Is there any reason why someone would choose Soul Silver over Heart Gold?
Is there any reason why someone would choose Soul Silver over Heart Gold?
its all about the frags
silver is a nicer color and I want to fuck Lugia
Because they're the same hipsters that chose blue, sapphire, pearl, white, and X.
Teddiursa and Skarmory
I remember with the originals, you'd want silver because lugia was better to have earlier in the game.
Is this not the case anymore?
That said, what's the reason to pick heart gold over soul silver?
They're not homosexual
Lugia > stupid rainbow birb
Lugia has a better design, but Ho-oh has a better theme. That shit's sick.
Soul Silver has better exclusives, and capturing Ho-Oh second makes more sense narratively.
I had silver when I was younger
Got it backwards dipshit
you mean black
>That said, what's the reason to pick heart gold over soul silver?
Primeape > Persian
Arcanine > Ninetales
Ariados < Ledian
Gligar < Delibird (Gliscor > Delibird)
Mantine < Skarmory
Donphan > Ursaring
Claydol > Swalot
Sableye > Mawile
Kyogre > Groudon
No reason to choose SS indeed.
>using legendaries
Because Soul Silver has best pokemon as the cover art
Negro, last time I played pokemon I was 12. If there's some meta strat that involves not using legendaries, I don't know it. I just knew I had a fucking lugia and it was cool.
Or is this a "muh hardcore difficult turnbased rpg for children" thing?
Ho Oh sucks
>playing games on easymode when you were 12
>you share a board with these people
Lugia's pose on the box was better, hence why I bought SS despite Ho-Oh being my favorite.
I was 6 when I played the first games and I have never used a legend on my team ever. You have no excuse not to know using legends ingame is bad form.
I did blue, silver, ruby, diamomd, and black. Quit the pogeymuns after those.
>Any of that matters with online trading
If you're going to bring online trading into it then getting the less popular version is always the better idea because it means you have an easier time getting the other version's exclusives. Supply and demand.
blue, silver, sapphire, diamond, fire red and then i was over 12 so I stopped playing
Online doesn't even work for Nintendo DS anymore
Goodbye, Jump Ultimate Stars matches. So long, Phantasy Star raids.
>Soul Silver has better exclusives
wrong as heck
HG has Donphan, Gligar, Sableye, Omanyte, etc...
fun fact in the US release of G/S Donphan was exclusive to Silver and Ursaring was exclusive to Gold
however this was actually reversed from how it was in the original JP release for some reason
so in HGSS they basically changed it back to how it was originally supposed to be
>Pahnpy/Donphan Silver exclusive in Gen II
>Phanpy/Donphan Gold exclusive in Gen IV
Lugia is cooler. I just got Gold because it's all had at the store that day.
>both games allow you to catch a Wooper and a Natu
I never understood it myself.
>Tell me boy, would you like the glorious Vermilion Bird of the South?
>Or a dinosaur with Yaoi hands?
>really boring, generic bird thing
>cool sea dragon/bird combination that got its own movie
Gee, really makes you think.
Also Lugia gets all the good vore doujins, so he has that too.
I think this is why the box legendaries always look the same now.
>tfw so used to the heartgold/soulsilver shitposting on /vp/ that I can't tell if this is a real discussion thread or not