Show me your character, Sup Forums. You have 30 points to spend

Show me your character, Sup Forums. You have 30 points to spend.

Min-maxing is the only option

>Investing in fighting skills like a pleb
>Not just talking your way out of everything

In what games does this actually work?

All a man needs.

I liked the wizard more

Planescape: Torment, Tides of Numenera


So did I, but I can't upload two images at once.

What's the difference between dexterity and agility

one is for hitting and one is for dodging

>he added dex and agi in the same game

Intellegent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>gets shit done
>no strength
>no vitality
This nigga is dead, he's not getting jack shit done.

Dexterity usually relates to your use with your hands. Probably can relate to martial arts or use with weapons/Bows/Arrows/Mechanics/Tools.

Agility is generally movement speed, stamina when running, reaction, dodge input window, probably even weapon speed or less cooldown.

>no strength
>implying I dont need thunder/poison/ice arrows to inflict other types of damage
>implying I wont use magic with intelligence for range and buffs/curses

nigga, you aint touching shit.

If I'm a femanon I start with +2 innate charisma, right?

Only if you show ass + tits.
And even then you still get a -2 on strength and intelligence.


-2 STR
-2 INT
-2 WIS
+2 CHR




>-2 int

Oh, sweeties :)

Whats my class Sup Forums?

You're right, make that -4

>Not wanting to be fast and have lots of approaching/zoning options to handle any scenario with ludicrous reaction time.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.

Beat me to it



5 strength
4 dexterity
2 vitality
8 intelligence
6 charisma
3 agility
2 luck


I'd do something completely different if luck was not an actual stat.
Also does having no points in something mean you have literally 0? Does zero strength mean you're an invalid that can't move and needs machines to breathe? Does max luck mean you're lucky 100% of the time? Are 5-6 actually the 0 zone for luck with 1-4 meaning bad luck?

ZAP, mothafucka

>2h battlemage with some sort of retaliatory armor spell

>8% more genius men than women

Don't need charisma if you're lucky. Nothing will ever go bad!
One is good as twirling guns and spinning swords (dex) the other is great at backflips and somersaults (agi).

who /Crits/ here?

Reminder to all retards: 0 is not the average, 5 is the average.
A character with 0 INT can literally die by forgetting to breathe.
A character with 0 STR can't hold a fork on his hand.

I need more info. World, technology, culture, races and such. I ain't doing shit before that.

They can do all that if they have luck 10!


high cha+int=get people to do shit for you
decent luck=don´t get betrayed or assasinated and end up a martyr or some shit
some basic other stats so I´m not a complete pushover

Dex is for cockmunching faggots and agility is for weak man who can't block


>puts agility and dexterity in the same game
>calls other people retards

STR without AGI means you don't block as much damage or you can't raise your shield fast enough to block as often as needed.
STR without Dex means you telegraph everything and the only thing you can hit as things in a barrel.

>Not having at least a point in everything

It's like you're trying to get fucked over by random bullshit

>Agility is the same as Dexterity
You're retarded.

>tfw no rerolls in real life

As far as 99.999% of video games are concerned it is and always has been. Samefagging in a sad attempt to make differentiation between the two seem like some normal common thing is not going to change that.

>everyone that disagrees with me is one person

if you assume 5 is the average then you might bump up the stats.

if you're born in the first world middle class you'd probably have at least 4 luck. Only a cripple would have 1 agility. 4+ dex if you can beat video games that require it. If you're in the top 50% of males when in comes to strength then you might even want to bump it up to 6.

Dumbass, you made a system with a total of 70 points, but an allowance of 30 points. Meaning that it's impossible to average all the categories. Therefore, you're forcing people to be deficient.

As if anyone on Sup Forums isn't deficient

Saw that response coming a mile away.
If creativity was on the sheet, you would be below average.

>randomly separating agility from dexterity while not doing the same for the 2 other attributes that are umbrella terms for various qualities typically associated with those attributes
>no wisdom attribute

dude what

That was very rude of you to say. Please apologize.

The best yet most unfulfilling way to play a game.

The fuck kind of game is this?

Either way, battlemages WW@. Heavy armor, shield, and MAGIC.

New vegas

Fallout 1

I hope you guys realize that luck is a modifier. It alters what skills you have. If you have zero charisma for example, then you'll never convince a woman to fuck you, no matter how high your luck is. You don't have any charisma to modify.

This guys gets it.

Thanks doc

>I hope you guys realize that luck is a modifier
Says who?

You're one of the 8% more retarded.

>you'll never convince a woman to fuck you, no matter how high your luck is.
Crit her so she becomes vulnerable, then rape her. I don't see the big deal

I call it my HORDOR build.


Wherever I am, I must also go fast

>I hope you guys realize that luck is a modifier. It alters what skills you have.

Well while we're making up rules, I say having max luck makes every situation go favorably for you.

Math. Probability is determined in events. As in a coin flip. If you want a coin to be heads, then you need to flip it first. You can't just look at a still coin, and wish it into becoming heads.

You might try to argue that some wacky improbable sequence of events would flip the coin for you. But then you're not talking about favorable probability anymore. You're talking about projecting your will upon he universe with nothing but your mind. That's control, not luck.

If 5 is average then we literally don't have enough points to create an average person in this shitty system
Fucking retard OP

Who says that's what "Luck" is in this system?

hope you realize luck makes you rich and literally money does everything for you.

>implying that luck isn't governed by the universe itself and therefor it's the universe imposing its own will upon itself to satisfy its own designs upon a person.

>not wanting to understand the mysteries of the universe and transcend to the next level of consciousness

Why is Dexterity and Agility 2 separate stats when they mean the same thing?

Where's Wisdom?

>Pick up a scroll

>playing games with encumbrance and not inventory slots
enjoy your shitty system

>Gust of wind
>You have been slain

Dungeons & Dragons

>tfw to inteligent for mysteries of the universe
