This is Ike. We like Ike.
Fire Emblem Heroes
30 minutes
post yer bets here, post yer bets!
what will Ike's max speed be??
we've got:
1.2:1 on sub-30
2:1 on sub-25
4:1 on sub-20
get yer bets in while it's hot!
Previous threads: , , , , , 374955861, , And that's only since Ike was announced.
>Not knowing Sup Forums likes Ike.
He's /ourguy/ for a reason.
140 orbs ready. Hope I can finally get some luck, I've only got 8 5*s and I've been playing since the start.
Among the top 5 slowest characters in the game is what I'm guessing.
>All the disappointment to come to trillions of Sup Forumsirgins in 14 minutes from now.
Armor-tier due to Heavy Blade. If not he's going to either be gimped on Atk, or literally unfuckingstoppable.
>all the Titaniafags who will pull Soren
Sub 25. He's gonna be a stronger Seliph with less HP.
>Has a weapon that does distant counter built-it
>Has a skill that would allow him to fire off Aether in 3 turns
Slow as fuck. I know Ike hype is big, but fuck me if they're gonna stick memecina speed on him just cause.
The 3 small threads seem more like they were made by retards who can't check the catalog than anything else.
>mfw everyone is saying this Ike will be slow
It's PoR Ike. His speed is fucking excellent in his game. I'm expecting a Lucina-esque spread, but with perhaps more balance. I'll eat some mondo crow if I'm wrong
Is that the swedish king edited onto ike?
Nice blog.
I wouldn't expect him to be balanced with that A skill. He's definitely going to have a high Atk stat which means somethings gotta give. Likely Res or Speed.
Min-max fag here.
Gonna save my orbs until we know everyone's stats. I hope Titania is good. I've got a 5* Frederick but he's such a boring character.
>6 minutes
>swedish king
Lets hope he is good, but he is gonna be a bad Ryoma
>paralogue map
Nevermind, no story here.
so who all is in the banner besides the main man himself?
>Enemy reinforcements are gonna appear!
>New main story map
Oh shit
there was some manner of correction on the official twitter regarding "story". I guess that was it.
Or nevermind again. Must be a mistranslation on the page.
wait what? There is a new story.
waiting for base stats
>Embla's Ward
>Unit recieves 0 damage
>2 slot skill
Can wait to see that on hacked opponents.
If these story stats represent his actual stats, then he's slow as fuck. RIP meta Ike.
50 orbs wasted and not a single fucking red.
First roll
And it only took me 5 orbs
Oh boy here we go
>that speed
time to eat some crow
-SPD,+HP, sorry bro
-spd+def I think
>guys he's totes going to be the speedy PoR Ike
Adding on to this, looks like ISIS found some new balancing tricks.
We already know the IVs? That was fast.
At least it isn't -Atk.
I'm assuming, my pull has 8 speed and 17 hp, so it makes sense.
and hopefully it is good
Not that I take this game seriously enough, it's only filler until we get that console FE on Switch
>Bruno is Veronica's Brother
woah shit
Reinforcements are Player Phase, not Enemy Phase, thank god.
tfw 170 orbs in and still no ike summoning only reds. feelsbadman
>tfw posted this
+Attack, -Def
He's probably fine
That makes sense. Oh well, it's not as bad as my -Atk/+Spd Effie.
I got a little into this game, Ended up with a full 5 star party of Roy, Sanaki, Alm, and Nowi.
I got them all to 25, and I'm having a hard team beating the main story. They all feel really weak, and none of them have their specials.
Was thinking on deleting game data and re-rolling til I got an S+ tier.
>for all these posted Ike's there are 20x more butthurt anons getting jack shit
What the fuck? How do you even deal with him then?
Post to figure out natures
Nowi is excellent. Sanaki is a good red mage. The red swords you have are usable, but a bit underwhelming.
You really don't want 3 reds on a team, though. If you're going to double a color do it with blue units. Also could use a green
Titania's statline is also looking a bit worrying. Seems much too balanced to do much of anything good. I just hope I'm wrong.
>5 Star Ike, MCorrin and Titania in one pull
God damn
>Embla's Ward Titania vs 5 Star Eliwood
This is goofier than Wobbufett dittos
It's a survive mission
You don't Aggro Ike, Ike doesn't aggro you.
WHAT THE FUCK IKE WHY. 220 orbs down 20 left fuck my fucking life
It's a Survive mission. I had to clear 3 waves of reinforcements before the map ended. Ike didn't move either, but I didn't get in his range to check in the first place.
Why is BRUNO so based, bros?
Sanaki and Nowi are great. Your other 5*s are fine, but a team of 5*s doesn't mean instant synergy. You'll want to get other units leveled up too. Try using some of the starter units like Sharena or Anna. Olivia is also a great unit once you raise her to 3* and she gets Dance.
So, you didn't get him?
I was rolling reds and greens, mostly hoping for a good green, but I pulled 2 4* Tharjas and this guy. Post stats.
Just remember that once you do hit a 5*, better roll the entire session to not waste those improved rates.
>Ike is so pathetic he needs Veronica to set a defense spell on him AND multiple reinforcements.
Where were you when Ikefags got BTFO once again?
Nope. 240 orbs down the drain, not 1 5 star hero. Thanks Nintendo
>just pulled Ike in the very first orb and decides to go for the full 20 orbs
>all shit
Well, at least you go him.
You get 20 more via quests and the new story mode. Don't let that percent go to waste.
>Titania moves
This'll suck on Lunatic.
>Normal mode Ike can actually put a Scratch on my 5 Star Catria even after a Seal Strength
I'm still salty of
>still no Tharja
>I have now hundreds of 4* Stallhs and Robins
Fuck my life.
Both of those Tharjas are shit too.
>peri-like stat spread
could be cool or shit
Maybe next time.
It could be blind chance, but it also appears that the first wave of reinforcements are tied to the first time you fight Titania as well. Shit's fucked if that is the case.
>spend 130 orbs
>get 5* mcorn
First pull.
>After playing through normal on the new chapter I had 59 orbs saved up
>First pull had one red
>Get Ike
I'm fucking laughing
I'm now saving for a Tharja banner
And maybe some more PoR and RD units
I also want them to just drop the rest of the Awakening Children units
Enjoy your Oboro
Someone's shit taste is rubbing off.
I don't even want Ike really, I have enough Sword Lords.
This map looks simple enough. Looks like keeping the walls up on Lunatic is gonna be important.
Do we know IVs yet?
Here he is. What's the nature anons?
>Zacharias is still alive
>He saves my ass from getting killed Flandre style by Veronica
>it's actually starting to look like a mainline fire emblem game
Well when it comes I hope you get her user.
>I also want them to just drop the rest of the Awakening Children units
Hopefully that will also happen.
you got neutralAttack :(
>20 orbs to my name
>don't give a shit
>roll two blues and a colorless before the reds
>get this
Ike moved and attacked the wall after the first wave of reinforcements spawned in. Not gonna be good on Lunatic.