What are some good games to healslut in

What are some good games to healslut in

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None. Gw1 was a great game to healslut but its all dead now. Can't think of a single "Fun" healer in any game right now.

Also I posted the image. Threads over right or is there a new edit?

I like XIV since I can do significant dps while waiting for health bars to drop below 75%.


That's not "the image". That's a newfag version of a (much better) sequence of image macros involving the healer fuccboi

A Healer Only Lives Twice.

Do you have a female vagina?


Do you have a boy vagina?

Of sorts...?

Well post it?

Do you have a cute feminine penis?

It's small and it's been called cute...

Do you have a small, soft feminine body?

Yes! I take really good care of my skin...

It's only cute if it has foreskin.

Are you curvy?

I was circumcised but it's so small that it still covers it completely...
More than a boy normally is...

you seem cute

Ah, thank you!

do you have somewhere i can add you and we can talk?

>Homoerotic Roleplay thread while mods are asleep
ftfy op

Are you hairy?

Uhm, I'm not a very interesting person, you'd probably get bored of me fast...

i bet you'd be surprised.


No, I have very little body hair compared to most boys and I shave the rest. I don't like hair on my body.
I mean, I guess it's up to you...

Both of you are gay

If you make one more post ending in ellipses like some pixie faggot, I'm gonna give you a spanking like you deserve you cock gobbling fucksock.

yeah i know

i'd love to talk to you. you can delete after a little if you want.

Okay, sorry.
Um, how would you prefer to talk?

discord, steam, kik, email, whatever

or are you just going to keep stringing me along like the attentionwhore you are?

How tall are you?

Healsluts are fucking overdone and boring as fuck. The old healer who shows fatherly love and compassion towards everyone is a lot cooler in my opinion.

That's kind of mean, I don't know if I want to talk to you now.
I'm shorter than most boys.

>Playing Healer.
>At boss in raid.
>Tank taking an anal pounding from the boss like a good little slut.
>Suddenly mobs spawn.
>Tank bursts into tears "its too much" he sobs pitifully "they will split me in half" as tears and snot runs down his face.
>His tears arouse me, i flip a copper into the crowd of gibbering DPS peons.
>They start to squabble and scramble to grab the copper, like a flock of pigeons fighting over breadcrumbs.
>One plucky DPS finally emerges, clutching his newfound wealth, he knows what to do.
>I unzip my huge manhood, at first i see a glimmer of fear in his eyes but he quickly gets to work, sucking as if his life depends on it (it does)
>"Enough" my majestic voice booms like thunder.
>With a single movement of my hand I push the DPS filth to the ground face first and aim my now throbbing erection towards the Tank who is hardy conscious by this point.
>"Let there be light" The sheer grandeur of my voice causes the Boss to momentarily pause.
>I shoot my Divine Healing Cum all over the face of the tank.
>"T-t-t-t-t-thank you Master" the Tank whimpers as he slurps and gobbles up my life giving jiz

Good cumdump.

i don't think you ever wanted to talk to me, honestly

I'm not a cumdump.
I did, but I don't want to talk if you're going to be rude to me, I get enough of that as it is.

if that's really true, then i apologize. i feel like 80% of cute boys like you just want attention. if that's not you, i'd still like to talk

If you're not a cumdump then you have no reason to post here like you're trying to find a tank daddy to stuff you with his dick, bitchboy.

i would laugh at this delusional healslut too

What clothes do you wear?

>tfw in reality your just a heal slut waiting for daddies cummies

discipline healing in legion is fun in a gimmicky and simple kind of way

its fun being able to just constantly damage and heal yourself in pvp

Um, would you post email and Steam then? If you're rude to me again, I don't think I'm going to want to talk with you.
I never said anything about that part of anyone. Someone to talk with and play games with would be nice though.
Bright, colorful clothes, they're my favorite. Lots of whites, blues and oranges.

Get down on your knees and beg your master for healing

I've actually played through most of Final Fantasy 12 as a healer since the auto-battle covered most of the normal encounters, was pretty fun

You can make anyone the healer in the IZJS version

Okay, I emailed you.

Then post contact info instead of prancing around about how cute you are and what kind of clothes you wear, faggot.

I didn't call myself cute... I'm just answering questions that people ask me.

>shit healer who can't keep up with any decent tank
Reddit drew this didn't they?

>deleting his post
what a prissy little princess that [email protected] faggor is

How long is your hair?

>Tank is fighting boss
>Optimising his cooldowns and positioning the boss to give His dps the ultimate position for maximising dps
>Dps barely notice the tanks skill as they smash their weapons into the thick rump of the enemy, loud dubstep ringing in their ears
>Eventually the boss falls and everyone gathers round the tank for a boss kill screenshot, this large bulk taking centre stage as he gloriously poses over the fallen corpse.

Nobody ever notices you until you fuck up healslut, just shut your fucking mouth and do your job.

have fun with the agro

What did I tell you about using ellipses, slut? It makes you sound like a spineless whore, you know.

Everyone has appchan, you can't escape fucker.

My hair is 27 inches long. In 9 more inches, it'll be down to my butt!
I'm not a slut or a whore... You said that I only couldn't end sentences like that and I've been sticking to that!

you seem really cute user

Whatever, slut. What games do you like to whore yourself out in then.

>Posting the shit version

How deep is your voice?

>This is Sup Forums in 2017
All the OP wanted was a game with clerics, Jesus Christ

I was thinking of trying FFXIV again and starting a new character. Anybody wanna be my personal healslut?

Thank you very much, it's kind of you to say that.
I'm not a slut or a whore, please stop saying that! I haven't really been playing any multiplayer games lately because my friends haven't really been too into them. If I had people to raid with, I'd probably play FFXIV. I main Astrologian!
Not very, I usually get mistaken for a girl even after I talk. I'm told it could go either way.

I want to make sweet love to you, what server are you on?

That's pretty cute.

Oops the screenshot says it, silly me

>this thread

I'm on Behemoth! I'm not actively subbed though. I would gladly show you around my house if I could though, I decorated my room all by myself, I'm rather proud of it.
Thank you, I like spending lots of time playing dressup. I used the oasis stuff from the Gold Saucer for most of the time I mained monk. I like showing off my outfits.

Are you waiting on Stormblood like everyone else

and it's okay, i'm on Ultros anyway

>Playing MMOs
>Playing healslut in MMOs

Fuck off.

>he thinks I need a healer

Someone ban this faggot I wanna hear about fun priests

back to

More or less, I'd probably play if I raided but I'm not a very social person in games, so I keep to myself and have a hard time finding groups. BCoB was really fun though, I wish my groups during it didn't break up. Here's some pictures of my room if you'd like to look, I made a few changes after I took that, like I got my weaver to 60 and made the teddy bear for in between my Tonberry and Moogle plushes.

reminder that these threads are made because there's too many "trap" attentionwhores so the weaker ones who can't write/whore off well enough have to advertise themselves on Sup Forums in an attempt to get attention

also similar to what the FFXIVfag is doing right now, they tend to create samefag discussions with themselves until someone else bites

Not all Friends are as good at their special talent, user. You need to be more forgiving of the weaker members of the pack!

Cleric in Dragon Nest and Priest in DFO are both pretty good

Where do I find the alpha trap attentionwhores?

Not Sup Forums now fuck off

Pretty nice place user, looks comfy!

I'm glad you think so. I look forward to the new housing stuff added in 4.0, I like decorating a lot too.
I'm not talking to myself, I'd try to prove it to you, but I doubt you'd believe me anyway.

I want to fuck you and your cat

I prefer cuddling and having my head pet.

We can do that too

Let's start with just that, please.

Sure cutie

Thank you.


The kind of shit mods get off to

>tfw already have a trap waifu
>tfw he's not a pathetic attention whore on Sup Forums
>tfw not a faggot trying to woo a trap on Sup Forums
feels good desu

>its a tanks and healers overrating their own importance again episode

DPS are dime a dozen. Replacing them means basically nothing compared to replacing a competent healer or tank.

what happened to pretending to be a girls
why does everyone
to be a faggot instead now

where did you get your pure trap waifu? let me know your secrets

Camera phones make it too hard to pretend to be a girl.
Better the honest faggot than the roleplaying girl that can't deliver

>Camera phones make it too hard to pretend to be a girl.
Just take a picture below the neck, not hard.