Us Angarans are very open with our emotions

>Us Angarans are very open with our emotions

Other urls found in this thread:

>land on mysterious planet with first contact
>10 minutes later they can speak fluent english

Andromeda aliens are atrociously designed.

All forms of design, from characters to ships is atrocious in Mass Effect.

nigga people in mass effect have built in translators in their head it's like nanomachines, son

One thing I hate about games that feature alien races so prominently is how they all have human personalities.

Nah. 2 and 1 were well designed.

>you can't understand anything they are saying.
>fucking robot says hes figured out the language and begins translating.
You can do better

>the best part of first contact was the hand-shake at the end

For languages that are known.

Oh yeah, they were great, look at human ships, literally the same ship but bigger than the other one.
Or look at the Asari, who only have literally two ships, Destiny Ascension and Destiny Ascension without upper tip or the Salari- oh wait, we never saw Salarian ships.

The dialogue and writing in this game is atrocious. Is it just me or does it just not make sense at all sometimes? And any dialogue with Liam literally makes 0 sense, its like I am having a stroke every time he talks. And his loyalty mission, I didnt even catch why we were doing it or anything. Thankfully I pirated it.

Why does he look like a cross between Knuckles and a constipated anus?

>The dialogue and writing in this game is atrocious.
Welcome to Mass Effect, the Official Reddit Franchise.

Because it's Mass Effect.
It's incapable of having anything good.

>us angarans
>fluent English

Well, not fluent, apparently.

these Australiens are the best alien race in mass effect

Videogames are incapable of having good writing or good dialogue.
All the people who write for videogames are glorified Sonic fanfiction writers.

>I have no idea how military logistics work

>his loyalty mission, I didnt even catch why we were doing it or anything
Shit I thought it was just me not paying attention. It just comes up out of the blue. That and the part where Liam and Jaal or naked for some reason.

Andromeda has no talent or creativity. Angaras are just different shaped humans. So dissapointed

Why should reality affect fictional stories?
Making the same ship over and over is a sign of creative bankrupcy, which is what formed Mass Effect.

Very happy to see this franchise die.

There's not a single element in this entire franchise that shows anything close to talent or creativity.
Mass Effect is nothing but a soup of space opera cliches that were run into the ground decades ago.
People ate up this filth because it had the Bioware name plastered on it, which I don't understand since they don't deserve any kind of positive reputation.

Battleships don't look like scaled up destroyers and visa-versa

>the naied scene

Yeah what the hell? I didnt understand a single thing. It was like my brain was melting and I just gave up. It was completely incoherent.

All of those are destroyers.


It died with 3, user. Andromeda is just a failed attempt at resuscitation.

It died when Mass Effect 1 began pre-development.
This entire franchise is a big, fat joke and a tryhard attempt at ''LOOK AT US, PLEASE, WE ARE WANT TO BE VIDEOGAME STAR WARS SO MUCH''.

First 5 minutes into the franchise and they drop you AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS.
What I don't understand is how did this turd get 3 sequels which ended up being more of the same kind of personality-less schlock.
It was painfully embarassing seeing Bioware desperately grab for dear life at every ''meme'' this franchise produced in an attempt to show that they created something of value.

They got what they deserve, late, but they got it.

>"the day we met, Andromeda met"

What the fuck does that even mean?

They got naked to feel more comfortable around each other and learn about each other's clothes as a team building kind of exercise, Liam is supposed to be the "sporty rambunctious dudebro" kind of guy but they fail to show that through how his personality, so you just see him in a ton of spontaneous situations and it comes off as bizarre. Don't even bother trying to understand his loyalty mission either, they threw in a ton of joke moments and WHOA YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT CRAZY HUH HAHA sections.
I like him conceptually as a character and his personal history but something went horribly wrong with how they translated him into the actual game and how you interact with him.

>aliens supposedly speak their own language and the VIs/omni-tools/translators just give it to you translated

But why then do their lips sync up with English-spoken words?

There are two major flaws with the writing.
1. The plot and general game does a terrible job with establishing a time line and indicating passage of time.
2. A lot of the storylines seemed like they were either touched by two different writers at two different periods of time or had and overbearing editor who hated grey morality or tough questions.

so open it makes them look unstable. almost insane.

Because it's easier that making sure every alien's lips sync up with the gibberish they're meant to be speaking

It also looks less freaky

People with OCD would freak out.

what did you expect after playing mass effect 3?

But I thought you don't like to chuckle


This wasn't first contact, your shop arrived over a year after the first arcs did.

they don't, it's in their omni-tools and the translation software is written by people who know the language

he's right about one thing
you can really tell which weapons and armor came from the older games and which are new designs

No, you can't.
There's no semblance of personality in anything.