Remind me what the point of this character was

Remind me what the point of this character was

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Hey, shut up and let us have whacky characters. Look at party members like cait sith and red xiii vs the cast of ff15.

Mental retardation, but that's the point of the whole cast really

there's a guy who controls the cat and then the cat controls the moogle with a megaphone

it's fucking gay to be honest, I hate this character and I don't like using him

>They ruined his design in one of the newer FF titles

He revealed what the sephiroth clones were (in a deleted scene)

>You will have to hear his name pronounced correctly in the Remake
Literally worse than Aeris/th

His name is fucking Cat Shit

Every character in 7 is shit and irrelevant to the plot except Tifa and Cloud. All the others are random retards who join up without having any real stake in the entire thing.

I actually liked him, he was in my party as often as possible

He's a robot controlled by Reeve Shinra's head of urban development. He might be mostly autonomous, and just taking orders since Reeve gets detained but Cait Sith continues to operate.

I don't know who built him, it's pretty ridiculous that an urban planner did.

Obligatory furry joke character.

>entire planet in danger
>without any real stake in the entire thing

Cid is pretty based.

No joke, it's my favourite party member; and of course, i can't wait to see how it's gonna be ruined in the remake.

>barret hates shinra
>vincent hates hojo
>red's granddad was like "world's dying go help these chucklefucks"

Aside from that you're pretty much right. Most of the rest of the cast pretty much joined on a whim or literally because they didn't have anything else to do.

At least until later in the game when everyone realized the world's going to shit and they want to stop it.

Even best girl's initial reasoning was just "lol i wanna take their shit"

Doesn't he have naturally good magic?

Shame he was so shitty in combat.

He was initially a little beefy but by disc 3 it doesn't matter what characters you're using outside of their limits. And his are shit.

Reeve is a good character you colossal homo.

Without using sources of the various stats, is there a list out there of who has the highest what? From what I recall Aeris' magic was through the damn roof.

Cloud has the highest magic, Barret has highest hp and that's all I remember. Barret also has one of the highest STR I think?

She wanted their shit because losing the war made her land a soft, pathetic tourist trap. It's a pride issue for her.

That's interesting. Would have thought Cloud had the highest strength.

Balanced with High attack, best limits

frail, , decent magic/spirit, everything else is trash. great limits lmao


Great attacker, high dex/luck, bad limits comparitively

High strength, vit, low everything else. Great limits

High dex. That's it. Meh limits, but good variety in them.


Decent spirit/magic, high luck. His limits can give you an instant game over.


High vit, decent strength/dex, great limits


High dex/luck, decent str, low spirit fucking great limits


High magic/spirit/luck, low everything else. His limits will get you killed.

>His limits will get you killed.

You lose control over him. I remember my first playthrough I got all hyped to use him on the first boss after you get him. He spammed fire attacks on the Materia Keeper. The Materia Keeper absorbs fire attacks.

this is a very fond memory of mine

Yeah it's hilarious. I was like ten, and very confused.

One refreshing idea was to make that thing the villain's spy on the group. Usually you don't expect the weirdo comedy relief characters to be the backstabbing villains.

>His limit can give you an instant game over
You can also fudge his reels to 1-hit even Ruby or Emerald weapon. Ruby apparently requires you to spam circle to prevent a feature that makes it so the last reel moves even if you line it up properly, as I understand it. Never tried it personally.

Comic relief as well as the residual traitor.
Also pretty much exists to throw off expectations of a party member death by seemingly dying only to come back like nothing happened right before Aerith runs off to the Temple of the Ancients.

Yeah Reeve's arc was cool. Especially since you can see hints of his feelings on Shinra in the very beginning of the game when he's the only one in the board meetings that doesn't immediately agree with dumping the plate on a bunch of civilians.

But infiltrating the group with remote employee controlling a robot cat controlling a robot moogle makes no fucking sense even for Shinra.

Plus iirc, Shinra busts him after he changes tunes and is actually on your side and he somehow keeps controlling the cat controlling the moogle so what the fuck?

>Vincent looks like a vampire
>one transformation makes him into a werewolf
>another makes him Frankenstein
>the third makes him a serial killer
>the last one makes him Satan
>tfw you realize that Vincent was originally called a "Horror Researcher"
You have to admit that this was a pretty interesting concept.

Imo it's a lot like Tifa's limits. Sure it can be really good, but why not just use all creation/omnislash/highwind/whatever the fuck barret's limit was and get 9999's like 18 times without having to rely on rng or weird ass slotwheels that don't always work the way they should.

And in the concepts for the game, like early concepts that were partially recycled into Parasite Eve, he was a New York detective looking into a case that would've reached into conspiracy and superhuman genetics research. Hell, he was originally supposed to be the protagonist, before a lot of revisions and broadening of the scope created the world, Shinra and Cloud in the long-term.

Yeah, what the fuck, why can't we just have all human protagonists like all the other bland wrpgs

>vincent as a noir-esque detective instead of a pseudo vampire edgelord cuckhold

Fuck that would've been sick.

Well I agree, but you know after all these years I didn't know you could pause/slow the reel with square. Basically any reel can be fudged like this. Battle square especially makes getting omnislash, final attack and w-summon a breeze.

He's cute


It's a real shame that after something as awesome and so practical as Doom of the Living, for her level 4 limit Yuffie gets a shitty one-hit area attack.

preddy gud theme

Everyone in ff vii has ties to shine a. Its one of the few jpegs where every character is relevant to the villain

Cloud = got experimented on, had his best friend killed, and hometown destroyed

Tifa = hometown destroyed

Barret = hometown destroyed, lost arm, thought he lost dyne, lost family, lost biggs, wedge, Jessie

Aeris = is an ancient with familial ties to shinra as well as being stalled over the years

Red Xiii = experimented on

Vincent = experimented on, lover experimented on, ex shinra employee

Cid = robbed of his dreams

Yuffie = hometown pillaged and held under control

Cait Sith = works at shinra


Cait Sith is just another form of Toriyamas' autism. Before he was making waifu games he was forcing as much silliness as possible into every game that he could. Most of the cut content in final fantasy games is just stuff that he was throwing in and someone happened to notice and was like "dude stop screwing around and finish the game".