That's not quite right.
How so?
You're only targeting otaku and weeaboos, which are a way smaller demographic than dudebros. Specially since the average FPS fan will completely ignore the game because he gets triggered by "weebshit" even if the game turns out to be best shooter ever made.
It's easier to make a normal fps.
Because you either play the game or look at tits. Not both at the same time. Making a game like that would be counterproductive and won't sell to either market
Otakus are a market worth targeting though. Weebs and ironic weebs too.
I'd like something like 2008 era TF2 that pits mecha musumes against mahou shoujos in different gamemodes. You'd have 8-10 characters per team, with one character per team that's fundamentally identical to the other; then just go nuts trying to explode eachother with magic and fireworks.
What is Cosmic Break
>I'm not too enthusiastic on the prospect of shooting cute anime grills on the head. I'm sure most of the people too.
But isn't that a type of gap moe? Look at all those shows where cute anime characters die in brutal ways, or yandere characters. This shit exists already. I can say I'd be down for an anine FPS. Not like the violence has to be over the top.
You sure are a cranky cunt, huh?
>Hentai games are not allowed on Steam. They are censored, released with an uncensoring patch on the developer's website.
That'd work, if it had to be that way. But who the fuck wants hentai in an FPS? Maybe ecchi, but nothing hardcore or explicit.
As for the controversy, it makes for excellent advertisement. Remember that shitty game Hatred? Most people who bought it did so because it caught a lot of shit. I somewhat doubt there'd be a massive crusade against this kind of game, and if there is, oh well. Do you just not do things because people don't like it?
Again they don't all have to be little girls. You'd get more customers with a wider variety of characters. Waifu doesn't just apply to some high school aged genki character you know. Moe comes in all shapes and sizes depending on the consumer.
I figure you're just trying to be realistic (and pessimistic) but put a little more thought into it. This could work if done right.
Girls in military uniforns and hardware make me so hard.
Is it good?
Cosmic break is mechamusume though. What we want is a cute girls doing military games complete with all the military autism that comes with the army.
>This shit exists already
Yes it is. Doesn't mean it is popular. You are talking about some extreme niche genre.
I'm sure some random circle in comiket might have done it before but fall into obscurity because no one care or getting putted off.
Name 5 (five) mainstream moe guro animes.
Nexon's CS:GO is all about kawaii uguu. Too bad we can't play it.
Not him, but theres Higurashi. Most moe guro games just include comiket games like Yume Nikki and Demonophobia
Another, Hellsing, Higurashi, Pupa, Aijin, just off the top of my head. Mostly pretty good shows/manga as well.
A lot of shounen anime has softcore gore as well, and dark themes. Its not terribly uncommon.
Oh you said moe. Let me rephrase my list.
Higurashi, Another, Pupa, Yume Nikki, Uratarou, Death Tube, HoTD, Koharu no Hibi. Again, off the top if my head. Again, all decent enough.
What are you talking about OP? It already exists, you save your loli and give her the dick when you win.
Sauce me up lad. Is it in moonspeak?
They aren't worth targeting with anything but shitty steam memegames.
Also ten people total bought touhou in the west.
is there not a senran kagura shooter in the making? Not sure if fps or tps though. Although for a waifufag game with microtransactions you want it to be third person any way.
What are some popular third person shooters? GoW and Warframe are the only ones I know.
Then just make a pc game for Japan. The community itself will translate it. /Jp/ has never failed me in this aspect.
>Why don't they take ___ but put in (my favorite autistic thing)
Further proof that moeshitters are brony tier.
>popular third person shooters
GTA Online but you can toggle between
No need for Japanese knowledge since it's a pure fps.
Given people would probably want to see their own character in a game like this (if not, why play specifically a shooter where you control a loli?), isn't TPS better in this case?
Are you feeling better now that you got that out of your system?
No, not really.
People like the concept of cute anime girls in military combat, but most would be quickly turned away when they figured out they had to shoot the cute anime girls (with real bullets and death, not energy lasers and passing out)
Uh not really since guro fics about that subject are already popular. Thats not even counting the soldier rape doujins.
I'm fine with that.
I would draw a venn diagram for you, but while the 'cute anime girls' and 'gore' fetish circles do overlap a small amount, they don't overlap enough to justify funding a decent budget game.
Most modern military shooters don't have gore anyway. So what the deal?
That could still work. Just dont show decapitations and dismemberment. Just girks ragdolling and keeling over. Im sure a lot of anons will already be fapping to the sounds of little girls dying and arranging their dead bodies in strange sexual poses.
Most modern shooters have the enemies wearing helmets with nondistinct faces. Cute anime girl games will want helmet-less long-haired qties who it will feel very bad to shoot in the back of the head.
>implying thats true
But that's the best part, user.
Make it about cute girls shooting things that aren't cute girls. Like Serious Sam or Killing Floor.
Or Nene.
Make them shoot over zealous anti-weeb normalfags.
If it's an FPS, it wouldn't be very cute then. It would need frequent cut-outs to third person to remind you that you're a cute anime girl.
Japan has a sizable niche of FPS players and not too long ago I attended a local R6 Siege tourney with a friend while I was there briefly for a home stay.
Multiplayer user. You can't see your cute girl but you can see everyone else's and they can see yours.
>that officer's trigger discipline
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
t. ako
Thats why you make it a TPS or else those countless costume dlcs will be pointless
Come on dude, they're little girls.
why would anyone buy a game that people want when they can make games promoting diversity and LGBT rights which is what real gamers want and why Mass Effect Andromeda is the best selling game of 2017
stalker: call of weeb when?
Maybe she was sick of that girls shit and was about to execute her on the spot.
>no games where you get to gib anime girls with rocket launchers only to have them respawn and kill you back, or see your own body blowing up in killcams
The second game isn't half bad, though not good either. The floaty crosshair is gone, control layout can be changed, and having harder or easier difficulty so the AI isn't completely retarded; the devs have improved from shit to meh.