So Riot finally redid the lore for Ahri, Wukong, Nami and Rengar to retcon them into becoming part of that new "Vastaya" race they came up with.
So Riot finally redid the lore for Ahri, Wukong, Nami and Rengar to retcon them into becoming part of that new "Vastaya" race they came up with.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Furry pandering
another reason never to touch that game again
Idgaf, the only good thing that came from League are tits.
>giving a fuck about lore
>giving a fuck about mobas
Post 'em.
I don't play LoL I just like posting the girls. Nice taste.
>caring about lore past the Journal of Justice
>caring about lore past summoners
>caring about lore past Anthony "Just fuck my wife" Burch touching Vayne's and Garens lore.
Vayne's new lore is pretty damn good though.
No, its not. No modern lore is any good.
Vayne's is.
You're wrong, simple as that.
YOU'RE wrong. Even simpler.
Post Sona
got eeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
>Defending the writing of Anthony Burch
lmaoin at u
>Refending the writing of Anthony Burch
blarble shnarp
no one cares
Then why are you here?
Who gives a shiiiiiiiiiiit. We slut thread now
Riot reworked their abysmal lore every 6 months since they removed Champion's Judgment so who the fuck cares
Those two new champs they just added are hot fucking garbage as characters. Their dialogue is so embarrassing it almost seems ironic
>I will punch your soul in the face
Who STILL plays this shit?
No, not really. There was one big rework years ago and they have been VERY slowly making everything consistent with the rework since then.
True, only Riot could get away with taking such an obnoxiously long time on this, but it's all the same big lore rework. Not multiple separate ones.
>it's another league of legends thread where the marketer dumps sona porn on proxies to keep it bumped and on the front page
why isn't this bannable
You sound like a shill or a person that started playing last year at the earliest
Wait people actually read lore in a moba?? A game where you literally just press qwer 1234567 and your mouse and want to commit genocide when you suck
Wasn't all that stuff about the league and summoners retconned?? Now the game is just a spinoff of the lore.
Nah, you have no idea what Riot does.
It would be rude to ban paying advertisers who paid for this advertising slot
Don't bother user. That user thinks everyone is a marketer.
Yeah, he is dumb. And I prefer Lissandra's ears.
All these lore changes are pretty cringe desu
I think they're pretty awesome!
fuck out Anthony
i guess so
Apparently I'm a furry now
I miss her.
I'm banned and refuse to go back.
Your own fault anyway. We're better off without you.
I'm better off without the game really. If I actually liked it I probably would have tried not to get banned.
I still love Sona though.
just what do you get out of replying to yourself like this?
nobody here wants to discuss your numale cuckold game. league of legends will never be accepted on Sup Forums.
fuck off.
this, its the only reason i still play is just for the tits and reneckton
>/vg/ was made because of league threads
>will never be accepted
This, Sup Forums is an official League of Legends site.
But I just said I was banned, I don't even play the game.
Why are you so upset?
go back to reddlt and take your "game" with you
your marketing game is very weak, pitiful even. it's like something anthony burch would come up with.
>thread immediately slides to page 8
you lose here just like you lost the election :^)
>page 8 again
league = hillary
Sup Forums = trump
You reminded me of something funny.
What the fuck.
what do leftists find funny nowadays? bill nye?
How about this? Seeing you getting owned was pretty funny.
that's not me but that guy clearly has the right idea
not that these threads need any help to die
Go to bed.
There's no way he believes that.
Just complain that it it eastern culture erasure to do that to Wukong and Ahri.
Their lore is still basically the same, though.
How could Ahri be a fox that got transformed into a demihuman if she is a vastaya?
How could Wukong be a god but not realize it if he is just a vastaya?
Have you actually LOOKED at the new lore? There are all kinds of vastaya. It's just another race like human is a race and there's fox vastaya and monkey vastaya just like there's asians and black people.
Being born a foxhuman is quite different from being a fox turned into a human, what is the new explanation for Ahri stealing souls?
Or why is new wukong born from a rock?
I read up on it, Wukong is no longer the monkey king at all. Random vastayan that became friends with Yi.
And Ahri is just a straight up murderer.
is League of Legends really a neomarxist propaganda tool? it would seem that way tbqh given how they ban people for words and all the cuck characters they make
>what is the new explanation for Ahri stealing souls?
She eats it for sustenance, like you or I would eat bread.
>Or why is new wukong born from a rock?
That is actually accurate to Sun Wukong.
New Wukong lore wise has nothing to do with Sun Wukong anymore, he is just a random vastayan with a stick now.
Yeah, my point is Riot doesn't like their lore to be based on existing things. I'm sure they'd change his name if they could.
Cait x Vi canon when?
It already is.
>Cait x Vi
But they are fine with disconneting the lore from the abilities of champs. Neither nimbus strike, decoy or the death animation wukong has makes sense anymore.
I mean the game literally says "Welcome to Summoner's Rift" when you load in, Riot has handwaved everything by insisting the game is unrelated to the lore. For some reason.
Jesus christ.
Lee Sin?
>mfw Lee literally got a God skin
It must a be a god hand reference.
Actually I think it's meant to be a reference to Iron Fist. The glowing orange fist can't be a coincidence.
Riot's pretty on the nose with stuff like that. Like they released Camille right at the same time Dishonored 2 came out.
>dishonored 2
game was a massive flop. coincidence?
Yeah, considering League of Legends made 1.7 billion last year.
funny how it seems like league is at its all time low right now though. all my friends quit ages ago and nobody in any of my circles talks about it ever
must be big with the chinks huh :^)
Go to bed. I heard from an insider that there's going to be a new thread at approximately 12 PM PST. You need to be ready for it.
whom are you referring to friend :^)
Do you need me to convert that to your time zone?
What is your time zone?
Incest is haram.
It's all a red herring, Vi's sister is Sona.
Who was here for the s2 meta when the game was actually good? I hated Morello at the time, but it turns out he was right about healing being retarded.
Morello has always been a fucking idiot. He ruined Guild Wars and then went on to ruin League.
Pic related: Another moron from S2 who has thankfully been gone for years despite never actually being fired.
>riot game employee
>ever right about anything
riot game employee detected
Not anyone in your reply chain. I quit lol because they reworked Quinn, im happy i did because they keep fucking up every character i like.