But really, I made this thread to announce and discuss the release of Lost Alpha Developer's Cut.
Go get it here:
But really, I made this thread to announce and discuss the release of Lost Alpha Developer's Cut.
Go get it here:
I'm seeding the torrent right now, also.
One more
I think I'll wait until a full repack. Have you played it yet? Is it still garbage?
Not yet, apparently it is waiting for approval my the moddb team. There are a couple of pre-release streams you can look at to see if you like the mod. i'll go try to find one.
Here is one I found in english:
This was just a few days ago, so the release build should be close to this.
Aahh nuuu?????
that's pretty neat.
I played LA back when it was released, and I quite enjoyed the atmosphere alone. Let's see if I find motivation to test this version out.
Now, if you want to have a STALKER thread, you gotta post the basic rookie guides.
If there's still someone who's NOT played this trilogy, and wants to start it now, then consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links: Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.
Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.
i'm hyped very well
What SoC mod is best if I want lots of guns and tight shootan/survivan but no cuh-ray-zee Russian bullshit?
Last time I played SoC it was Oblivion Lost, which I gather is shit by today's standards.
>bandito's don't just stand around around return to their waypoints after losing sight of you for 10 seconds
Well that's an improvement. Not sure if any of the patches fixed that, though.
I've been aching to play some STALKER recently so there's no harm in giving it another chance.
LURK 1.05
Autumn Aurora 2.1 with Arsenal overhaul?
Doesn't exist.
I would also recommend for anyone that wants to try the series to only get Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat to start with. Clear Sky is good, but it's the weakest game of the series.
I second this, I was playing LURK until I heard about this release.
Well I know AA2.1 exists, I just forget the weapon mod I used with it back when I played it.
>The Chernobyl Disaster occured 31 years ago today
I'll try to let everyone know when the 1.4 patch is available if this thread is still alive then.
>not keeping the games permanently installed
Theres nothing to shitpost about so it most likely wont be.
Unless we post memes
Yeah, I'm just trying to keep some discussion going for now.
Are there any mods with manual mag management like Zone of Alienation had? Like where you had to load mags and stuff.
Yeah for sure
Alright real talk, are there any upcoming mods that look promising? I could use another stalker fix.
>inb4 gunslinger
Yeah everyone wants that shit but its going to be a while if ever
Pretty sure Misery has that but Misery is complete shit unless you get the unfucked patch for it
>doesn't know shit about Misery, which doesn't have such a thing
>"but Misery is complete shit"
Good show lad
Speaking of Misery, there is supposed to be a major patch for it """soon""". I don't remember much about it, but I believe there was going to be a fairly in-depth weapon scrapping/repair system added.
Explain why this game is good? What does it have that other post apocalyptic radioactive wasteland games don't?
Wasn't lost alpha that mod that added shitloads of retarded stuff like an ending where you stare at a rainbow with your bumbuddy or was that oblivion lost
Also good to know since I haven't played Misery and am probably going to wit for this patch before playing it.
Why should I play this game Sup Forums? Is it spoopy? Is the gunplay really good?
I think I've had AMK installed for at least 4 years
It depends, what kind of game do you like in that genre? Stalker, and primarily its mods are usually based on adding more realism.
>Sneak up behind Zombie
>Point blank headshot with an AK
>doesn't die
>spins around 180 degrees and kills you
Theres plenty more bullshit and artificial difficulty autism in Misery thats just plain stupid.
t. Misery dev
I honestly don't know, I've never beaten it. I played it when it came out and got to the last few levels, but the game would crash every 10 seconds. I'm sure that's fixed by now though.
What are the big differences between this and vanilla LA? I played that years ago and enjoyed it.
Who /CoC/ here?
>favorite faction
Zombies are all like that no matter what mod you play usually. Just got to spray.
I think I mean to say more realistic in terms of difficulty. Assuming you're playing on master difficulty like you're supposed to.
>more realistic
Both. Grab SoC with the Starter Pack and start playing. It's a great shooter with great atmosphere, play in the dark with headphones and do what other anons say for the most part (play on Master, crosshair off)
Misery not fun?
If you play the entire game in less than 2 years then you are missing so much. Did you realize in Misery that each level changes after you open up a new areas? The Dogs at the sawmill are replaced by Pseudodogs. The Bandits to the east of them are replaced by Bandits. Before Jupiter you have Modders in the ranger station near skadovsk. After that they are replaced by a Bear cave nearby. Just because you open an area and see what's there does not mean that it remains that way through out the whole game. Additionally you are most likely not staying around to activate millions of stashes with the same unique items.
Game time compared to neet time
01 minute = 06 seconds, 10 minutes = 60 seconds, 60 minutes ( 1 hour ) = 06 minutes
05 hours = 30 minutes, 10 hours = 1 hour, 12 hours = 1 hour 12 minutes, 24 ( 1 Sun and Moon cycle ) = 2 hours 24 minutes.
48 hours ( 2 Sun and Moon cycles ) = 4 hours 48 minutes, 72 hours ( 3 Sun and Moon cycles ) = 7 hours 12 minutes, 240 hours ( 10 Sun and Moon cycles ) = 24 hours, 720 hours ( 30 Sun and Moon cycles ) = 72 hours,
I usually spend 8640 hours ( 10 years ) in Zaton before leaving it for the first time to go to Jupiter in Misery. A longer Game is where the A-Life truly becomes alive, everything is open ended. I haven't gone to Pripyat yet.
It makes me happy that there is a sequel to this image
Pretty much the best mod I've played so far with a couple tweaks. With the dynamic factions and AO3 addons it really is awesome.
>Zombies are all like that no matter what mod you play usually. Just got to spray.
No they aren't. You should be able to oneshot most everything on Master with a well placed headshot and a decent weapon/ammo type
t. lying misery dev
It's shit compared to TFW
what does this have over coc except new levels?
>You should be able to oneshot most everything on Master with a well placed headshot and a decent weapon/ammo type
So stick to playing vanilla if that's what you want, dumbass.
Yeah, you should, but it isn't always the case for some reason.
>The Bandits to the east of them are replaced by Bandits
Will do. Thanks, user.
A storyline instead of freeplay?
>So stick to playing vanilla and every other mod that isn't Misery since they don't use artificial difficulty
Enjoy getting sniped across the map by bandits and zombies
CoC still has the shitty vanilla guns
>- bandits in the Dark Valley have a better taste in music
>Bought the full collection on Steam a while back
>Love Metro, slow paced FPS games and cheeki breeki
>Every time I launch it it freezes when I change the resolution
>Game freezes on start up
>Have to alt tab every time I open the inventory to stop the game exploding
>Check online for help
>"Lol shouldn't have bought it on Steam"
I bought it on steam and I've never had any issues my dude, try a fresh install or use a more modern mod that uses the 1.6 open source code.
Are you playing on a laptop? I've had some issues when I try to play it on mine that sound similar.
How can it be a developers cut when the modders have no external direction on what to do?
Because it wouldn't have been released until now or later if they just did what they wanted. I get what you mean though.
it has freeplay you dumb
ok so levels and guns. Wells ounds liek fucking nothing
I'd love to see this great list of mods you've been playing. The other mod in CoP's paltry selection of mods that isn't just a weapons addon is SGM and the bulletsponges and sniping is even worse in that mod.
I am. Did you manage to find a way around it?
I haven't played around with it enough to really fix it, but I was able to get it in a more usable state by adjusting the config files before playing. On desktop I've never had any problems like this, so it's just something with mobile GPUs I guess.
Thanks user, I'll give that a go.
So this is just Lost Alpha with bugfixes and more stability?
Maybe the laptop switches to the power saving GPU when you do certain things which causes the game to crash. If you force the laptop to only use the dedicated GPU, I bet that it would fix the problem.
It has some gameplay changes, more NPCs roaming, stuff like that for the most part.
>Please standby, this file will be released when the countdown hits 0. Pre-launch HYPE!
wtf is this cancer
Lol idk, maybe it gives the moddb admins time to cock-block us?
Radiant AI
Atmosphere, unforgiving but fun gameplay and satisfying weapon mechanics.
heres a better version for you stalker
So I bought SoC on steam a while ago but I haven't played it yet. Can I play it vanilla without any problems? Like without game-breaking bugs? If not, are there mods that just fix bugs without adding new things to or changing the game much?
Game-breaking bugs are pretty rare, you should be fine as long as you save regularly. There are some fan-made patches available as well, you should be able to find them easily with Google.
Currently looking at a >2h download time for the 1.4 patch for Lost Alpha.
Get the ZRP bug fix mod. Fixes a lot of annoyances in the game such as NPCs winding up dead in campfires.
I hope this is still in
Damn, got to have the previous versions downloaded and installed before you can use the latest version, back to downloading i guess
seeding the torrent just for you m80