Who /healermain/ here?
Who /healermain/ here?
I dont mind being a healer, but we get so little point when the team wins, that it feels like the games does't want healer on the team.
it strange
More games need a bald space marine healer who restores teammates health by yelling at them to stop being pussies.
t.insecure healslut
>healsluts instead of tanksluts are a thing
I want to bully my tank while she has to pleasure me because she's at my mercy for my healing cum
Loved Gears of War for this
>Ah stand up like a man!
>genji asking for heals
Basically don't have a choice, platshitter and nobody in my region plays support, so I do. Almost nobody plays tank either, so I basically play Zarya and Mercy/Zen in comp.
It's funny that this meme is so prevelant on the internet when irl combat medics and EMS are tough SOBs with nerves of steel.
Due to personal reasons I made a new account and started fresh. Used to be a healer main on my previous account, but got sick of being at the mercy of bad teams. This new account has mostly been Zarya and Tracer. Won my first 5 placements playing those two, and started getting matched up with diamonds. Turns out diamond is pretty cancerous and the team just fought and started throwing. I was excited to place high but all my games after that were lackluster. Placed 2230ish and immediately shit on people for 4 or so matches and got platinum. I feel cheated
>Due to personal reasons I made a new account
What would compel you to shell out so many shekels for a new account?
why make another account u thick cunt, why not just fucking play a different class and git gud.
>heal in overwatch
>used to heal in WoW
>healed in D&D
>girlfriend wanted to be cleric in new D&D group
>go warlock
>she wants to spend all her spells doing damage, so I gotta multiclass into Bard to heal
A lot of drama between 'friends' and they would always put me in the middle of it. They made the game just stressful instead of a diversion like I usually treat it. And one became super obsessed with me, it started getting really creepy. I removed them and blocked them on other media but they kept showing up in different ways (numerous accounts). Anyway I had a gift card that I bought the game with, otherwise I probably would have just quit entirely.
Overwatch ruined healsluts
Now most of them are meme-spewing retards with zero skills and - undeniably worst of all - female.
Healsluts is a reddit meme now. A fucking reddit meme. Let it die.
Either smurfing, banned for aimbotting, or having to abandon account that you did gay ERP on Those are usually the 'personal reasons' for starting new.
Are you a girl?
>tfw worried about alienating girl in our group the same way
>playing overwatch
healer mains are unironically really annoying
They're either noobs
or dumb girls that spend the game talking about their shoes
it was always a shitty meme that belonged on reddit. I have always played healer because healers are the real carries, and tend to be the only class that forces the other team to pick one if you do. carrying all of your shitter friends on your back through every game is so satisfying, FUCK losing.
that reminds me. fuck losing the game
Oh user, you can downboat my boi pucci If you want
I actually ''''main'''' supports because nothing else wants to play them apparently.
exactly. you have to be a fucking stone cold mother fucker to handle doing a job like that.
i only enjoy healing/supporting but i dom the carries and dps by talking mad shit and leading the team
i imagine it's like when girls make guys wear their panties when they're sucking them off
You have to be when every day is you going fist first into someone's guts and being the deciding factor on whether they get to see tomorrow morning.
some people are healers because it lets them play a bullet hell game while juggling, and they have fun with that chaos and the satisfaction of knowing their team literally only won because of them doing their job so well.
this guy gets it. he actually wants to have fun and win.
We need more medics like this
There are legitimate support players and then there are healslut mercy players who jerk off with one hand and hold healing beam with the other.
you know what's more annoying?
every fucking time. that's what makes support players
Is it time for more gay ERP? Oh boy.
Yeah I am
out of my way faggots
I main healer in a game where healers aren't pussy bitches or absurdly broken, sorry.
Healers are boring except for Zenyatta.
Thought so
I don't know how or why you would deal with the typical autists playing online games, but I hope you genuinely have a good time yourself. Sometimes I really worry about our girl player because it feels like this is her only escapism from her shit life
Homosexuality is a mental illness
I'd be mad about the fact I have to play healer so much in QP due to everyone else going DPS if the healers weren't so fun.
>tfw I will never be Darkness
Doesn't make them any less likely to enjoy penis after the job
I will never understand this meme
>wall riding, gotta go fast, insane durability due to constant self heal and mobility and the easiest environmental kills in the game not being fun
Not him but you can style on people so hard as Lucio.
If you get a hang of wall riding and knowing when to switch between heal and speed you become really hard to take down.
His lemons also deal a buttload of damage and his boop has a really short cooldown.
I don't understand the hate for healers here, I prefer to play dps because I feel like my skill is better utilized there (along with my dps having higher win rates) but I'll pick heals with no hesitation if my team needs it, it's just another tool to getting that victory
Not enough flex players out there, seems more homo if you're that insecure you'd rather throw than heal
lmao at that filename
when people were all bitching about overwatch ripping off tf2, i always thought that was not a very educated claim. they were actually ripping off an even worse, even more crate-monetized game than it's detractors were saying. comparing overwatch to tf2 gave it good rep it didn't deserve IMO
i liked dirty bomb for a bit, I played about 50 hours. it's got a lot of great ideas and mechanics buried under too much retarded shit to justify, and it's shit optimization and abysmal butthurt crybaby community that treats unranked deathmatch like a lan tourney were just icing on the cake. I really want a game to do this idea right T B H. i thought the unit powers that WEREN'T broken were pretty cool, like vasiliy's wall hacks beacon. too bad it's on an otherwise useless character. a game that uses this setup with a less clownishly extreme group of abilities to make gunplay and movement matter more than they do in this could be really fucking good if the balance is struck.
I once 100%ed a flanking tracer with style on lucio, shit was intense
>wall riding
maps aren't designed for it at all
>gotta go fast
still slow as shit compared to nearly every other fps
>insane durability due to constant self heal and mobility
wow durability you can't do anything with because lucio's damage is shit.
>easiest environmental kills in the game
>implying anyone outside of quickplay falls for this
why the fuck would I want to play him over zeny or ana, they actually have some depth instead of "wall ride above the point for 5 minutes".
Forgot to add this was pre buff btw
In my time working with medics. They are the ones who party the hardest, but only on weekends when they are completely free. Otherwise it's all business.
Im genji.
And i need healing.
bro do NOT worry
>shoots you with Ana dart
*record scratch*
>genji mains are now spamming for heals in TWO games
How long before they encompass the entire blizzardverse
Fact: Any healer or healing class that is not using a shotgun to heal the shit out of you is bad.
I worked at an ambulance hub, 6 paramedics got fired for having sex in the back of an ambulance and filming it. Another got reprimanded for spending 6 hours feeding a horse in a field.
this ugly niggress is 10/10 healer material
If they gave her an actual doublebarrel shotgun I'd play this game again.
God I swear when did Overwatch become filled with such degenerates? I was playing a game and the Mercys were being retarded (on both teams) and I called them both dumb healsluts. Then they said "Oh honey, healslut isn't an insult ;))))"
S-should I have friended one of them?
I recently gave in a nd bought one of these 400€ fucking machines. I'm not gay for dick but getting your prostate fucked feels so good, it's incomparable to a regular orgasm. You cannot comprehend the amount of pleasure this provides. Just today when I was using it I ended up involuntarely pissing all over the floor from sheer pleasure and this moment of bliss lasts for a good 20 seconds or so. I'm not sure how this compares to a female orgasm if at all but once you experience this, you cannot go back to regular dick stroking that's for sure
>leave capekino to me
Yes and then ask them to shit down your throat.
I used to play Medic in TF2 exclusively and Priest in Ragnarok Online.
But with Overwatch, I decided to stop only playing healers, fuck that.
I fill as Zen or Lucio when healer is absolutely needed, but I usually play Soldier/D.Va/Mei instead.
BattleMercy Reporting in
>spending 6 hours feeding a horse in a field.
zenyatta is best healer
>chicken sandwhich
I need to know why.
>gotta go fast
this game is so fucking slow its basically the only reason I don't play it
its the FPS equivalent of using pic related
>pick mercy
>walking towards objective
>suddenly hear heels clack
>get a boner
holy shit
firstly, i know how to aim in shooters and can actually do more than one thing at once in mmos
secondly, i'm not the bitch that gets forced to play healer in a group of non-healer mains
thirdly, i'm not a queer, cunt or tranny
who /pasty unpassing nerd who expresses his repressed homosexuality on Sup Forums and by vicariously playing women in video games/ here?
>not being a tranny
>i'm not the bitch that gets forced to play healer in a group of non-healer mains
So, you play without healers.
I already had one of the hottest traps in the world and he was a neurotic freak just like the rest of them, promiscuous effigies of humans who supplement their hollow souls with sex and face-level pleasures.
don't make me install tf2 again with all those webums, most played game for me after all these years and will forever have a special place in my heart even after the cosmetics and f2p influx
considering nursey is some kind of pokemon furry my neurons are zapping here
is the OW community even aware of harbleu's """secrets"""?
it's on topic because he played a pretty good medic in tf2 as well :^)
This is why I can't jive with the healslut meme.
The art is hot, the concept is hot, but knowing it's some DeVito looking motherfucker on the other end really turns it all kinds of off for me.
t. salty tank main
>Only Overwatch has healers
>I need healing!
>i need healing!
>I need healing!
>6 hours feeding a horse in a field
>healers in MMO days
>get the fuck out of fire, stop watching your goddamn DPS meters
>healers in assfaggots days
>Omg just fuck my boypussy lmao
I fucking hate you shitters. Though, I suppose it is the games fault as well: healing used to be the important hero who stood in the back that if they lost focus everyone would die.
Now its just a warm body that doesn't really matter since your trickle healing is worthless for anything but sustain.
sauce on OP tho?
And how do they move around the map?
I'm the worst kind of healslut, which is a failed healslut.
I've got no friends so playing a healer would be boring as fuck, so I have to play DPS and deny myself the pleasure of huge tank cocks
Healers are for _____
Rewarding with cum in front of everyone else in the party.
Do you think she'd be dtf any neckbeard that was up to it? I mean, why else would you cosplay a hentai girl? Especially one that gets raped so hard.
>upboat damage card of dps player that carried our ass post-game
>mercy gets upset they don't get recognition for simply existing
they weren't even bad, but you'd have to be blind, retarded or both to not give it to the guy that made us win
the mercy was a girl
what anime is this?
This must be what a painter feels like anytime they see modern art being performed.
EQ/UO healer wasa great time. Charging for buffs, time spent healing. Best was the amount of money you could charge to cast a resurrect when a DPS fucks up aggro and dies cause they wanted the xp back. Made lots of friends with tanks and other healers to dictate prices based on xp/farming areas. Best times.