What games are best to play when drunk?

what games are best to play when drunk?

san andreas

Anything competitive online

haha yeah, I also like to poison myself bro :)

Good fucking times playing that drunk and with a good team.

I legitimately went the first 27 years of my life without ever touching alcohol or drugs. Not for religious reasons. I was always taught that they would ruin my life and only the weak need them.

Do NOT waste your youth sober. Don't listen to all the "say 'no' to drugs" crap, it's all bullshit. You're seriously missing out.

I first tried alcohol one night when I was depressed and it didn't make it worse, as I was told it would, it made me feel much better. Much, much better. Months later I got into several other things which I could get easily, nothing which required too much dodgy work. I had a lot of fun. I only wish I done it when I was younger.

Don't waste your youth, Sup Forums. You can't say "I don't need a vice, my life is great" if you spend all your money on video games anyway.

inb4 health fags try to tell you how wrong and unhealthy it is whilst spending every waking moment chained to the PC/laptop and never seeing the sunlight or interacting with anyone like that's somehow healthy.

haha us water fags gotta stick together bro

Mario Party. Specifically 2.

>living healthy is now something bad

kys, oh wait you already are

Totally ignored what I () said but okay. Remember to stretch your legs and chat with a friend today.

A noose

i like to play league, jump into normals and playing bard

smoke a j you fucking weirdo maybe you'll make some friends


weed xddd

Post bod on /fit/ lets just see how healthy you are.

>tfw got over weed and alcohol before even turning 18
>only drink occasionally
>people actually act like big shit for doing what everyone else does, and try to denigrate others for not doing so

Maybe its better you shut the fuck up and let people live how they want.


Rocket League

Dark Souls

>can't say "I don't need a vice, my life is great"
You said yourself that you were depressed you sad sack of shit

I've found that anything with a fuckload of colors is automatically 200% more enjoyable when wasted.

Path of Exile hardcore

alcohol is great fuck you and all you puritanical fucks
rather be drunk every day of my life than posting on Sup Forums about how cool i am for being sober

It tastes like shit.

come back when you grow some pubes

Russian roulette.
Only game for people who like alcohol.

>alcohol tastes like shit
>don't see the point in drinking some girly fruity drink that masks the taste just so I can get wasted
feels good man

is a genetic tolerance to alcohol a thing?
i drink occasionally, but not enough to build a tolerance, and it has always taken me an absurd amount of alcohol compared to my friends to even get remotely drunk.
is there anyway to circumvent this/get drunk quicker?


Comedian was on about how his friends and he got drunk and played a lower risk Russian roulette

.. where they all hooked up their xboxes with one bullet in the revolver and took turns shooting at their own console. Cue shit where they call customer service and ask them about the warranty

Regardless of the fact no one would care about a lost xbox, I still found it funny and engaging

Switch alcohol types often. I switch beer/wine/liquor about every week and switch types of liquor. Otherwise it takes WAY too much to get drunk after a while and you'll get full off what you like before you feel it.

Also lose weight if that applies to your situation.

Tetris, best with friends on couch and a bottle of vodka and something to mix it with.

Why is Leo always in these pictures when he's a massive stoner?

>Sup Forums is full of degenerates

who would have thought

Great Gatsby, presumably
Matthew Goode's on there because of his character in a film as well, you sillyhead

>and you're trying to add alcoholism to that

Different alcohol doesn't make you drunk differently, you just don't have a good idea of how much you're drinking if you don't know the type bfore


Don't ever do any drugs past weed.
If you are, don't do hard shit like coke or heroine.
At most do salvia. But seriously don't past weed, it is fine.

Good shit but weed still makes you physically addicted. Explain my daily sweating otherwise.

this gentleman knows.

I dont do drugs but this quentin pictures always make me angry. Quentin sounds like a huge retard with a stick up his ass.

>kys, oh wait you already are
You are here too you dumb fuck

Ethanol and other plant-derived drugs aren't really all that bad.

What you should cleanse your life of is animal substances. Consuming those is a slippery slope to cannibalism, murder, rape, pedophilia and zoophilia.

>quentin pictures always make me angry
that's literally the point

But plants have feelings as well
You should only eat fruits that have fallen off trees already, agriculture is murder

It does. Use standard drink measurements such as 1.5oz 80poof liquor 5oz 12-15% wine etc

Im kind aliving vegetarian for the past 2+ weeks. I kinda feel weak albbeit taking in different kind of vitamins. Lost weight and losing hair it seems but it could be stress. Will break the cycle today and eat some chicken hopefully I can shit like a normal human being again wish me luck

Slow, unscripted games do the trick the best for me, especially stalker with mods. Open world grindy mmos do the trick at times too

Creative, but obvious and thus shitty bait.

Explain how this is bait

I wish i could be a vegan, but i like meat too much. I take solace in the fact that 100 years from now most meat we eat will be synthetic.

'Member when this thread was about recommending games and not about arguing about healh issues

I member
Play shit like tf2, battlegrounds, doom or like dying light or some shit, just any game where you can fuck about without any real responsibilities

I never got wasted tho so i don't see the point in drinking shit tasting beverage.
