Sup Sup Forums
I just got this game, never played any game of the franchise. Tell me what class is the most fun
Mass Effect 1
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quit now
They're all fun. Play the fucking game.
I dunno about "fun" but Soldier has a build where it is invincible 90% of the time and can shoot a pistol so fast and hard it breaks your arm in 8 places and still feels amazing.
Its not worth it.
Adept or nothing
Biotic is OP as shit since you can spam all of your abilities in bursts.
>only get skills with certain weapons
>useless extra guns still hanging off you
My only complaint.
Adept is the most fun in ME1. You'll be weak at the start, but be a god later on.
In ME1 the hybrid classes are all trash, avoid at all costs.
You can lift people in the air and if you time it just right send them flying like a mile
This, if you're outside you can send people into the upper atmosphere. Mass Effect 1 is the only one where you actually feel strong as a biotic.
everything is the fucking same me combat is a joke, and the fps side of it has never improved
just pick your bullets ( dmg type ) and pop some molly then kill the bad guys
whatever you pick is boring af
Vanguard isn't radically-different from the other biotic classes until 2
sniping+biotic/adept is fun as fuck
>me combat is a joke
lol back to queers of war faggot
>go engineer
>pump all skills into electronics first thing
>run around with just a pistol and a fuckton of shields
The guns weren't completely useless, I remember using shotgun when I didn't have proficiency in it because the penalties aren't that bad considering you don't need to aim with it anyways.
This shit gets old quick. Also buggy as fuck. Don't listen to the biotics shills OP.
Shotgun might be an exception.
But the sniper rifle scope looks like you're in an earthquake and the assault rifle cone of fire is the size of a shipping container and it overheats super fast.
But I haven't played in a long time, I could be remembering wrong.
considering how much of the setting revolves around eezo and stuff it feels like you're thematically obliged to play as one of the psychic classes, so that your character has a personal investment whenever the topic comes up
>Also buggy as fuck
vanguard or adept imo
soldier is ol' reliable
Charge sometimes takes you where you don't intend to go and can get you stuck in geometry
>Play engineer shepard
>No conversations to showcase my engineer skills
How does it feel knowing most people played this game without knowing that the newton ratings on your biotic powers can be combined with your squadmates when you use powers together? Triple Throw. Triple Lift. Lift plus Double Throw. All hilarious.
>Triple Lift a Geth Armature
>It goes to the fucking moon
>Run up and elbow smash it when it lands and crumples into a heap
>Wrex's balls explode back on the ship and he doesn't know why
>Feel like you're made of pure Sheptanium
Why the fuck are you clicking powers? Are you mentally retarded?
you cant handle the fact that me combat is shit, and isnt what the game has ever been known for
the attempt at recreating classic fantasy classes in space is very barebone
then the 'feel' of gunplay, which is largely subjective I agree, is imo very bad.
asking what class to play is pointless because you'll get bored of it much faster than in traditionnal rpgs for example
Global Cooldown abilities killed Biotics in later titles.
Another ME newfag here.
How do I get this shit? I already got the Geth licenses but shit doesn't appear in the Normandy.
I think you have to be a high enough level or some shit.
because 99% of gamers are 11 years old and never took a physics class
>tfw too smart to have fun
I only saw it in new game plus
I played Sentinel when I started all those years ago, did I make a mistake, Sup Forums?
Go Soldier for 1, after that, switch to whatever for 2 & 3.
The reason is that the powers are kind of a let down, even for the biotics, whereas Soldier can effeciently use all weapons (which is absolutely fucking broken in this game). The gameplay got a shitload better for 2 & 3, really the only reason to play 1 is to get your decisions ready for import and enjoy the 80s Space Opera feel it's got going.
This is coming from someone who legitimately loves the trilogy BTW.
You aren't gonna be seeing any of those until the endgame, and a lot of cool armors are locked entirely, and you can only get those with console commands
Savor ME1's worldbulding while you can
>locked entirely, and you can only get those with console commands
I imagine most people didn't know cause everybody and their mother plays soldier for some reason. Why the most boring class is always the most popular confounds me.
never forget
Loads of NPC's wear Jormangund in ME2 and ME3 for some reason
speaking of armatures and collosi, you get way more XP for killing them on foot than in the mako. It's fun to fight them on foot, or you can cheese them by parking the mako on top of them
It's hard to fight them outside of the Mako due to the constant lure of bullying them
That was my least favorite part of ME2 onward. It really defanged the whole class.
every time someone picks soldier and then calls me1 gameplay shit I want to cry
It's not the hardest thing in the world to unlock them, but you also need to play on hardcore or insanity for the game to actually pose a challenge, since it's really easy to create your own detonations with shockwave and charge within a second of each other
Soldier, Adept, engineer. Everything else is for idiots who don't know what they want.
ME1 gameplay wasn't perfect but it was a good foundation. I think they could have perfected the formula.
Instead, 2 and 3 are cover shooters. 2 is especially bad.
It's literally
>sit in cover
>shoot enemy 2 times
>get shields popped
>wait for shields to regen(it takes 7-9 seconds)
>pop up
>shoot two more times
And so many powers are exactly the same.
If you're on hard or extra hard you must choose soldier or vanguard.
Yeah it sucks. Considering you're pretty much an Anti Geth expert.
No, armor and shields making enemies immune to them is what killed biotics. Its fucking retarded how superior tech powers are in every game other than ME1.
OP here.
I think I will go with Vanguard, any more tips?
>whereas Soldier can effeciently use all weapons (which is absolutely fucking broken in this game).
What the FUCK are you smoking? Are you hopped up on red sand? There is literally no need to use anything other than Pistols in this game because Pistols are fucking OP as shit in ME1. Like, seriously. Shoot as fast as an assault rifle with sniper rifle level damage, shotgun level knockback and zero heat buildup.
Soldier is still best for Pistol builds anyway.
I did too, Sentinel's great. You have a biotic or tech ability for everything.
In ME2 you rip apart both armor and shields and then if you're semi-competent at aiming your weapon works just fine.
Dude I leveled up fighting Thresher Maws on foot for massive gains. Just find the sweet spot where it won't dig and shoots acid at you.
warp soldier specialized into commando
Manguard is the only correct answer
if you must *sigh* get singularity as bonus skill
or get singularity with sentinel for insanse mode
to unlock the shop with the best gear in the game you need to save up like 10,000 spacebux. so long as you;re aware of that its not too hard to get so long as you avoid splurging all the time
also if you get annoyed by alignment railroading your choices there's a glitch you can exploit to max out both your paragon and renegade points
As someone who also just started playing me1 a day ago I was worried about this and you're making me very sad.
>best for Pistol
>not Vanguard
Vanguard is a "balls deep HAM shotgun to the face class," but only lategame. For the first half, you'll most likely be hiding behind cover, and shooting your pistol.
Also, endure the Citadel. You're only on there as long as you choose, but many people, myself included, chose to complete every mission available from the get-go. You can do that if you want, but just know that it's going to be around 2 hours of walking, loading, and talking to people. The game gets much better afterwards, but the Citadel is to ME1 as Liberty Island is to Deus Ex.
Remember, best team is human, turian and krogan
You don't even have to do that. Just wittle it down with the vehicle and then hop out and shoot it when it's near death.
Vanguard in 2 is
>shoot the guy in the face with shotgun
>punch him if he's still alive
>shoot 1-2 other guys with shotgun
>reload, and charge to a guy farther away
The only time you'd have to shoot from cover was if there were too many enemies, which generally wasn't a problem if you charged at the right enemies with the right timing.
this shep face is MUCH better
image saving the galaxy with this guy
Just go full pistol and upgrade all the armor shit you get, one point in Vanguard class for easy 5% boost to pistol damage. Seriously you will never die with Tactical Armor, Barrier and Assault Training. Probably keep a point for each offensive biotic abilities just for utility and fun if you can spare them (I forget how many points you get in this game and what's best, just read abilities as you like).
I like engineer. Soldier with CCs.
ME3, as shit as it was, managed to make Vanguard both even more brainless, yet entertaining.
>Talent so Charge restores full shield
>Talent so heavy melee instantly resets cooldown of charge on kill
>Literally just clear entire rooms by alternating Charge and heavy melee spam
>Talent so Charge restores full shield
That's in 2.
It's in 3 as well, last point of the Biotic CHarge tree, but ME2 didn't have the heavy melee upgrades.
Listen to this nigger, pistols in 1&2 are fucking cannons, you can kill any enemy with them faster than with rifles or shotguns.
Reminder that Renegade no relationships Shepard is canon Shepard
I don't get this pistol meme. I only played the first two games but all I ever needed was the assault rifle and the sniper rifle. in me1 I upgraded the assault rifle so it would never overheat and the sniper with explosive bullets so it fucked up everything. then in the second game you could get that big machinegun.
High level pistols with full upgrades and stat bonuses was pretty unstoppable. It's been years since I've played and I still remember this.
I had fun at the end of the game with Adept, I could levitate 5 krogan at once it was badass. I'm playing 3 now, with my original adept character from 1.
Female XGarrus shepard is canon.
soilder in the first game. fuck Shields. get immunity and Heavy armor.
vanguard in the other 2 games.
fuck off cuckboy
good times. felt like the god damn juggernaut. especially when you had strength enhancers that made your heavy melee attack actually lift large robots off the ground
im replaying three right now after finishing one and two.
the gameplay is much better than it was in two but god, i forgot how annoying cerbures mooks were. throwing grenades all over the places.
the really destroyed the dialoug system turning shep into deprssed yes-man and dose all the talking for himself. he no longer feels like the Shepard i played as.
>do biotic charge
>get stuck in a wall or not hit the target
>get shoot to Death
it dosent happen often but there are areas where you cant use it out of fear of it bugging out.
Doing a second NG+ playthrough on PC and I realised I had forgotten that enemies changed / upgraded on the second playthrough. Then I remembered how broken Marksman is and realised why I forgot that. It's amazingly fun.
to bad you have to use mod to make the Powers have thier own CD. CD in mess effect three is no unrelevent thank god.
"is irrelevant"
will be forever mad at ME2 and 3 lore rape.
talk to wrex. find his gradfathers armor.
Don't fuck anyone in ME1, wait until ME2 to see who you like
in nivera. you gonna get a quest to convince a turian to confess a crimes on his boss. go back and fourth with the red and blue dialoug choices to get infimate paragon and renagade Points.
Wrong. Space sex Liara for that sweet blueberry alien pussy. Gotta fuck at least one alien pussy in a sci fi rpg. Then go long term with Jack in the second and third for pure human babies with strong physical and psychic genes.
Doing simultaneous renegade femshep and paragon maleshep runs for my first time through ME. About 10 hours into ME1. Can you turn Liara renegade with femshep like in KOTOR 2 with Atton? I really want to do that. If not, I will romance Liara with male paragon. Not sure who else is good for femshep.
Also, Tali is fucking shit and all those Tali threads I saw over the years were terrible.
Say what you will about 3 but vanguard made me feel pretty OP. Once you find out about nova canceling you're unkillable unless your retarded and run into a banshee or something.
Do I really have to cart the struggle buggy around all these ugly ass planets?
What're the quests that cause cameo's in ME2? I know the guy who's 100% correct about thermal clips is in all 3 games.
shotguns are sexy.
best guns
>kaidan goes full carth in mass effect 3
ever 5 minutes i tell him to shut up but he refugers to let it go.
Infiltrator is OK, but nerfed to all hell in ME2 and 3 thanks to the universal ammo in those games. So if you're thinking about the other games, do NOT play an Infiltrator.
Engineer. Drones are the best.
>So if you're thinking about the other games, do NOT play an Infiltrator.
Shit, I'm half way through ME1 and I chose infiltrator. Is it possible to change the class if I carry over my character to ME2 but still have the ability to use a sniper?
if you play soilder, yes.
Infil for ME1 is best class along with adept.