*Points down*
What do you do?
*Points down*
What do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
show him what rings i got.
keep looking up but unzip dick
What is this *points down* meme? I see people do it a lot when they kill me, but it doesn't really make any sense. Is it supposed to make me upset?
They took away Look Skyward so this is all they have
Show him poise
>invaders who don't know if they bow back they are accepting a duel request
fucking newfags
>host fight club at pontiffs
>2 peeps fighting and one waiting in line
>summon other guy
>comes to the area
>wave to him
>he proceeds to club me
>squad comes to assault him
What is up with these fags
>get invaded
>use young white branch
>equip way of the blue
>2 darkmoons come to help
>invader get killed
>all 3 leave without ever seeing me
They have a thing for gangbangs
"you're going down" i guess
Probably farmining marks or shit
>invade at RoS
>guy with two summons and a blueberry
>start running around waiting for another invader to show up
>kill both his summons and blueboy gets killed by another invader
>now it's me and host 1v1
>im beating his ass and he's chugging estus like a mad man
>i have him on the ropes
>suddenly a blueberry shows
>all out of estus
>blueberry eventually kills me while host watches
>host walks up to my corpse
>*points down*
Heh... You wanna know the real story, kid?
Look.. I been doin' this for a while now.. Invading.. Killing.. Taunting.. There's no better feeling than outplaying your opponent, not only mentally, but physically. First you strip him of his confidence. Then you crush his pride. And.. What comes next.. heh..
That's when you taunt. The fight isn't over until you point down at his lifeless body. You shatter his morality, and twist his emotions until they snap- all with one gesture.
You ever seen a grown man cry? Not out of pain... No. Far, far worse than that. When you see a man shed tears after what he thought could only be done in fiction becomes reality.. then you'll understand. You'll understand my desire to point down.. You'll understand my desire to attack while they bow.. And my desire to embed these moments of misery into them forever.
It's not about being malicious.. It's about making a point.. People like you- people who blindly follow your 'code'.. heh.. You never understand...
Pointing at something they dropped? "Here, take this. It may or may not be bait for an easy kill."
Before you're dead? "You're going down"
After you're dead? "Stay down"
Co-op phantom doing it? "Something is down there / Don't fall / Pay attention to this cliff"
get his steam profile, dox him, send him death threats with his address
lmao all these twitch "fight club" people are fucking stupid.
>What do you do?
Let him see my HP bar going up without using Estus.
Two blessed weapons and Priestess ring really rustles their jimmies.
Obscuring ring before it was made useless also made invasions sweet.
>Beat some fag host who wore Vilhelm's top as a spear of the church with Astora GS through positioning, timing, and stamina management
>Gets summoned later on
>Its the same guy
>I got beat this time but he was using Profaned Greatsword R2
>Points down at me, turns around, throws shit repeatedly
>Feels bad man
>See his summon sign later on, thinking I should have just summoned him to get killed by enemy mobs
>Relent because that's just stupid and I'm better off slaughtering more people as a spear of the church or being summoned as a sunbro
>One day later
>Fixed Profane Greatsword glitch where heavy attack would hit twice and not consume stamina
Justice is served.
I thought it was like
>...and stay down
I only ever hid in the library with a giant seed active on NG+. Outside of that I played in offline mode.
Throw a prism stone
Ban a guy off Twitch.
Oh wow, this turd is still around.
>Invading as a Warrior of Sunlight.
I hope he used the red soapstone.
>Getting ganked if you're using a red soapstone.
Come on friend, if these honour rules applied anywhere it would there.
>You will never reach this level of mad at Dark Souls PvP
Hey, he's from Honduras. Being banned is being let off easy.
Be thankful Nelson doesn't send around Carlos
Carlos is not a nice person
What he's banned from twitch?
Used to hate that fag, I'm glad he made a video for me though.
Nope. I recall almost every other invader being a Sunbro. Was really dumb that you could do that.
No, he got another guy banned (Soullesss) after they pointed him down.
>You are going down
Gentle women, how do we make a 66str Heavy Greatsword a gank spanker? Where do I buy poise?
Hornet ring parry them, then walk away while using the "quiet resolve" gesture.
Do the submissive prostration pose, I guess?
Saving this for future use
It's basically the teabagging of DS
Just use Morne's weapon art.
I've killed like 12 people and pointed down at them but I've only got 1 salt comment. What am I doing wrong?
Black Iron set. Become Tarkus.
>You're not worthy as my opponent
I just realized you can use Millwood Battle Axe weapon art charge infinitely.
Trying it now in a 3v3 with 115% smoughs wish me luck with
Honestly if you want poise you're basically stuck with full Havels and rings. Better to get a hyper armor weapon like FUGS, maybe toss in iron flesh or something.
Why do people alt+f4 when they die or are about to?
I do nothing because if he's pointing down it means I'm dead and can't do anything
Yeah, I ban heem... I ban heem...