So I made an online MP game over the weekend with a friend and need some people to help test it out...

So I made an online MP game over the weekend with a friend and need some people to help test it out. You knock the entire enemy team out of the arena to win. Controls are wsad/arrows/controller to move and J/Z/Spacebar/Button A to dash attack. It was a fucking nightmare to make it from scratch in a few days so come help test k?

Alright, I don't have anything better to do.

Thanks man

pretty fun

what's your stack user? looks neato

I'll check it out when i get home

Looks fun. Maybe I give it a go after I get off from work

All custom

>all custom
shit, you did that all in one weekend?
maybe I should just hang my hat now

I'd play if it weren't so late here, but I'll bump.

Was tough as fuck -_-
Ah np

How can I create simple but good looking pixel art? Any pointers or tutorials?

language? de? even the animations are really servicable. thoroughly impressed user
i'll give this a go in a few if the thread is still up, is there a lobby or something?

Easy to join guys

Wait, was this made for a Game Jam or did you and your friend just decide to go all out?

Reminds me of Spleef in Minecraft

For what it is, it seems pretty solid and well made. I want to see your other projects.

I dunno man, practise as much as possible. I just started a twitter so maybe i'll post some tuts or something soon?


For LD game jam : )

Good shit user, a little floaty but in a fun way.


Was this based off a kirby the crystal shards minigame?

Ah, makes sense. Damn, I don't know how you guys do it. I tried it this past fall in a non-committal fashion but I got as far as concept and hit a wall in implementing the tile-based engine I wanted to make. I wish I could rope someone in on it.
How much experience do you have? Shit like this makes me hungry to prove myself.

c++? so sdl or did you really go full nutso

I would hate to see your server code, I hope nobody pops your box from it if you truly wrote it from the ground up

don't be like that, use it to motivate yourself rather than put yourself down

thanks man, that you on red?

nah not conciously at least

Don't give up man, shit gets hard but you gotta hang in there. We're both former pro's

Is there speed and momentum and inertia?

Turning on a dime is not good. the Mario Party minigame is what you need to look at

really fun but needs communication and bigger brawls.

i want a way to taunt people after knocking them off



Blue team is best team.

Damn son. I like it. Flesh it out some more. Shit, if some dumbasses copying eachother on Greenlight with survival MP clones can make some cash, I'm sure you could with this.

true, really wanted to get that in in the time we had : (

This was cute and enjoyable

It's kinda jumpy but I expected it. For a pre alpha it's pretty good.

red team best team man

thanks man, this was just for fun on the weekend, i don't think were gonna make it into anything though I dunno

thanks man

yeah it's got a little bit of intertia but not much haha

If you ever want to publish for like 1$ or 50 cent on Steam, you should change the star sprites in the back.

Also, add more powerups and maybe more levels.

If a game like can make it, you probably can.

Great job man especially only taking one weekend to do it.
Some things you could add
+taunts or emotes just some sort of communication like the other user said.
+Controls could be tightened a little bit
+Making the camera move to the center when after you die

And some easy ways to flesh it out would be
+More map themes
+More power ups

But great job man love the style and gameplay reminds me of some weird bomberman.

I just get black screen right after "joining game"


wat do?

That's fun as hell

haha nah man it's just free. Probably not gonna do anything with it but thanks : )

Not sure man, old pc?

Yeah i really want to get that communication stuff in : (, got a lot of work to do in general but there was only so much we could do in a few days. Thanks though man if we develop on it further I'll add that stuff. The bomberman vibe is something I was kind of thinking of actually haha

Not sure man.. probably a million things could go wrong, old drivers, etc.?

Thanks, was fun playing with you : )

Hey you did a great job and its really impressive what you guys did in a weekend. Was it just for fun or for school or some event?

but you guys should think about continuing it it seems like it could be alot of fun, plus if games like or cookie clicker can get attention a game with actual game-play could get more.

I think because the maximum players is 4 or something maybe.

Thanks man, it was for a game jam. We might continue it but atm this was just for fun on the weekend.

Had 6 in before at one point I think so not sure

Actually I just got that black screen issue, i just restarted the server and it fixed it

>haha nah man it's just free. Probably not gonna do anything with it but thanks : )
You can probably still publish free games on Steam.

Ah true right, if we develop it some more might put it up, for now it was just a fun weekend project : )

Thanks for the games guys!

But don't you need to pay to publish the game?

what languages/framework are you using?


Looks decent but not running some unsigned executable off Sup Forums, sorry.

C++, custom tools

Haha, I wish we had time to get it running in browser honestly so nobody would have to download things but didn't have time

np man, would have been fun to play with you :(

i literally cant play because AVG is throwing a hissy fit and i'm too retarded to turn it off

tell me at least the graphics/networking library. sdl?

Yeah, some people had that issue :/ there should be an enable thing under more info but its up to you if you want to run it

Sorry man, yeah SDL for graphics. networking is all custom

Pretty fun, too bad it won't throw me into more than a 1v1, but it's cool. Gets really intense when the arena gets smaller

dude is that you on the red? haha

Probably, haha

you're good man, I made this game and you're wooping my ass lol

Oh fuck, our game was a 2v1, but the other guy left. And lol, thanks.

ahhhhh fisdjfdkslfjs lol

Baiting people is a solid fucking tactic, hah. I should be working but I'm playing this in a room of 5 other people. LIVING ON THE EDGE.

oh man one shotted me... lol

theres actually slight directional input in this like smash so you can live longer if you hold the direction opposite of where you're hit from

Anyway I gotta get back to work, this shit is neat! Got somewhere i can contact you so we can play again?

I just created a twitter a few days ago @goodbyesquare. I also have discord at goodbyesquare#1542 thanks for the games!

Aight, added you on discord and followed your twitter. ttyl