Newfriend here
Which free hero bundle do I get?
Newfriend here
Which free hero bundle do I get?
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Support bundle includes the easiest heroes to play that are also the strongest like Malfurion.
I personally got the tanks and bruisers because it's the pack I owned the least heroes for.
assassin has the ass
> tfw I missed out on 30 fucking k gold for not picking assassin
Not fucking fair
Where is Genji?
> Expecting to get the newest hero for free
>can just buy Genji with the free 1000 (currency) they give at 2.0 launch
really rallies the raisins.
>using .jpeg jokes on Sup Forums instead of posting the image
go back, faggot
This image is bullshit though. All the packs contain 20 heroes.
You can get a free hero bundle?
yeah it's a thing they're doing for 2.0, you get enough gems for one of the bundles from signing in.
Awesome, I'll probably get Flex since I've got a fair few characters in Assassin already
Fuck off newfag. How is this not the first answer.
Should I do it?
Because not everyone is a tryhard redditor
Diamond 1 shaco main here from league of legends, i bought the assassin bundle. what champion can i most hard carry with
Falstad, Dehaka, Anub'arak, Medivh, Kharazim, Nazeebo, Muradin
i went with flex because i wanted to play as the lost vikings
You can probably have fun with Valeera, but carrying isn't as heavy a thing in this game due to the nature of no items + shared exp
Valeera demolishes pubs pretty consistently though
They fucked up including "jewel" in the name of those items. All the times combined added up to something. What were the others? The Hood of Eternal Jewing? And Jewel of the Jewlord?
What a disaster that was.
I almost see her getting nerfed into Nova at this point.
doesn't matter since you're gonna quit this casual piece of trash in a matter of hours, anyway
no he sucks
dehaka can teleport to brush and pull like skarner
valeera can stun/silence/burst form invis and hes superior to the other stealth options outside of the stun sphere
when is the amazon slut going to be free?
how long before they let new characters enter the free rotation?
>what champion can i most hard carry with
You don't carry in HOTS. It's way more teamwork focused.
Valeera is the closest thing you will get to shaco but any of the stealth characters are not for new players.
Stealth is not stealth, it's just an auto attack shield, everyone can still see you, they just cant right click you.
I would start with raynor or abathur if you wana go balls deep into what HOTS is really about.
>plays lol
>plays hots
>posts overwatch
i think it's time to neck yourself, kiddo
I think you're overreacting to it.
Weekly rotation.
Is Kharazim good?
Why do they feel like they need to constantly nerf burst heros?
Personally I hate him. But I can't say that he's a bad hero. Really gets fucked by poke teams though since he has to be in melee to be effective.
Because its not fun to quick match, you know what I should leave it at that, quick match has burned me.
>you know what I should leave it at that
Seriously. QM gave me the fucking tower map 4 times in a fucking row. Why the fuck can't we ban out maps yet? Their are so many of them. It's been a stable of starcraft.
what i mean is in league you could usually find the new guy after 2 weeks or so in the free rotation, but the amazon still isn't there on hots
I want the ability to play Abathur, but everytime I do its gonna be on a two lane map and I can promise you I will lose. Its like I just can't pick certain people for fear of things like that happening. I can't pick low HP characters for feel of Valeera basically one shotting them. Its a situation that hurts me deeply.
>for feel of Valeera basically one shotting them.
I actually wish her other talents were viable.
You just end up dead and at the bottom of the DPS list without a bunch of kills you would have got from going burst. Shes actually fucking awful vs anything that's not a low HP hero.
Is Lt. Morales any good? I just wanna quickly do this to get the Dva and Genji skin for Overwatch.
>Its a situation that hurts me deeply.
Its the exact same way with tanks.
Any time I play a tank. Whos on the other team? Leoric. G fucking G.
>Is Lt. Morales any good?
In QM? Yea. In ranked eh.
Shes one of those, if you did not pick a counter free win heros.
Fuck unicorns.
Either your GPU is melting down or you are really bad at using paint.
Well I won't really be playing ranked since I never played HotS. What other support heroes are good?
I thought they all had 20 in them?
Its not enjoyable to play against, either she murders everyone uncontested or shes worthless. Its not enjoyable to just get slaughtered without a chance. Release Nova memories still give me PTSD.
The only winning move is to not play it seems.
Only this game doesn't like doing screenshots directly with Print Screen key.
None of the support heros are bad. (besides maybe rexar and blightwing) They each fill a roll.
HOTS is a lot more about objectives and teamwork then individual heros.
Malfurion is probably the best well rounded support for a new player. Ranged, has good healing, has a snare, can reveal stealth, can restore mana, great ults.
Malfurion is really good.
Auriel is decent, but fun to play.
how new are you
how can the game look so fucking bad its like they wanted to make it ugly one purpose
>p-please play our Dota clone we have free (bot not really) shit
>p-please play our game, we have these cool Overwatch characters you kids love so much!
Jesus Christ how desperate can they be
>3 mins to play valeera in QM
Enter heroes owned
Will tell you which bundle is worth more gold.
i think they actually made it harder to unlock heroes since you don't get 1k gold weekly for brawls anymore just cosmetic boxes
yeah, i love shitting on genji as literally anyone
>playing mobas where you have to buy the heroes
fucking why
I think its ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING by Blizzard to have the packs sorted to roles.
How about giving a fair mix of characters so new players can try every role and find out which one they like to play the most.
Lots of new players. So heres who to play:
>I want to tank
Hes got stuns, slows and a great escape.
Easy to play, hard to die.
>I want to DPS
Press W. Right click. Use Q when they get to close.
>I want something more challenging.
Spam Q and W. Roll away with E.
>I want to support
Throw out heals. Root the other team in place for you're team to kill.
>I want to jungle
To bad this game has no jungle
>I want to play that one really unique character like Meepo
Sit in the back. Buff you're team with global range. Lay mines like techies. You're ult gives you a stronger clone of any ally hero.
Post Rare Pepes.
I'm playing on low settings because >toaster
Because they were stupid in the first place and made them low counterplay. The only way to stop Nova or Val from doing their thing is to consistently dunk the shit out of them before they even get to play, making them a very shitty binary experience for everyone involved. They make conceptual sense but not functional sense and never should have been made in the first place.
how is the free shit not in fact free shit?
>The only way to stop Nova or Val from doing their thing is to consistently dunk the shit out of them before they even get to play, making them a very shitty binary experience for everyone involved.
The same holds true for morals/chromie/ling. Only you can't actually even get to them unless you picked heros who can dive. The game needs anti-mages and burst is the only way.
Because you have to put in time to obtain the "free shit", and time is money.
All characters should be free by default like they are in a much superior game, Dota 2.
>mfw I got Genji and his oni skin in my veteran boxes
>log in
>given twenty heroes for (free) for 2.0 launch
>10 dollarydoos of (game currency)
>bunch of lootboxes depending on your current level
They fucking can't keep scamming us like this bros.
Image was made by reddit, of course it's shitty
>I only play superior games for superior hardcore gamers such as myself
>have to spend time to download, install, and patch the game
>the only reward i get for wasting my time is a bunch of shitty characters in a shitty game
why would you download a game if you didn't want to play it? are you being autistic on purpose?
>Game has stealth heroes
>No universal stealth detection methods, all of them are tied to the gimmicks of specific heroes
Blizzard does it again! Now watch as blizzdrones tell me to watch for a barely visible blur in the heat of combat.
literally wood league player
I don't know what to tell you, I guess I'm a blizzdrone because invis players stand out clearly to anyone who has played more then ten minutes.
Ah, the classic "git gud" response. Tell me, upon entering which league does the game allow me to buy stealth detection wards?
Just pick a hero with Ward or Reveal area talents
That blur is a mechanic older than you are and any AoE will reveal those inviso-bitches. Those heroes are usually paper as well. If you can't figure out how to play around them, maybe playing with Duplo blocks is more your speed.
It's not their fault that your eyes and/or brain is shitty.
The blur is visible only when they get close to you and in the case of most stealth heroes, that is already the place they want to be at. And you won't be looking for a slight distortion in space when engaged in a fight against visible opponents.
Stealth, as it currently exists in the game, has abysmally lacking counterplay.
I picked the support bundle because I figured they would probably be in short supply, like every other fucking online game that exists
Valeera burst was nurfed level 20. More probably to come.
>The blur is visible only when they get close to you
Absolutely wrong. You can see them wherever your team has vision
that hanamura map is the most perplexing shit
people say dota is confusing but every game I've played of HOTS so far has felt like this:
That's funny, because stealth counter-play is rampant and usually keeps them out of stealth for several seconds.
You mean Flex?
How's Zeratul or Alarak(one with telekinesis, fun shit)?
Been playing mostly supports and warriors and now i want to kill cunts and run away.
Alarak seems pretty good with skillshots and all but Zeratul got that invisibility for maximum thug mode.
I literally only play heroes of the storm to collect the Overwatch heroes when they come out. Game is pretty fun when I play.
are you retarded?
The problem with Valeera was her burst with amazing survivalbility. She could run into a 5 man with a healer, insta gib someone at full hp, AND get away. No other hero could really do that.
One was bound to get nurfed.
Yeah, when there is a specific hero in your team that is allowed to counterplay stealth.
When you design a competitive game and allow some characters in it to be invisible, you give everyone means to counter it, or you'll enforce a pick-counterpick atmosphere.
Take Dota for example. If someone picks Riki or Gondar, you don't have to scramble to pick Slardar (though it helps, admittedly) because the game offers you ways to counter stealth without relying on the skillset of a specific hero through items.
Since HotS lacks items, it should make reveal talents available to all heroes.
underrated post
>stopped playing after Ragnaros
>interested in Amazon
>but no gold for not playing for eons
>Hots 2.0 rolls in and solves my problem
>all that free shit you get
It was nice and I really like the amazon.