Might as well play a few comp games before I go to bed

Might as well play a few comp games before I go to bed

>lose game
>lose game
>lose game
>lose game while some Ruskie and pre teen laugh at me
>lose game

Ah shucks, w-w-w-well at least there's a new Dva skin coming out

>only available if you play HOTS for a few games with a friend

Are there any better online shooters Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>caring about skins

>this game is bad because I'm bad at playing it
>I play a team game solo and then blame my teammates
>I care about skins

But her new skin is sooooooooo cute and sexy

This is why I reach diamond and just go above 3000 so the decay makes it only stand at 3000.

I can only handle the stress of tier promotion 2 times a season

>Are there any better online shooters Sup Forums?

Just go find any random game on steam and it's bound to be better than Overwatch.


>win 6 games in a row
>lose 4 games in a row
>-30sr than when I started

Good Joke. At least Paladins is free.

I don't want a chinese bootleg, I might as well stick with L4D2 and mod new guns in there

I'm pretty sure that Battleborn was taken off of Steam for being a waste of bandwidth

Me on legaue of legends
>Get to silver
>demote all the way down to bronze 4
>contemplate quitting
Man, these "SUPER OP NEW KOREAN META BUILD!! WILL BE NERFED ITS SO BROKEN!!!!" vids are ruining lol so bad. Please stop trying out champions and builds in ranked.
Do overwatch players suffer this same problem? I guess it wouldn't be as bad since there isn't any items but i'm sure people take champions they have no idea how to play into ranked.

You belong at the skill level you play at. It's proven that good players will climb regardless of skill level.
If you stuck in a bracket it only means that you belong there.

Also Ruskis are usually good just don't cross them and do what they tell you to do or else they punish you for being an asshole.

Paladin if you want basically the same game for free with better gameplay, TF2 if you want the superior experience.


>Paladin if you want basically the same game for free with better

Are you meming me? Can you give some examples? Haven't played either Overwatch or Paladins.

Stop playing support.

What skin?

It's police officer Dva


no not really, the far bigger problem is people who have been tilted all night like OP saying fuck it and playing widowmaker and torb

the closest thing to what you just described is probably complete morons trying dive comp

Blizzard pays people to throw games to deflate SR growth

I'm related to an employee

>every single time I lose it's my fault

To a lesser extent. I would say the bigger problem is people not cooperating with teammates who pick an "off-meta" hero. An example of this would be the hero Hanzo. He's a fine hero pick if you/your teammate knows how to play him (duh), and he synergizes particularly well with another hero named Zarya - or, more specifically, their Ultimate abilities synergize well together.

Regardless of all this, the most likely thing to happen is this type of flame-fest:
>"Select your hero"
>You/teammate picks Hanzo
>"Can we not have a Hanzo?"
>"switch hanzo"
>"reported for throwing"

That's just an example of the worst-case scenario. I know that this doesn't always happen, but I do know that some heroes have a really hard time thriving in the competitive environment because their team isn't willing to cooperate - especially at lower levels of play.

>playing online shooters the underage genre

I should also address that, like said, there are some games where people will pick these "off-meta" heroes to intentionally throw the game for one reason or another. This does happen a fair amount, and it's one of the reasons heroes like Hanzo get a bad name.

i'm not a hanzo main btw

>average hanzo player has 5k dmg avg with a 27% accuracy rate with 2 mins on fire out of 35 hours playing


Maybe so. Maybe the Hanzo player isn't that good. But maybe the Hanzo player is also trying to get better with him, and is willing to communicate in-game. If you have a player like that, I don't think it's productive to flame them. Work with them. Graviton Surge + Dragonstrike(?) can carry games.

Grow the fuck up

Good luck climbing on EU solo queue in silver, gold and plat with absolute retards who don't know the basics of the game and/or people who don't care about winning and pick meme heroes. Also Russians. Just yesterday I played with a russian Widow on KOTH, it was 2 - 2 , he camped in some sniper spot away from the fight, got killed in 2 seconds, blamed the healers, flamed us and threw an easily winnable game. Tell me how this is my fault retard.

play 5 games of hots with a friend sometime next week to unlock it. If you play 5 this week with a friend you can get oni genji. 2 weeks from now, playing 5 games with a friend nets you 10 loot boxes in HOTS and OVerwatch

>Are there any better online shooters Sup Forums?

Yes, but you won't like my suggestions if you lose game after game of OW

How are you not bored to death of Overwatch yet.

It was good fun for a couple of months but the fact that they've designed it from the ground up so as to be so competitively focused, so fucking tryhard to the max just by virtue of how everything in the game is pitched as a 'serious competitive esports experience' that there's no variation in how rounds play out and there are so few maps that it gets boring fucking fast.

It'll never be as fun as TF2 was in its heyday because Blizzard will never ever do shit like allowing custom servers, maps etc because of 'SERIOUS COMPETITIVE GAME'

It's just so fucking gay

>Might as well play a few comp games before I go to bed
>play a few comp games
You have only yourself to blame.

not an unreasonable proposition. how long is the average hots game?

They do custom servers now

few minutes against bots

fuck off to arcade or some shit if you want to learn how to click lmb

And you can't play against bots for the D.Va skin.

seems like they learned from last event.

>Quick Play
>Server Browser

All of these things exist and are exactly the opposite of what you claim the game is. Your post implies that you haven't played in a while, so you wouldn't be aware of the Arcade/Server Browser, but even if that is the case, you should be well aware that Quick Play is not, by any means, a "'serious competitive esports experience'".

If you don't enjoy the game anymore, just say that. Don't generalize and assume that because you see the game in a certain way, everybody else sees it that way too. Some people like Play vs. AI, some people like to play a game of six Symmetras with their friends, and some people like that - here I go quoting again - "'serious competitive esports experience'". Different people find value in different things, and different people play the game for different reasons.

Literally anything else.

>obligatory "Who even plays this anymore? haha" post

>Are there any better online shooters Sup Forums?