What roguelite are you currently addicted to?
What roguelite are you currently addicted to?
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You just wanted to use the term
risk of rain is the only roguelike that;s ever clicked with m
if you completely reverse the order of this it's correct
is Flinthook any good
Where does flinthook land on that?
I want a rouge legacy sequel
Reverse the order and it's correct
flinthook is literal garbage
starward roug
This one just dropped on Steam and catched my attention. Has anyone here played it yet? Looks like a mix of Rogue Legacy + old school FPS.
rogue legacy sucks ass...
This please. The game was so fucking fun.
Catacyclsm DDA
Takes some getting used to though
People are still playing BoI?
>nuclear throne that low
>rogue legacy that high
>enter the gungeon that high
>No Spelunky
You fucked up
I had fun with Rogue Legacy. How about One Way Heroes?
Because its fun and good?
>shitting on FTL
What happened?
i will never understand why people still play that game after all the fucking bullshit mcshillen has pulled
not to mention how utterly rng-reliant the game is in every aspect compared to actually decent roguelikes and roguelites
Absolute shit taste. Thank you Sup Forums
BoI was fun until they started adding raid-bosses, and endless runs that you can't complete unless you get really lucky with your items.
>playing an up-jumped edgy flash game
>not the shittiest taste possible
enjoy your (You) you slime
this comin from the guy who likes rogue legacy... laughable
Ya'll don't like FTL? What gives?
There definitely were not enough events
Out of those it should be ranked
Rogue Legacy
Streets of Rogue
Don't Starve
-Power Gap-
-Power Gap-
Nuclear Throne
Where's dungeons of dredmor
Oh sorry, ETG < rogue
in the garbage where it belongs
o my sweet summer child
But Risk of Rain is the best routeli(te)ke
The only roguelike on that list is Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Fuck you.
crypt of the necrodancer isn't a roguelike, it's a roguelite
as is DoD
Necrodancer. Still trying to get Flawless Victory, even if it's harder with Amplified being out.
stfu nerd
>stop having fun with something i don't like!
playing stone soup and darkest dungeon atm
Is Everspace any good?
>Fuck you.
That's the same as saying "I'm angry because you're right". Why do you feel that DoD is a bad game?
I've never really understood why dredmor is so hated. What's wrong with it?
>Everspace being rated positively when it's still EA
I was kind of interested and saw nice progress, but then they completely changed the protagonist's voice into some completely unlikeable twat, and now I can't stand it.
Before it was tolerable for all it's faults because of charm, the original VA helped push through sudden difficulty spikes. Now I want to quit as soon as the newly inserted tutorial voice prompts kick in, since you can't skip only the protag's lines.
Fuck everything.
Don't Starve is too damn easy and runs play out the exact same every time.
>tfw never stopped playing nethack
As far as I can tell, it's almost exactly the same game as Pixel Dungeon in terms of depth and complexity.
Isaac AB+
I played rebirth back on PC and never got very into it (Satan/Isaac were the hardest bosses I made it to). The portability on the Switch makes the game perfect for me to grind out a run or two during my daily commute (now I've beaten every final boss including DLC except Mega Satan)
Well I'm playing Crawl, as usual.
See, that's a joke only a roguelike connoisseur would get, calling Crawl a "roguelite", that's quite a sophisticated joke.
You're doing it wrong.
The brain maymay chart is used in ranking things in order of complexity, not as your personal top 10.
Blacksea Odyssey
>FTL that low
Someone got his ass handed to him.
People are too quick to scream REDDIT at the humour and fail to realize it's on a completely other level. The rest is spite.
This list is reversed, Binding of Isaac is a trash game, made by a trash dev, for trash people. Meanwhile, FTL and Nuclear Throne are amazing. Shit, I was on the fence about Streets of Rogue, but if it's this high up I might as well try it.
i usually listen to audiobooks and play either ETG or issac, i 100% rogue legacy long ago
I mean, any game where I can be vegan and have an "aura of self-righteousness" buff is pretty good in my books
>This list is reversed
How would you know OP's preferences better than him?
>Binding of Isaac is a trash game, made by a trash dev, for trash people. Meanwhile, FTL and Nuclear Throne are amazing.
They're all the same RNG shit.
I do not think that either Darkest Dungeon or Don't Strave are roguelites (less sure about Darkest Dungeon the more i think about it).
>They're all the same RNG shit.
Well yes, that's the idea, but you can still differentiate games by individual mechanics and the quality of presentation. Binding of Isaac is a shit game.
I've gotten back into Spelunky recently, and it's still the king after all these years.
Switch version fucking when?
way too easy
heh heh, yeah...
I've been having a hard time with it, but I've only put around 50 hours into it total and haven't played in years so that's probably why. Also I'm shit at vidya in general
What would you say the hardest roguelikelike is?
>Binding of Isaac is a shit game.
You will need to elaborate as to why you think it's worse than Nuclear Throne. FTL I understand, but NT is just more action-oriented BoI with much less content and variables.
you're probably really good at it then, I think most people would agree that it takes quite a while to even make it past the jungle
Am I missing any good ones Sup Forums?
>tfw ng+ on Rogue Legacy and your steam save is corrupted
Nuclear throne is better than BoI, and Rouge Legacy is meh.
it may as well be at this point, all they've been doing is fucking deleting features and content to make room for OP mary sue races for like 4 years now. i quit updating when they added formicid, that shit was way too fucking OP.
Crawl is a great game tho either way, and people playing newer versions are still playing a good well polished game compared to many other roguelikes, but holy fuck. what purpose could deleting elven/dwarven/orcish weapons had? why fucking remove things that are not broken?
Nuclear Throne is the same game as Isaac with less variation and complexity
does nuclear throne run at 60fps yet or are they still saying it's "not possible"
nuclear throne is the same game as isaac except with less retarded design decisions, and it takes infinitely more skill to play
and i don't even like the game anymore because of how badly the devs screwed the pooch
Nope, devs abaddoned it
>forget to check the 60 fps box in game maker on your new file
>game is crippled for the rest of eternity
It's just not fair
Dwants are pretty garbage. Not as garbage as back when they were introduced and they had like -20% HP penalty, but still they kind of suck, not being able to blink and tele is a pretty huge deal.
None of the races added afterwards are particularly good. Gargoyles kind of were, but everything else? Nah, not really.
It's BoI with less dice rolls dictating how well you can do.
>dude items that only have a negative impact lmao
>What would you say the hardest roguelikelike is?
I've only ever played the BoI series, Don't Starve, and Spelunky. BoI is probably the hardest of the three in my opinion but its just a matter of patience more than anything to 100% it.
I only played FTL in this list, and it is only fun for the first few rounds.
Once you're familiar with all possible events and the system, it becomes quite boring.
The more you play, the more you know what's the best dicision.
Same thing happened for me in Civ 5.
The whole process of playing these games gets old really quick,and I can never understand how anyone can be addicted to these.
Whoever made that is a moron
Is ToME a good roguelike to get? Played some Dungeon Soup and I quite like it, want to explore the genre some more.
Also half as many frames
>Same thing happened for me in Civ 5.
Yeah, once you get good enough at Civ V, you can win any game at emperor or lower difficulty with basically any win condition you want when the game starts. At the two highest difficulties, you are basically forced to only go for one type of victory depending on your civ and for deity you will probably have to reset until you get a good starting area. Just stops being fun at that point, but its also not fun when you have infinite gold, allied with every city state, and wipe out your neighbors on difficulty 6 and below every game.
It's not fair, it's not right
>I've only played a single game in this genre but I feel qualified to pass a value judgement on all of them
Nice post friend. Now go play either Spelunky or Isaac if you're actually curious why they're so popular.
That's still a trade in favor of nuclear throne.
So, let me get this straight,
Sup Forums loves the Switch and hates BoI?
I've found my new home. Way better than Reddit's shit taste in vidya.
this dude is totally hardcore!! XDDD
Isaac always gives you enough tools to win though, you just need to be more creative
>hurr I'm salty I got one shitty item
Literally git gud. If the game were determined by dice rolls there wouldn't be players with hundreds-long win streaks
What? Reddit loves the switch too
>hundreds-long win streaks
before the broken mess that was Afterbirth+
No one except ebin contrarians hate either the Switch or Isaac, it's time to go back 2 reddit
Confirmed for never browsing r/gaming or r/games
Having delved heavily into the "roguelite twin stick shooter" (or whatever you want to call it) genre for the past year or so, I can safely say Nuclear Throne is in a tier of quality all its own. The skill ceiling is mind-boggling in NT, and it has a RNG that never feels unfair (barring very fucked map spawns, which are still never actually unwinnable, Hammerhead suddenly is no longer a joke mutation when it allows you to get away a bunch of exploding props and a police van breaking into your spawn), and even you can do a large number of loops consistently (a skill which will take you hundreds of hours to attain), you're still always a single mistake away from death. It become a danmaku on loops, and no grace period from hits means you need to avoid or otherwise neutralize the sea of bullets
I haven't tried this Starward Rogue, just googling now it seems the devs have croaked. I saw it before on Steam, but it looked like a regular shmup to me. I'll believe this can actually get to shmup territory better than NT, but there's no comparing NT to Isaac or EtG, these are top down adventure like Zelda (plus randomization), NT is a scrolling shmup with randomization
>no spelunky
useless thread
I just looked it up and Shisheyu (the WR holder of 909 Eden streak in Afterbirth) is at 274 currently.
>Isaac always gives you enough tools to win though, you just need to be more creative
if by "creative" you mean "willing to put up with the incredible tedium that is playing BoI with low damage/tears/etc", sure.
>there wouldn't be players with hundreds-long win streaks
these are the players who can tolerate hour-long runs with no damage or tears
How is Everspace? Looks interesting. And coming out of early access next month apparently.
So does all it take for your game to be considered a Rogue-like is to make you lose all your progress when you die
Nuclear Throne makes all other roguelites look like a walk in the park
I 100%'d EtG in ~70 hours. With NT, I didn't even have half of the unlocks at that playtime, had only two clears and one loop which promptly rekt me before the sewers
no you have to have shit graphics and gameplay and string your player along with an unlock system so they literally can't even roll good items until they play and die enough times to get the good stuff so they can feel like they are getting better when they are playing the same content with a stronger kit given by rng.