This is the pinnacle of graphics
I DARE YOU to post a better looking game
This is the pinnacle of graphics
I DARE YOU to post a better looking game
What game is this?
who gives a shit tho?
Uncharted 4
The most amazing thing is that it runs well on the weak ass ps4. Those guys are masters of programming.
baka tbqh senpai
>30fps corridor game
>looks worse than 60fps shooters
how is this running well
>that background
>it runs well
it's 30 fps locked
>pinnacle of graphics
>proceeds to shot 2013 graphics
So this is the power of PS4
It runs well for console standards. If you played far cry 3 or skyrim on console you would know how shitty the experience is. I wasn't comparing it to games from the almighty pc.
Im positive that level was deigned for PS3, looks so fucking bad
Looks like concept art
Guess which came this is.
fucking boring landscape
literally all about tech, not creation
Wildlands is probably the best
The Draw Distance is incredible
This reminds me im looking forward to the new Shadow of Mordor game :D
Tomb Raider looks good from a distance, but not up close.
Also, children don't know that its much,much harder to make surreal places realistic so add +10 points on this pic.
Same with Witcher 3
I thought this was half life 2 at first
you said better looking right? because the Realism meme needs to fucking stop.
Honestly it's that hunting game. Even if it's shit (I've never played it/have no interest in it) it looked ridiculously good. Other top contenders are bf1 and battlefront
This guy gets it. I'll take sylized art over realism any day.
TW3,Farcry#, or Crysis# maybe even Skyrim or Fallout, postprocess is farting in my eyes.
fuck, I really feel sad when those consolepeople start making graphic threads, its really too easy....
>TW3,Farcry#, or Crysis# maybe even Skyrim or Fallout, postprocess is farting in my eyes.
Not even close!
Imagine those lips on your dick
arma a shit
>You will never rub your dick all over that face
Not that guy, but kinda nah, Tomb Rider is so low poly it hurts, also this TR pic makes me hate nvidia (i get it, they watch their asses on the long run,because you cant upgrade photorealistic graphics so no reason to release new GPU every year) just so much so much for ruining tessellation as common practice.
Crysis 3, everything else still looks like shit compared to it.
Dude, look at the fucking background, those trees and dirt. Just saying, the best looking game of all time should have a good draw distance
neck yourself
I personally like style of Dishonored.
holy shit this looks like a cg movie
>list a ton of unrelated games
>still get it wrong
You're a fucking disgrace.
It looks pretty good from a super far shot.
yeah when you filter the living fuck out of anything it obscures detail and looks better. In this case the insane camera makes it so you cant even see anything without the filters.
>EA bullshot shit
Nice try
What filter?
That's gameplay, idiot
Whats the Japanese shot? One of the Shadow Warrior games?
moar sweet graffix
it looks great in cherry picked bullshots at 4k with no hud/weapon visible
I bought it just to see if it really looked that good in realtime and natively at 1080p with maxed settings it was kind of a mess with aliasing and shimmering all over the place especially while moving the camera. it has plenty of bad textures and parts of the map that flat out don't look good at all. ran at ~100 fps though which was nice so I enabled DSR and downsampled to 4k and it certainly looked nicer but still somewhat off. the bloom/diffusion are kinda disgusting and make it look really fake and I couldn't find any way to disable them. the water looks like shit no matter what, the lighting is way too vibrant and overwhelming at times, and the animations and effects are all kinda ugly which make it look significantly worse while actually playing. ended up refunding because I don't particularly care for the gameplay either.
that's pre baked lighting on a custom map made specifically to look good. there's also a mod present that changes the lighting/TOD slightly and adds that horrendous camera bob but most of the magic is in the map. I had that exact mod on my install a while ago and loading into a normal MP game looked okay but the custom ones looked a lot better.
it certainly looks cool but I wouldn't say it looks good, I'd never actually play a game that looked like this
my vote for best visuals goes to either modded W3 or GTA 5 with the currently unreleased simple aesthetics mod. plenty of games look great in still shots of special areas but these two look consistently great in gameplay as well.
>Dat low res skybox
>Copypasted trees
>Generic post-processing
Looks like trash desu
>relies on mods
So, I'm still right, dipshit kiddies. It's a fucking base game graphics thread.
Nice Berserk reference
What mods? They just boosted the color.
>It's a fucking base game graphics thread.
Says who?
Meme Meme Online. At least post something that can't be reverse googled.
>acting smug when he didn't even guess
No point in trying to guess if I can google it.
>no u
Thanks for the laugh.
>dithering out the ass and low res textures is considered good
This. Witcher 3 is still amazing looking.
Not even better than Crysis 3. Consoles are still playing catch-up.
Not even a real game.
stlm doesn't count
Because its shit?
The first one doesn't even look like it, stlm makes skellige glow in a retarded way
Mine isn't stlm, just 4k vanilla. I tried stlm once and immediately uninstalled that shit. It made my game look like this.
thats stlm alright, its like the dude only checked how his settings in only bright sunlight and nothing else
looks like an extremely old version, it looks like this nowadays
Yeah, I really don't get the praise. Vanilla looks good enough for me in 4k.
Name one(1) game that proves this, hardmode: a game that was made in the past 5 years
When will outdated pc garbage catch up with 2013 console?
I wish I could run it at 4k, can't even get stable framerate at 1440p sadly. Its the one game pretty enough to bother with trying to max out though.
Clouds still look awful and it still doesn't look anything like the E3 build.
That's horizon?
I thought the game was garbage
Is v lying again?
>tfw not gimp down by pc port
>still doesn't look anything like the E3 build.
No game does bar DICE's super-static environments.
I upgraded just so I could run it at 4k.
Looks worse than horizon