Ubisoft is kill

>Reuters says that Vivendi is on track to "allay investor concerns about its strategy, mixed results and poor share performance" by acquiring advertising firm Havas as well as Ubisoft.

Press S to spit on grave

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South park games bring bad luck

And nothing of value was lost.

>ubisoft taken over by vivendi
I'm conflicted about this. When they had activision they made some good games but half the other companies they acquired were just ran straight into the ground

How the fuck is this even possible? Ubisoft is the top company of 2017, Wildlands and For Honor are still topping all weekly charts weeks/months after release and Ubi is making very good games lately. Fuck Vivendi and fuck Chris Metzen


>Ubisoft's CEO has been fiercely against the notion of a takeover, claiming that it would ruin the publisher's creative output; Ubisoft has shown the capability to repeatedly introduce new IP, whether that's Watch Dogs, Steep, For Honor or VR efforts like Eagle Flight.


who cares?

In all honesty, does this even matter? When the fuck was the last time Ubisoft made a good game. Shit, when the fuck was the last time Ubisoft made anything unique?

Seriously, who gives a flyung fuck about Ubisoft anymore?


Well you see, a publically traded company has this stuff called stock which is bought and sold by investors. Another company can also acquire large amounts of this stock until it holds the majority and effectively takes over the smaller company.

Maybe Vivendi will fix them up.

Rainbow Six Siege is great. Last worthwhile game they made since FC3

siege got better but its still flawed on fundamental level


>Ubi is making very good games lately

>Rainbow Six Siege
This, it's probably the best shooter on the market right now.


how so?

Do it, you piece of filth.

>How the fuck is this even possible?
If they're public, another company just needs enough money to buy 51%.

Post yfw you will witness Ubisoft's death in your lifetime

Uhh, Black Flag?

Although maybe I just never got tired of it because Uplay stopped working on my computer 15 hours in so it never overstayed its welcome.

Just hope to see more rayman before everything goes to shit.

They've done nothing remarkable aside from Rainbow Six Siege.

d o n o t d o i t

>yfw the western game crashes since the industry can't sustain billion dollar game budgets
>yfw the east is fine since their budgets never grew out of control and they can make a profit on 500,000 sales
A new golden age is coming baby, I can feel it


Yamero user!

Evidence? Source?

>Ubi is making very good games lately

Do tell, have they done anything remarkable aside from Siege?



>Ubi is making very good games lately


>Ubi is making very good games lately

Now remove your hand.


I don't think even Ubisoft deserve a hostile, unwanted takeover.

I can still see the thumb, you fucking amateur, 2/10 for the effort.

For Honor. But their updates suck right now. It's basically where Siege was a year ago.


It does.


>Ubi is making very good games lately

This isn't Sup Forums.

Don't worry, every time this happens anyone with any skill packs their bags and either joins a better company or starts their own studio, so only good things can come from this. The talent at Ubisoft gets to escape and do their own thing while all the dregs stay and make a good salary driving the western games industry into the ground

Do another

>Ubisoft sells out and starts making almost nothing but generic mainstream trash.
>Becomes so profitable that Vivendi catches their scent.
>Ubisoft is now desperately trying to not get bought and suddenly starts preaching about how much theh love gaming and value creativity.

Fucking poetic justice.



>day before Vivendi signs the contract Yves announces 300 new beloved vanity projects that Vivendi has to personally cancel or ruin
I can only dream

who the hell keeps buying ubisofts garbage games?


Go search on the panda. There aren't many english ones involving her.
Gaeru's in the name. They also have a Chun-li one translated.


I have a friend that only buy asscreed and mass effect, although I've been very slowly swaying him towards trying so Japanese games since the last 3 or 4 games he bought even he recognized were completely abysmal

the fuck man

you know we're on a blue board right?

I don't wanna have to see that shit


I unironically want this to happen.

He will remain dead.

>Ubisoft will die in your lifetime
About fucking time.

maybe he'll actually get a 3d game


>>Ubi is making very good games lately

Wow, that's a cool trick!

>yfw Vivendi sells him
to playtonic

How does Vivendi still exist?

>Being loyal to companies
>Actually concerning yourself if a company is taken over
kys yourselves, all of you

Everyone here is excited about Ubisoft dying, that's the complete opposite of being loyal to companies.


>Ubi is making very good games lately


user, I've got bad news.


Fucking finally. Maybe there's hope for HoMM after it was mercilessly raped by ubi.

How was VII? I played Vi and, well. You know.

Read the thread, faggot

last two games were better than the first rayman game and you think its dead?

>HoMM after it was mercilessly raped
I remember when I used to like Ubisoft.

>Ubi is making very good games lately

>implying they won't just turn into to a mobile game



Nobody cares about Ubisoft. I want to see EA/Bioware die

>Ubi is making very good games lately


>Ubisoft is the top company of 2017
>Ubi is making very good games lately

VI wouldn't even be so bad if not for Conflux shit and Black Hole being dead

>and Ubi is making very good games lately

Where to start? First of all the game is unfinished and barely playable+Full of bugs and reused models etc.

I mean, maybe its better than 6 because of added resources and etc etc? But no that was on paper. The game feels like a cheap indie garbage. The literal definition of a cashgrab.

They also tried to copy HoMM5 but oh the irony. You know that skillwheel which a lot of people came to like eventually? Ubi said it was flawed and btfo'd H5 fans as well and made their own version of it which is a total abomination.

Oh and that flanking mechanic. It didn't add anything new or another layer of strategy like they were advertising. On the contrary they removed like 70% of creature abilities and instead slapped some of them with 'this unit can't be flanked' 'this unit can't be flanked'. It was hilarious.

You realize a "hostile bid" is literally aggressively dumping money on the majority shareholders until they say "Okay! Enough! Take it!"?

In no way are the people responsible for the poor decisions in any way being "punished". The only ones who will suffer are the actual artists, programmers, and writers.

>Good! They deserve it!!!
Except they have nothing to do with what things get the green light or make it through the aggressively retarded focus groups, design committees, or the retarded deadlines that result in cutting corners.

Yeah Black Flag was alright and it was also 4 years ago.

>Ubi is making very good games lately

they choose to work for Ubisoft, they deserve it

stop replying to you own post

I heard about this and it couldn't have happened to a better company.

>fuck Chris Metzen
He dindu? Why are you hating on Chris?

Maybe I would care if I didn't have to use Uplay.

>Ubi is making very good games lately
So what did he mean by this?

>People actually think this is a good thing

If you thought Ubisoft was making generic shit before, you haven't seen anything yet. Vivendi will make things twice as bad, suck every single Ubisoft IP dry until they're run into the ground, and then sell off to company when it's nearly destroyed for pennies

There's nothing good about Vivendi getting their hands on any company

Sounds good to me.