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lol naruto

That no one wants to see a granny in spandex.

That their sexy super-model characters that doesn't show any sign of ageing suddenly ages and has to replaced with new sexy super-model characters.

I dunno, I really hated SC V - it maybe was a better game in terms of gameplay and balance, but it removed all the characters that I liked, forced DLC down my throat and generally just had less stuff in it compared to III and IV.

I really like IV though, it's the whole - "Everybody is here!"-feel + lots of extras that makes the game great + I made like a million own creations and alternate costumes for the normal characters for that game

You'd think they'd give her torpedo tits for old times' sake. Who gives a shit how old she it.

lol tsunade

Had she not be meant to be a Taki replacement, I think we all would have been fine with her.

Gyarus are love.

5 is an insanely better balanced game, and the most balanced Soul has ever been (outside of SC2 sort of being balanced around its glitches in the way something like Melee is). Also don't know what you mean about 'cramming DLC down your throat'. It has DLC, that's true?

5 was a failure because the primary market for it has always been very casual and single-player oriented and Bamco rushed it out with hardly any of that.

1. That doesn't explain why they kept Ivy,
2. You don't have to replace aging characters if you don't add a timeskip to your story,
and 3, if Sophitia's kid is that important to your plot, go the Trunks route and have him time travel. It's a fighting game, nobody really cares about consistency if it helps the roster.

It will always be a moment of personal satisfaction when the popularity poll they did following V's release had two of the characters they dropped place in first and second. Fucking idiots.

Because Ivy has immortal alchemy stuff going on. And, even so, Ivy DOES look like a granny in spandex from 4 onward, it's nasty. You're not at all wrong that the consumers don't care about this sort of thing, but you are wrong if you personally want the same old thing over and over. It leads to SF4 and SF5, and the old games aren't going anywhere.

I don't care how balanced it was, I want meterless GIs back.

I think she's great.
I like kyubi-no-kitsune, I like ninjas, I like hot girls, I like red. So the ninja in this game is not the same ninja as last game. It was never a problem for Tekken fans, who cares?

Plus socks are my fetish.

I would be fine with that, and there's no question making GI metered removes part of what makes it feel like Soul. It's also weird because they introduced Just Guard at the same time; I'd have old style GI + meter for JG if anything.


People only miss Taki's tits. If Natsu had big tits, then nobody would complain.

"muh dick"

She was fun in PxZ2 desu

>Siegfried became an old hobo swordsman who mentors a Jojo reference character
>Main character is a whiny rich boy who gets schooled by Setsuka and Siegfried to be not shit, and still manages to be shit anyway
>MC also has a sister fetish and mother complex
>MC's sister was a cute girl, but got Soul Edge AIDS
>She got better though. She has a mutant arm and Soul Edge is her bitch now.
>The siblings killed Soul Calibur's sentience, and Soul Edge is actually the good sword now.
>Nightmare died to MC's sister. Tira is missing in action, probably slit her throat because her man is dead
>Raphael is suddenly a vampire, and Amy is now an amnesiac granny with a crystal ball. What?

The new characters were okay in he sense that they could be seen as successors, but what the everloving fuck was up with the main cast changes? The siblings were such terrible characters, and the story revolved heavily around them.

The story was supposed to be 3 separate branches, game got rushed or money crunched or whatever excuse you want

She's not Tira

Le Bello makes up for all of that.

Raph's been a vampire since SC3. Soul Calibur's been evil since Soul Calibur. Pyrrha did not kill Nightmare, just an impostor set up by Tira. Tira got what she wanted by making Pyrrha go evil, but she probably should have come back at the end just to go "I'll get you next time, Gadget", yeah.

>Soul Calibur

You mean Soul Edge

No, I don't. Replay Kilik, Xiangfua, and Edge Master's stories from SC1.

>soul calibur shard stops aging

Real talk, what killed Soul Calibur?

Namco favoring shitty Tekken.

They didn't put out a SC6.

They slashed the budget to put more development into TTT2. Ironically, SCV wound up selling more despite that.

>Do a soft-reboot of a popular franchise
>Replace beloved characters with new faces
>Still does well
>Stop supporting series
I don't get it.

Don't forget the best part though
>main character spends his time wandering around murdering homeless people for fun

I'm sure they've got something planned. They made that F2P game to squeeze a few extra bucks out of the assets from 4 and 5, and they did that character poll a while back asking what characters people would want to see in future SC projects.

That video games need more gyaru.


Of course there will be more SC eventually, but they've done their future sales a disservice by sitting on the brand this long.

>spend years lovingly craft series how you want it
>not perfect, not even really well received by fgc but it's still unique in the sense that it's yours
>new game gets rushed because suits want it NOW
>modes get axed
>characters get axed
>by and by an unfinished
>sells well because lol fuck campaign this is MAHVEL BABY!
>abandon this shithole of a series because it's not yours any more but just another street fighter clone with weapons.
yeah neither do I

Dev team went full retard after SC3.

Is there a new SC on the way? One that won't be shit?

Considering that SC is my favourite fighting game of all time, and was the biggest "woah dem graphics" moment of my life, I really wish they'd do something good with this series. It doesn't deserve to die.

For instance, make sure to have awesome art as unlockables again, and have a proper story again too. Basically the series needs a complete reboot at this stage.

Best dlc character in a fighting game I have ever seen.
>make Luigi and give him dampieres moves
So good

tfw you actually don't mind the new characters (except for incest bro/sis).

SCV is fucking fantastic, and it's a damn shame it's dead.

I miss Viola.

This is true, video games do need more gyaru

As someone that never cared so much about tits, I like her design more. Also she has an actual character, that may be shallow, but is still more character than "serious ninja".

>Soul Blade/Edge
Lots of stupid shit but was overall a pretty good game, a nice start to the series.

>Soul Calibur
Fantastic game, fixed many of the problems with the first game and refined and expanded on many mechanics, looked absolutely amazing for its time.

>Soul Calibur 2
Horribly dumbed down version of SC1, focus on a "wider audience" gameplay depth was removed in favor of adding guest characters as a selling point, many bugs such as Gstep and 2G make this already painfully slow game even worse.

>Soul Calibur 3
HORRIBLE game received zero testing has even more bugs than SC2, completely unplayable mess. the

>Arcade Edition
fixes most of these bugs and adds new characters.

>Soul Calibur 4
Fixed various problems with the series but added a retarded physics engine that had no place in a fighting game, this led to many infinite juggles and instant ring out combos.

>Soul Calibur 5
By far the best game in the series, goes back to its SC1 roots, ads depth and solid mechanics over stupid minigames, expands on many of the original mechanics, overall a great game.

You are an alright guy.

I've seen this post before and it's a weird thing to save pasta for, user.

>I miss Viola
Never played her seriously, but must say that she was a great addition to the cast, even though she doesn't use a weapon. Her fighting style is just so pleasant to look at.

A happy go lucky ninja girl is a great idea.

So much fun, and really annoying for the opponent in a way I find appealing.

I mean, despite being top tier.

>People ironically shit on SC5 the most
...In the end, fighting game is all about character.

>SC2, SC4 and SC5 better than vanilla SC3
Into the trash..

Reality is most people hate SC3 because is a PS2 exclusive

I can smell you from here, fatty.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Soul Calibur V is slow, stilted, unplayable dogshit with fucking power bars on screen that have no place in Soul Calibur. The game is trash.

Also Soul Calibur I & Soul Calibur II are virtually identical gameplay wise. It's AFTER that that the series went to shit.

Reality is most people hate SC3 because its a massive pile of shit

You are a very stupid person.

And this is how you spot someone who never actually played any SC games

At least I'm not a fat weeb like you, fatty weeb.

That's what nobility did.

What the hell do you mean by SC1's roots?

>Soul Calibur V is slow, stilted,
Um no SCV is possibly the fastest game in the series

>fucking power bars on screen that have no place in Soul Calibur.
Soulblade had meter and supers you underage fucking casual piece of shit

At least PRETEND you actually played these games

And this is how you spot someone who has no idea what Soul Calibur is supposed to be about.

Hate to break it to you billy bob but you're posting about a weeb game.

Fatty weeb forgetting he's fat again. Go for a jog, fatty weeb.

>Underage casual trying to claim others dont know what SC is supposed to be about.
My fucking sides!

The series was extremely experimental and a director never stuck around to set the series on a steady direction. SC2 was a fluke.

>Um no SCV is possibly the fastest game in the series
This is flat out objectively wrong. If you had ever actually played that game you would know how Namco artificially limited all fluidity and dynamism in SC V for no fucking reason.

>Soulblade had meter and supers you underage fucking casual piece of shit.
And then SC I took them out because they had no place in the game.

>At least PRETEND you actually played these games
I was playing Soul Calibur in arcades before you were born you loudmouth underage little fuckhead. Fuck off back to lebbit where all the other kiddies will fall for your schtick!

Soul Calibur seems like a series with a good story that has gone on for too long.

Then again, you could probably say that about any fighting game.

>underage retard defending Soul Calibur V claims he knows what Soul Calibur should be about
Now I've seen everything.

Still posting about a weeb game.

Make it less obvious you never played the games before and someone might fall for your bait.

Jog now fatty.

Make it less obvious that you don't know what you're talking about and somebody might take yours.

Look in a mirror once in a while.

tell that to the people still pissy about Jun

or in T7's case Julia

>no u
What a lazy retort, from a lazy fatass. Go jog fatty.

>no us himself

oh i feel you

shes essentially the same fucking thing except without cocklust for kilik

>removing Taki from the game
That's like getting rid of Chun-li or Mai. It's a sin that could sink your game. Don't do it. Ever. No clone will ever match up.

>Underage who knows nothing about SC trying to tell other people they dont know anything about the game

no Ivy is the chun li of Soul calibur

as soul calibur setting is more Western biased then eastern

>desperately trying to save face despite being underage and knowing absolutely nothing about Soul Calibur

>Gets BTFO and exposed as a clueless underage casual
>Desperately tries to damage control

Lexia is fine.

No, Ivy is Bison.

nope, Im right because the main characters of soul calibur where mostly westerners

the only time where it wasnt was in SC1

>not wanting to use mommy xianghua
fucking plebs

They went full anime. You never go full anime.

Viola and Alpha are so dominant that the rest of the tier list is pretty hard to read.

>soul calibur is more western than eastern
>so that means taki can't be one of the most popular characters in the series, just as representative of her series as chun-li is of street fighter
Wow you sure are stupid

>japan isnt allowed to do what they want

ivy is more popular

They aren't when what they want is shit. Soul Calibur was always sketchy as far as historical accuracy goes, sure, and it had weird ass fantasy setting elements, but outright putting a gyaru in their fantasy fighting game was going too far.

The series should have ended after Soul Calibur.

>ivy is more popular
Going by polls, Taki is only second to Talim is popularity. Eat shit, Ivyfag.

Women are the death of thought, the series poisoned itself by including anachronistic women in stupid outfits and it finally caught p with it. Adding women will always destroy the game in the end.

Nigga you gay as fuck.

Women are basically the reason why nobody ever took DoA seriously, even thought the games themselves are really fun. Sure, they have a hardcore niche following of perverts, but they'll never go anywhere beyond that.

No, I'm just tossing women out of my life because they are all universally awful moronic little shits and are all psychopaths and the maturity of spoiled brats
Women and femininity are the definition of failure.

You sure it wasn't because it was shit until like the fifth damn entry?

No, that just supports my theory: Nobody ever cared about the game even though they've been improving it every game, because all people see is T&A and borderline creepy fanservice.

Tumblr please go.