About to play pic related for the first time

About to play pic related for the first time.

What mods do I need? Nothing that changes the game too much. Also do I play on hardcore/survival or normal? And if so, what difficulty?

Other urls found in this thread:


if you insist on doing a "vanilla" run but with quality of life shit, get project nevada, nevada skies, NVSE and whatever HD/companion/npc swapper you want.

I've been playing DUST and when I get too queered off of getting my ass whooped I head back to normal AWOP + hordes.

You don't need mods. Play it as the developers intented it be you little hoe.

Disable all the add-ons that give you items.

Don't bother with the shitty console ports.


What if one of the developers released a mod?

The pre-order bonuses, GOTY just bundles them together. Trivializes the game.

Courier's stash and Gun Runner's Arsenal.

GOTY edition*

Hardcore, normal difficulty.

J. Sawyers mod is a must for gameplay mechanics.

Texture mod - nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/43135/?

also some ENB from Nexus since default lighting is horrible but dont overkill it, most ENBs are fucking shit

Oh gotcha. Yeah I got those. How do I disable them? Just uninstall?

Fucking ahte when games give you powerup items as pre-order and dlc stuff. Breaks the game.

what if this developer was a lead developer?

YUP Yuki-something's unofficial patch
NV Stutter Remover NVSR
NV Anti Crash NVAC
NV Script Extender NVSE
There's the NV uncut mods that are alright and add some cut content back, nothing major. Graphics mods if you want them would be NMC's texture pack or Ojo Bueno texture pack along with Wasteland Clothing hires and Weapon Retexture Project. If you want a good light overhaul for your next playthrough JSawyer Ultimate Edition, it's an updated version of the game's director's mod (Josh Sawyer). For quality quest mods (for later playthroughs, or even later game on this one) Someguy2000's mods are the best.

Sorry if I missed anything on mobile right now so I can't check my modlist.

I just played it vanilla and loved it

Only mods I ever really use for it now are just texture stuff

About to read your post for the first time, what am I in for?

leave those mods be, they add nice weapons later for many vendors, not OP but cool

the shit you get free from them is irrelevant and becomes useless two hours into the game

Oh and New Vegas Redesigned 2 - don't use 3 it's shit and Fallout Character Overhaul makes people look like potatoes. Hardcore is good, play on normal or hard, v.hard just makes enemies bullet sponges. (Use these settings for JSawyer as well)

When you see the launch menu, but before you start the game, you should see an option to go to the mod list. Go there and disable them.

Personally, I'd leave them on because Courier's Stash items are mostly just roleplaying flavor items (caravaneer, descendant of the Vault Dweller, tribal, mercenary) that get outclassed pretty early on, while Gun Runner's Arsenal is more late-to-endgame gear that you'll need a lot of money to buy (as well as perks that let you craft more items, and challenges that give extra EXP).

Improved first person weapon animations:


Properly armored gloves for power armor:


Power armor footstep sounds:


Dynamic crosshair:


Gun follows crosshairs properly:


Those are all cosmetic. Don't use any gameplay changing mods the first time you play it.

just check Nexus top 100

avoid all mods that add content like World of Pain or other retarded shit

use JSawyers Ultimate and some graphical mods, weapons from Millennia are also safe because he balances them properly

>The devs intended for it to be a buggy mess





Install in order.

>nexus top 100

its a good game

but it looks like ass and plays like ass and has aged worse than ur mums saggy snatch

no matter how much makeup she wears (mods in this case) she's still 60 years old and shat out 8 kids (gamebryo kek)

oh, and maybe this too. Probably doesn't matter though.

ignore faggots who tell you not to install mechanics mods

you want your first playthrough to be unplagued by the retarded vanilla shit (like becoming a god after 5 hours) so install JSawyers Ultimate mod, I mean the guy was lead dev so its basically an official add-on anyway

don't install other gameplay mods though, like Project Nevada - this breaks the game

>Improved first person weapon animations

Stopped reading there.

guy asks for basic mods for first playthrough and you give him a list of your obscure cosmetic mods?

(1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul)

You're telling me you actually like those garbage default animations?

Play vanilla or some difficulty enhancing mod. I never played anything toher than vanilla even on pc. Try content adding mods once but it only taxed my system 100% so I went from 60 fps stable to around 30.

You're telling me you actually like FOV locked blender animations that have completely broken animations at worst, or are 100% inconsistent with vanilla game animations at best?

its like a unspoken rule that every faggot who posts a pic of pepe should be ignored

imagine your lot on Sup Forums is to be an insufferable faggot who acts like a idiot constantl-oh..damn almost every niche group does that

and fuck this thread just play the game vanilla with no mods faggot. kids these days "HOW DO I MOD THIS GAME AND MAKE IT BETTER/UNRECOGNIZEABLE FROM VANILLA?"

nice bait
the vanilla animations are fucking awful, i remember i played the entire game in 3rd person on my first playthrough

Why would this bother you so much? It's primarily an RPG. Not an FPS.

They are as basic as it gets. By default I'd say don't use any mods, but those mods fix some annoying visual issues. I sure as hell aren't going to recommend shit like Project Nevada.

You haven't tried the mod? Nice to know.

>playing fnv in 3rd person while in combat
You better have been using unarmed/melee/explosives.

I've tried it numerous times.
The animations are for 75 FOV, and they don't work with most new weapons.
Not to mention the bug with double barrel shotguns where if you aim down the sights after reloading, the barrel snaps to 90 degrees 100% of the time.
And the camera movements and general animations don't look anything like the game's style at all.
Fuck off, retard.

Enjoy your shit animations lmao.

Never had any of those issues.
>don't work with most new weapons
Don't care, don't use weapon mods.
Fucking mongrel.

Half of Hitman's weapons were designed for Millenia's. They still barely work though.

And I will "enjoy" them. They're 100% adequate. Not my fault you're a picky, cynical faggot that has to rely on shit mods to change something nonsensical.

How so? I have jsawyer ultimate and project Nevada and haven't run into any problems.

Whatever faggot, get taste.

Nonsensical? Hardly. I've had enough of the default animations, may as well replace them with something objectively better.

Thanks everyone.

I settled on radial blur remover, gun follows crosshair, power armor gloves, and clarity.

Not sure if I should use this mod as well,
What do you think?

Not OP, but I'm looking to replay this and I've got a moderately better PC than the one I had when I first played it, so I'm looking for purely visual improvements, other than texture mods. Are there any sort of lighting or ENB mods that you'd recommend?


No reason not to, in my opinion.

FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - good outdoor lighting mods, works well with enbs

Is this your first fallout game OP?

No. Played 3 and 4. Plan on playing 2.

flora overhaul
nevada skies
weapon mod menu
mod config menu
fov slider
weapon mods expanded
enhanced camera

>project nevada
electrocute yourself

>get project nevada,

>NVB I and II
fuck off Cassius

aside from someguy's mods faggot + utilities

Nah mate just messin; with ya, I'm pretty sure Willow is in the top 100 so you aren't wrong