Is there any reason to own a PS Vita in 2017?
Do you have one? Do you enjoy it? Would you buy it again if you hadn't yet?
PS Vita
For remote play I guess?
Portability is a must for me. There are some good weeb games then and there outside of the extremely generic stuff, I dont think i would buy it again but i do enjoy it for what it has to offer.
Biggest waste of money I spent, i fell for the vita meme. It was absolute trash. Only get it if you're a weeb because the only game on there are made by chinks. Also good luck playing any ps1 games because for some reason sony though "lets make it so you can't play certain ps1 games"
I think that the game library is better than the 3ds although i ithnk that it could be much better. Also my phone sucks so the vita is the only way i can watch high quality porn in the toilet. I'm pretty satisfied with it.
>not having and using a psp
I don't even think sony is paying shills to make ''I LOVE MY VITA'' threads anymore.
I'm just waiting for DT2-2, which is probably the last game I'm gonna play on it (provided it gets localized).
How big of a retard am I for considering buying a second Vita, preferably 2nd hand though, just so I can have one for Henkaku and one for newer games? I really want to play Mary Skelter and DT 2-2 dammit
I just finished persona 5 and am thinking of getting a preowned vita for persona 4. What would I be in for, vee?
A good game, but no good game is worth dropping $120 on
>Is there any reason to own a PS Vita in 2017?
This, also gonna grab utawarerumono and summon night 6. Pretty sure they're coming out at the same time next month.
I just use mine for PS1 and PSP games. Does anyone else do this?
>Is there any reason to own a PS Vita in 2017?
If you know japanese the Vita is a goldmine.
The fact that it plays PSP, PS1, PCE and has some great remastered ports of NeoGeo stuff like Last Blade 2 or Garou makes it amazing, once emulation starts getting better it will be the perfect successor to the PSP.
>Do you have one?
What do you think?
>Do you enjoy it?
>Would you buy it again if you hadn't yet?
Actually, I'm considering buying another 1000 model since my Vita is nearly five years old, better safe than sorry, the 2000 model has that horrible LCD display that I can't stand.
Henkaku my dude - vita piracy plus a whole host of emulators that you can play on the go.
>Actually, I'm considering buying another 1000 model
>Tfw memory card prices
>take picture with vita
>loudest fucking sound on the planet
>no way you can adjust the volume
If you want to play Vita games, or PS Classic games on an OLED screen, then yeah.
Yes, although the 64GB card is still stuck in my craw.
me, but I only have a 8 GB card.
No reason to ever do that. The camera is god awful.
They still have OLED models at my walmart. I keep waiting for them to go on clearance so that I can get a second. Instead, they just keep it priced the same as the 2000.
They'll announce Vita 2 soon, so not really
All electronic devices have that in japan to prevent creepshots on trains or other crowded areas.
stop taking upskirts then you fucking pervert
at least you're not German, impossible to find any new model in stores here
A 32 GB one is all you need really, check shops often since they usually have sales on those and you can get them for a somewhat reasonable price.
Why would you take pictures with a Vita? My old laptop from 2012 has a better camera than that piece of garbage they shoved in.
If they do it better not end up looking like that.
I actually have a friend from germany crashing with me.
If you're looking for an oled model, and you're willing to trust a shitposter on Sup Forums, email my spam account at [email protected]
If you're wanting to paypal the funds for the Vita and shipping, I can pick it up, and the german can make sure the address is right.
Totally understand if you don't want to do that, though.
Got one preowned for P4G. It was worth it. Dissidia is pretty fun too.
I got Dungeon Travelers 2-2 last week, and that was the last vita game I was looking forward to. Unless Anonymous;Code actually gets a proper announcement and release confirmed for vita, I'm done adding to my vita collection. I still have a fairly large backlog for it, but I've been making steady progress through it.
It's for ergonomics. Apparently being able to wrap your fingers around the controller handles makes a lot of difference.
Do you like weeb games?
If the answer is yes buy one asap. Want western titles on a handheld? You're out of luck on the vita, 3ds, and switch then.
If you were gonna do that, why not just get the playstation TV? You can find it for like 20 bucks on ebay.
I have a henkaku Vita and a most recent developments Vita, one for ps+ and the other for snes PS PSP and vita games
I take my henkaku everywhere with me and play it almost daily.
I even have a n3ds and barely use it anymore since hacking my vita
Is great for ps1-psp games, and if you like weeb games.
I m happy i can play mgs1-3 on it, plus favorites like tomba1-2 and tearway. I hope capcom releases the megaman from the ps1 era on it.
Its by far the most comfy console out at the moment, if you can get one for cheap with memory card go for it.
From everything I've heard, Sony has no interest in releasing another handheld worldwide again.
I could see that selling well in Japan. Not here though.
How's it with ps3?
Same as the PSP. Which is pretty piss poor, unless you're just wanting to stream movies you have saved on a portable hard drive wherever you have Wifi.
>Is there any reason to own a PS Vita in 2017?
If you commute or spend a lot of time away from home and like the games the vita has then yes
>Do you have one?
Do you enjoy it?
yes, I don´t play it all the time, but I enjoy it a lot. A handheld is a completely different experience than a console or pc. If I´m tired or only have an hour or so of free time I will skip out on playing a console or pc game because I like playing those in long sessions withjout interuptions, the vita is great for playing in small bursts.
Would you buy it again if you hadn't yet?
Yes, I like it. The memory cards killed it and it´s a shame. But I think the ammount of time I spent on it was well worth the money, if you´re a ps+ subsriber for some time you already have a decent ammount of games to play which is also a good thing
PS4 remote play even over the internet works damn well. I played half of second son like that
thanks for the offer, but I'll do with my 2000 for now. I just wanted to say how deplorable it is over here.
You're cool. I wouldn't do it, either. But I figured I would offer, all the same.
Just tell me what kind of good games i could play on it? Especially exclusives.
No. Feel free to look that shit up.
Switzerland too, no stores offer anything Vita related at all. Do I really have to import memory cards from fucking Asia? As if they weren't expensive enough already
>Is there any reason to own a PS Vita in 2017?
It's still a solid console. If anything now is the best time to get one (scarcity, home brew, etc)
>Do you have one? Do you enjoy it?
Yes and yes. It doesn't get the credit it deserves
>Would you buy it again if you hadn't yet?
It's a hard sell unless someone shows you how big/varied the library is
Do you guys have Amazon or Ebay? Shit's expensive, but its not hard to find here.
Steamworld heist
Dragon quest heroes
Child of light
rayman legends
Indie games to the point of appearing like shovelware
Like just look at this variety
Florida here.
No stores at all sell anything. Some gamestops have 1 or 2 games
It's disgusting how many games are only available digitally. So if you glance at the physical library, you'll assume the console is weeb only. Don't get me wrong, weebshit is common on Vita
>Do you have one?
>Do you enjoy it?
>Would you buy it again if you hadn't yet?
That, I'm honestly not sure of. I lurked Vitagen back when it was first created for a few months before diving into a Vita. It was me trying out things on the store that made me keep it, due to finding games that I really liked. If I didn't have one already, I doubt that I would have done much research on it to see what I would have liked to pick up, and that goes double for homebrew. Additionally, the used market for the Vita is fucking awful. I would have just missed a lot of releases had I not been around to buy them at launch. I don't think it's likely that I would have bought it.
Yeah I've been looking at 2nd Vita's all week. Wanted to snag one with a 16gb men card for $150, but someone was faster than me.
Currently looking at one for 120 but only with a 4gig card so I'm not sure whether I should pull the trigger yet
What's element 4
How's ultra?
The one gaming store that still sells Vita stuff offered me a 2nd hand OLED version for $300 kek fuck them
FF9 is one of those games I never beat until 10 years later, thanks to max comfort via portable
I own two Vita's with 8GB each. That's more than enough as I don't keep mroe than two games at a time
I actually want a second one just so I can hack it.
Element4l is an indie sidescrolling game that uses ice/solid/gas physics and momentum to get you to the end.
Velocity Ultra is good, but 2X is the tits.
My PSP collection needs a little work but satisfied with it for now
I'm gonna get 2x then.
Nice on the to luct I have it as eboot ripped.
How's you get it to have its own bubble? Was it available on ps as Vita compatible?
For PSP I'm currently playing to Jean de arc and metal gear ac!d
Only console with this trifecta
I know people critique the number of prots vita gets but I'd always choose the vita version of any release if available so I could take it on the go.
It's one of the reasons I'd get a switch 2 years from now
>persona 4 golden
>rayman origins and legends (don´t buy legends on the vita if you´re a completionist autist, the platinum is fucking bullshit)
>gravity rush
>uncharted is okay, nothing really amazing, but I still had fun with it
>xcom is good from what I hear (xcom is amazing, haven´t played the vita version)
>vanillaware games (muramasa rebirth, odin´s sphere, dragon´s crown)
>soul sacrifice delta
>drinkbox games (guacamelee, severed, mutant blobs)
>hotline miami 1 and 2
>olliolli2 is one of my favourites
>geometry wars, superstardust and resogun if you like shmups
>shovel knight is great
>Also good luck playing any ps1 games because for some reason sony though "lets make it so you can't play certain ps1 games"
more like "we would have to spend more time and money than it's worth to relicense these games for a vita release"
i dropped like $170 on a vita for P4G and i don't regret it
Good taste
My wife purchased a PSTV recently. It arrived yesterday.
I will never use it, because I believe handheld gaming is cancer.
If every person who owns a Vita was wiped off of the face of the Earth, would the survivors notice a difference? I doubt it.
vita TV didn't come out until over a year after P4G did
What about 3DS owners are wiped out as well?
i was under the impression anonymous;code was always coming to vita, is it getting canned or something? or do you just mean a release date?
>handheld cancer
Why are you even in this thread?
My mum would miss me.
But user, Vita does handheld gaming right. There are people on this planet RIGHT NOW who justify their Switch purchase and call the Vita trash
>MGS 1, 2, 3, Peacewalker
Literally plowed through these in a week. Wouldn't have done that on my PS2. Portability is dope, friend
My only problem with it is how rusty I´ve become since I haven´t intensly played for a while. The last 5 or so pro goal I have left are fucking impossible without dedicating a decent ammount of time, but that´s just my fault for being shit
salt and sanctuary is finally out? How is it compared to the ps4 version? I bought a while ago and haven´t started it, I might download it later
what is so good about dungeon travelers? Seems like a sex game from the surface, is there actually good gameplay behind it?
>I will never use it, because I believe handheld gaming is cancer.
What's wrong user? Does your wife's bull like handhelds or something? It's pretty sad she had to resort to a PSTV, maybe she's trying to tell you something.
>is there actually good gameplay behind it
im playing persona 4 on it, all day, everyday
If I didn't know any better I'd think S&S was built exclusively for the Vita. Fits it like a glove.
The 3ds has SMT IV and Fire Emblem on it.
Vita has Persona 4 Golden.
Both are backwards compatible.
OK, if you want to spend $40 on a PSTV and $20 on P4G, go ahead. If you think there's anything else worth a damn on the thing, you're kidding yourself.
Also, the Vita's camera is super shitty.
I have it, I wanted to believe it had a future like the PSP but it's just an undeniable fail
unless you like
shitty indie cancer and weeb trash games,
overpriced memory cards that malfunction quickly
sony ignoring your cries and pretending the vita doesn't even exist
autistic 12-year-old and manchild fanbase
don't buy the vita.
Also don't listen to the faggots who back this piece of shit up, the truth hurts.
Would the best place to get one be from amazon? Figured retailers in aus wouldn't have them anymore.
>How is it compared to the ps4 version?
Not that user but I also got it.
The boot up loading screen takes quite a bit when you're starting the game for the first time, the control scheme is locked and there's no online atm, other than that, it runs great, looks much better on Vita than on bigger screens too, but that's because of the artstyle, I'm personally pretty satisfied.
what's wrong with shitty indie cancer and weeb trash games?
>Persona 4 golden
true, that sounds good, I have played it on ps2 tho
I played it before
>Gravity rush
Played remastered version
Oldfag here, played most of xcom's, vita version would be just replay
>Vanillaware games
Muramasa and Dragons crown only in my case
>Soul Sacrifice delta
Well, could check this one
>Drinkbox games
played them before
>Hotline miami
played them before
>OlliOlli 2
Played it already
Well I have played too many shmups already
>Shovel Knight
Played it already, including dlc
Vita has way too many ports, not enough exclusives, thats why I have no reason to buy it. Unless there are some hidden gems ex's it's a waste of money.
>Handheld is cancer
Actually handheld is the only reason to buy a console, for non-portable gaming you have PC.
>have Henkaku'd Vita
>can't play anything past 3.60
>new Cyber Sleuth early 2018
I'm seriously considering buying a second Vita just for that.
Aside for WipEout 2048, which is partially coming for the PS4 too, there is absolutely zero reason to own this abomination of a handheld.
3DS at least has a few decent games worth owning, Vita has just one that is being ported over to PS4.
I got one at PAX East this year and I love the stupid little thing.
>MH clones
>Risk of Rain
I found a physical copy of Gravity Rush just sitting at my town's Gamestop , which was a nice surprise.
came here to post pretty much this
The vita isn't as bad the Nintendo switch but that's no real achievement.
>Is there any reason to own a PS Vita in 2017?
If you dont enjoy weeb games. nope
> Do you have one?
>Do you enjoy it?
> Would you buy it again if you hadn't yet?
Love the device and dont regret my purchase
>that pages
what ur mem card capacity?
It pretty much rivals the PSP as the best handheld emulation machine, plus you get the vita's library of endless weebshit if that's your thing and the ability to stream games from your computer to it.
>Also, the Vita's camera is super shitty.
don't think anyone cares about the camera on a fucking handheld
>tfw a vita autist tries to insult you
I feel even better about myself now
piracy user
Gravity Rush on vita can be pirated, remastered can't
>If you think there's anything else worth a damn on the thing, you're kidding yourself.
Why would anyone care about what a pleb EOP like you thinks?