The real PC killer is here

LiquidSky has released!
>what is LiquidSky
LiquidSky lets anyone play any PC game on Mac, Windows, Android cloud streaming.
>how much does it cost
Here's the bang. There are monthly subscription packages. But if you want you can get your own gaming PC for free. By watching a 5 minute ad you get a complete hour of game time for free.

no more pcmustardrace. pCucks on suicidewatch

Other urls found in this thread:

go away shill. cloud gaming is a meme, and its 1000x better to actually own your pc

Enjoy your input lag you fucking mouthbreather.

>any PC game on Mac, Windows, Android cloud streaming.
You mean any game which doesn't rely on quick response times and can tolerate noticeable drop in image quality from compression.

Wowza, what a value!
Watching the ad right now fellow anonymous internet users.

butthurt faggots. Over 1 million people are already using this. You 3rd worlders with your shitty internet can fuck off

Us third worlders tend to have better internet than you though :^)

Wowza, what a value!
Watching the ad right now fellow anonymous internet users.

Speed of light is different in 1st world too?
I mean unplayable lag of 100ms turns into manageable 33ms or something in merica for same distance from server?

Bandwidth doesn't magically make your latency lower you fucking nigger

>promo video
>still massive lag

Great service omg can't wait to tell all of my friends about it xD

So i can download ram?

Oh boy it's Onlive all over again!
literally kys with your input lag meme

So how is this different from onlive again?

>PC killer

just like the ps now is a ps4 killer right?

How much are they paying you?

Onlive was pretty dope for poorfags

Do you not understand what input lag is?

Nah, during Onlive times people were legitimately hyped. Nowadays is just nVidia lazily pushing their technology.

I literally tried Onlive, Gaikai and Playkey. Both were barely playable shit. So YOU kill yourself, you dumb marketing piece of shit shill.

>Playing with 100ms input lag

hahahhha,no thanks dear marketer,
also search for another job because this shit is going to fail

yeah because Gaikai and Onlive weren't horrible


first phantom, then onlive, now this? how quickly we forget history

this shit will never be viable unless someone invents tachyon internet

cloud gaming is Ouya tier shit
it's not meant to work, it's only meant to work well enough to fool people who don't play video games to begin with

>By watching a 5 minute ad you get a complete hour of game time for free.
So that's an hour and a half of ads to play a full size game?

is this something like Onlive ?

>cloud gaming
fuck off shill

Also cloud gaming is as dumb idea as ever today, when lowliest intel celeron CPU with HD 510 graphics is enough to play most of f2p and session games like CS GO and MOBAs
So if you have a PC, it will be able to play some popular undemanding games simply by being a functioning computer.

Yes, but this time no one cares anymore.
nVidia has some prebuilt solution for cloud gaming they push to startups. Then these startups get few games working and start doing shitty marketing on vietnamese knitting forums, where they inevitably get fed dicks.

>watch 10min ad every 20 minutes

Yeah, that's the thing, I don't fucking do that.

Fuck off scamming shill

how is it scamming if it's literally free?

5 cents has been deposited into your account.

>what is monthly subscription packages
Digging your grave buddy

Because no one will give you 60$ video game for 5 minutes of watching ads.
If watching ads were paying 720$ per hour, you would see Mark Zuckerberg doing nothing but watching TV.

time is money

>the future of pc gaming uses an outdated business model of a dead medium

toppest kek

So basically pic related?

>required to download a program
You trying to trick us here buddy? This is fucking malware infested bullshit as like fake ""emulators"" on the internet.

>that choppy mouse movement in the csgo video

Why don't you shill on reddit instead of us?

Your marketing shit doesn't work on us. And you know it, so fuck off.

kys piratefag

>PC gaming is dead because now you can play games on PC with lag.


Pedro, you are too obsessed with death it seems.
Did cartels beheaded your mom or something?

>Watching fucking ads everytime
Fuck off

It would be good if it was without fucking cancer ridden ads. Your company doesn't deserve it for shoving this shit in our mouths.

>cloud gaming
Did they find those tachyons Onlive were always searching for?

>onlive 2.0

>Believing this shit

Trust me, this is going to end up as a scam that's designed to mine bitcoins from our computers. Or as a botnet like Google.


Watching a video of a game is not the same as having it render on your own pc.

>cloud gaming

>Here' the bang

this isn't a thing, no one says this

>a real paid shill thread

a 2 week ban would be oh so funny

Instead of shoving this shit in our mouths, which it doesn't work all the time. You can kill yourself for shilling the shit doesn't work on computers.