On Youtube

>On Youtube
>Just watching random videos
>See one that says "Sup Forums the musical"
>Think "what the fuck"
>There are like a million songs

What the actual fuck is this

This one seems the best: youtube.com/watch?v=j5CBhPDQDr4

Other urls found in this thread:




Hi! Did you know, a big part of Sup Forums's etiquette is a process called 'lurking?' Lurking is where you, a new user, only read through threads and refrain from posting until a year or more has passed! It helps you get a nice feel for how we do things around here and it keeps you from looking stupid.

The more you know!

That's really fascinating OP.
Posting best Sup Forums musical youtube.com/watch?v=88RVqSVp0MY




Sup Forums honestly doesn't have enough waifu threads

come on lad. the reason you live here is because chads exclude you from their groups. don't be like chad

2>4>1>>>I don't think anything memorable came of three.



You're pretty new, are you?

Any Sup Forums collaborations inevitably turn into autistic circlejerk garbage, just look at the Sup Forumsgas or the Sup Forums's recommended games wiki. Might as well not even bother desu.

>Sup Forums's recommended games wiki
holy shit, I completely forgot about that

Most people did lol
It's just a list of "Games I think are OK"

I think the musical is nice though. It's just a bunch of disconnected OC, of varying quality. There's no real agenda to it.

I like OC though.

How are Sup Forumsgas a circlejerk?

And the recommended games wiki just got taken over by reddit. Nothing to do with autistic circlejerks.

Post underrated


>How are Sup Forumsgas a circlejerk?
Too many injokes and a general unwarranted air of superiority. It has the same problem as the Sup Forums recommended games wiki in the sense that it doesn't bash SJWs or make highly negative observations, so it just doesn't feel like a product from Sup Forums.

>it doesn't bash SJWs

Which fucking Sup ForumsGAs did you watch?

Are we watching the same Sup Forumsgas?


These awards will always be shit. Not because of the unfunny skits but because Sup Forums can't grasp the concept of categories and just vote for whichever game they like the most (or least).
No Man's Sky had no plot but won Worst Story, and won Biggest Technical Blunder over Mafia III (which was a dozen times buggier at launch), because Sup Forums hates No Man's Sky and will blindly vote for it in every negative category. Doom is clearly an FPS but won best Action/Adventure, has a protagonist with no personality but won Best Character, and won Best Representation of Men over fucking JOJO, because Sup Forums loves Doom and will blindly vote for it in every positive category.



well anyway since this is musical thread, kudos to all who involved for the musical IV because you guys actually made vidya related songs instead of full blown Sup Forums-is-for-shitposting songs


I actually think IV was the best so far. There were a few shitposting songs, but they were good quality, and I thought there was a lot of vidya songs on the whole.


>no autistic circlejerks

>On Google
>Typing in random phrases
>Get one that says "Sup Forums Sup Forums"
>Think "what the fuck"
>There are like a million posts

What the actual fuck is this


Seriously i think, not just Sup Forums, but most of Sup Forums needs to say this more. To many underaged just posting shit

There are 416 total songs in the musical, not including DLC.

Taking these as an average of three minutes each, that's 20.8 hours of content.

I find that quite impressive honestly.

Should I finally get around to uploading The first musical to the dump youtube channel?

If you actually find this shit funny you're a fucking normie. This is all cringe-worthy grade A shit.

>shilling this reddit tier shit
You couldn't just wait till you had to start again. You had to let people know


>How are Sup Forumsgas a circlejerk?

They're made and shilled by the same small group of people. Besides some regurgitated memes it's not a good representation of Sup Forums. Nothing is, which is why the whole idea of a Sup Forums awards show is fucking stupid.