Have you ever considered thinking about marrying a vidya character?

Have you ever considered thinking about marrying a vidya character?

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I want to protect Haru's smile and grow old together!

I'm not delusional, no

yes, and?



On a board to discuss video games, not your waifufag delusions

vidya waifus!


I'd stuff her to bursting every day

Waifuism is dumb

Has there ever been a time where you've thought about becoming a video game character, Sup Forums?

sauce, kind user

Yes, when I was still tweenage and made shitty OCs

Call 911 I think this man is having a heart attack!

I did at one point, then I stopped being attracted to everything and everyone.
The only thing that brings me joy now is watching shit hit the fan.

>considered thinking about


Yes. Best part of the game.


What, you mean the first time?

ok that has to be an edit. that cant possibly be real

Buta hormone

Have you ever considered thinking about getting laid?

and i want to protect Futaba's

Hella rude.

Good for you. Futaba deserves happiness too.

It's an edit, but not too much of one.

I've been betrayed by 3D so many times that I'm really considering it.

whats this from

>screwing the pooch

and i hope things go well for Haru and you senpai

It gives me great, sick pleasure to post this.

your a sick man, user

Filename brah

Isabelle would divorce Trinen for me, we've been through too much.






Yes because reading that sentence kind of forces you to.

She's the one who asked me to marry her



Your waifus are all sluts by the way.

That's not true.

It's the cure for the 3DPD cancer.

Is impregnating imp Midna the same as marrying her?

100% topical.
Sorry the art is problematic for you, but worksafe art of videogame characters is more than allowed. Imageboard, not a forum.

Rosalina is mine, Fuck EVERYONE, space mommy belongs to this Dude

Why would you want that to happen user?

All the time, my man. All the time.

Good taste.