These are the ugliest swords I've ever seen...

These are the ugliest swords I've ever seen. I don't think there's a single game in existence with weapons stupider-looking than this.

>he doesn't think the razor sword is the tightest shit
Confirmed for shit taste.

are these the new Legion artifact weapons?

Avid Zelda fan here. Completely agree with you except I think the 4th sword is ok (Fierce Deity's).

Kingdom hearts

Thanks doc

I never understood how the franchise that had the sexy af Master Sword ended up with these garbage things as well.

The second sword looks nice and there's nothing wrong with the first one. But the others are definitely top tier garbage

Thanks, doc.

>Shitting on the Gilded Sword
That shit was dope looking, same with the Razor one.

razor sword and FD are great, fuck you

I like the Razor Sword. I wished it wasn't temporary.

Master Sword is ugly. More importantly it's boring when they keep fudging it into every game, along with the Hylian shield.

of the few things MM did right it was not sucking OoT's cock which is ironic given how many assets they copy pasted. Even with copying shit it was still more original than any Zelda since.

they look awful in these renders

Looked sexy as shit with lighting and reflective shaders on the 64

I never liked any of the Majora swords except for Great Fairy's. I don't understand it. In game the model and icon looked fucking rad to me. Plus it was goddamn huge.

thanks doc.

thanks doc sword

>razor sword looks amazing
>breaks like cheap chinese shit
>get retarded gold sword instead

What the fuck where they thinking?

The helix sword is okay though. Anime as shit but looks videogamey.

The Gilded Sword wouln't be so faggy looking if it didn't have the clown pattern.

Seriously just make the color solid gold.

>the sword with a razor thin blade breaks easily
Why do you think people shit on katanas, user? That shit bends and breaks so easily.

Gilded sword gave me prostate cancer though.

These are incredibly shitty renders of them

what you don't like fullbright?

They don't bend easily, that's why they break.

A bendy sword is a good one.

>Hating on the Razor sword


The others are really ugly though

>All these fags hating on the gilded sword

Razor and Fierce Deity are pretty cool

>More importantly it's boring

Go suck on your sword made of thousand spikes and anal glue.

That isn't the problem, the problem is they picked a less visually appealing sword. You can't go getting all science on me when the other swords have definite things against them maintaining structural integrity. The helix blade looks like it'd warp in one strike, and that great fairy sword would be like slapping someone with a plank, and has a definite weak point near at the bottom. The gilded sword's main difference from the razor sword is that it's made with gold. Even if it's just a thin coating of it, there's no reason it should really be stronger unless the guy making it just gained a few braincells putting it together and decided "this time i will make a sword that DOESN'T break"

This is a videogame, and the razor sword looks cooler, that's basically that. It should have been the good, non-breaking one on those virtues alone.

>the piece of shit sword isn't the one made of maleable gold

Theyre the most unique and inventfull swords ive seen.

You're right, I kinda used the wrong words there. From what I understand is that the metal is too brittle and thin from how they're forged and how shit the iron was, so the bending breaks them against something harder than cloth and flesh.

Point is Razor Sword a shit.

Fuck you, Razor Sword is a fucking neat design.

I guess more than anything it's the fact that it has two blades connected by those strips of metal. If it's supposed to be thin enough to be razor sharp it feels like it's just going to become uneven after a while between the two blades, and the tiny back blade is kind of useless in the first place. I'd rather it just have the front blade in the center.

So the Great Fairy Sword is the best because it's a big as hunk of metal you can just crash down onto someones skull.

What the fuck was up with making the Razor sword a shitty breakable upgrade?

They use it everywhere in promotional material but you'll only see it for an hour in the game. Wasted potential.

The marketing guys realized that it looked way cooler than any of the actually decent swords

Pretty disappointed that the Razor Sword wasn't in BotW

Do you know what gilded means?

It's not made of gold, it's just decorated with it.