>"""realistic""" RPG
>female character doesn't gain 23% less gold than the male from questing and crafting
"""realistic""" RPG
>still buying into the wage gap meme
>"""realistic""" RPG
>female is a warrior and beats the shit out of men
>brown people live casually beside white people
>realistic RPG
>characters never have to take fat ogre shits
>after normalizing the data for non-sexual factors (age, experience, education, etc) the wage gap shrinks to less than 2%
Can this meme PLEASE end?
Economists have been debunking it for decades.
>"realistic RPG" where you can be as evil as you want
>there's no rape
No, it literally never will. Ever. The 23% statistic has been around for too long, and demonized way too much by social media to be removed until the entirety of this generation is dead.
Not understanding averages.
I don't know, it's a good way to find retards.
>bastion of liberal thought and ideology
>barry o.b. is 'mostly false'
Privileged white males
>frog meme
>using multiple quotation marks like a fucking retard
>subject matter is wage gap
Why cant Sup Forums stay in its containment board? Did you get bored of the constant "hey lets raid this election" threads?
>Wanting everything to move based on facts
Its all about the narrative baby, btw im not trolling in the age of social media narrative is everything. Also if you wanted everything to move based on facts and maximum output then this videogame shouldn't exist because they are hobbies.
>no -4 STR
Seriously this. Everyone has a calculator/calculator app within 20ft of them at all times, but if you ask them to take their wage and multiply by .77 to go from male to female or divide by .77 to go from female to male, then ask them if they actually think people at their work doing their job for as long as they have been doing it are actually getting paid that litte/that much, suddenly calculators are way too difficult to use.
When i hear alt right all i can think of its that picture of the fat guy with pepe cake.
>(((realistic))) RPG
>2 genders
is that image supposed to insult?
>you select your gender by clicking "male" or "female" instead of using a slider
I thought Sup Forums was a board for talking about video games...
>>>""""Realistic"""" RPG
>Female characters don't do easier jobs and get coddled by society
>gain 23% less
>start playing a new game
>it has characters i disagree with on political, religious or moral grounds
Why do devs do this shit?
>play game
>game does not cater exactly to my world view
Fucking Nazis/SJWs I sware on me nan I'll shag their mums
Stop mansplaining
>23% less
x - .23x
+ (x - .23x)
What was so confusing about that?
stop trying to make Sup Forumstards look good, you don't need to be an alt-right trumpdrone to understand that the wage gap is bullshit and is just a distraction from the actual issue of women making shitty life choices
>realistic RPG
>can't even marry a wealthy male NPC and freeload off of him
so this is why women hate vidya
Considering most of their mother were likely the result of Nazi cum and dump spawn, theyw ouldn't mind that much.
Fuck off Tumblr.
>game has a character displaying a prejudice toward a certain group
>clearly this means devs try to spread these views and propagate "hate"
>"""Realistic""""" RPG
>Female character doesn't have max manipulation.
>woman doesn't have reduces str, end, int, and dex
>The only reaction your character can make toward this person or group is to declare them outright evil, and never say anything remotely positive about them regardless of your alignment
Only poltards deny wage gap.
Males should have higher str and end, and females higher dex and int
>and females higher dex and int
DEX and CHR you mean.
A haggle system like in the Witcher 3 will result in 23% less, no problem.
>and females higher dex and int
No, only CHA.
I see nothing wrong with this dialogue though. Fuck knife ears.
>females higher int
I can't even tell anymore if this is Sup Forums or /r9k/ in this thread
they are just so alike
>playing as a woman isn't hard mode
why can't games do this right?
>politifact is Sup Forumstard
That depends on the genre of the game, user.
I R R E F U T A B L E starting stats:
>light-skinned male: 5 str, 5 con, 6 dex, 8 int, 2 cha, 9 per
>dark-skinned male: 7 str, 9 con, 8 dex, 3 int, 7 cha, 2 per
>female: 2 str, 3 con, 7 dex, 9 int, 10 cha, 8 per
Gtfo roastie. Your lies don't work on us. We're veterans of the console wars.
>Economists have been debunking it for decades.
Some people say that weasel words are great.
RPG or action RPG
Not in real life
>dark-skinned male: 7 cha
>being a literal fascist
>why can't games do this right?
M&B does
>hard mode
maybe if it's a medieval RPG, otherwise it would be rookie mode
>""modern"" RPG
>females are as competent as males
>shitty life choices
Is not being a corporate slave in a high stress position really such a bad idea?
>dark-skinned male
>Ability to steal white women +6
It really depends on what country though. The 23% figure is some sort of average but in reality most Anglo countries have an almost non-existent paygap, whereas many Asian/African countries and especially Russia have a pretty huge one.
Stop denying it.
what a cuck lol
What did audi mean by this?
>sony exclusive rpg
>females are more competent than males
>white males are the source of all evil
>females save the world after white male fuckup
Niggers are loud and annoying.
Um Russia here, no we don't fuck off murrifat.
Literally Verdelet
Final Fantasy XV?
[charisma 90] unga bunga bix nood
we get it, you and everyone on this board are niggers
Horizon Zero Dawn
It even has a muslim female explain how pale males are like sooooo *ugh*.
Even after civilization fell and got up, tribe leaders and strongest fighters are mostly female.
>game set in the future
>white people still exist
Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?
>"realistic" rpg
>female characters don't have lower stats across the board
>less damage
>less HP meat
>shorter reach
>less carry weight
>no one takes you seriously
>get called a pussy for easy mode male
>less damage
Not everyone a fighter with sword.
I hope for the next Star Wars too..
>easier to get support in co-op
>expecting women and beta-males to understand economics
they don't care about possible factors that might influence the % difference in wages, they just use it as a way to push their agenda
Trump has made the top statement for this fake "wage gap".
>If you do as good as a job, you get the same
And this is the reason why most women get paid less. The simply just do less.
Who should carry the heavy box?
Who should work over timer?
Who should talk with the manager?
Who can gain more new customers?
In most cases only the male employee does this. There are some god tier female employees, but even the toughest female employees have as good as no chance to win a customer in Saudi Arabia or rushes to the heavy box to lift it instead of the male counterpart.
>no shitposting about virginity, penis size, height or masturbation habits of anyone who doesn't take the 23% statistic seriously
Can we like just... not? Not skip on essential Sup Forums 3.0 posts?
>Dark-skinned male
>Trait: Cannot swim
>women earn 23% less than men
>evil capitalists want to pay as little as possible and get away with it
>women aren't the majority of employed.
Hol' up, something doesn't add up there
wage gap i a myth at the same skill level.
The data you read is made by just adding the wages of each ender no matter if they are engineer or public teachers.
Liberal capacity for logic
No you dumb nigger, Women and Men do get paid the same. It's the FUCKING LAW!
It's called the Fair Pay Act. Look it up.
This so called gap is nothing but a statistical average and jew math. It accounts for males exclusively doing high-risk, high-pay jobs like mining, Oil-Rigs and whatnot and females being more likely doing part-time low-pay jobs for childcare.
Jesus, this thread
What are some games that takes into account the horseshoe theory?
There is a pay wage gap though. It's just not 23%, or 30%, or any other extreme number they like to cite. It's more along the lines of 2-5%, with 5% being a fairly extreme end.
explain then whenever a field gets dominated by men the wages go up and whenever a field is dominated by women the wages go down?
fact is that for whatever reason work done by men is valued more than that of women for whatever societal reasons that economically doesn't really makes sense but still happen.
Go through history and find examples from which the gender dominating the field changes and you will notice that trend.
and even when accounting for everything women get paid less than men. So whats your point? Last time i checked women still get paid about 91 cents to the dollar a man makes so like why you lie m8? maybe try listen to people who are not pseudo intellectuals and actually know what the fuck they are talking about and dont need to misconstrue facts to pretend to have a point..
but why is there still a difference though?
it doesn't matter how small it is, why do women get paid differently in this day and age?
Because men take more dangerous works that pay better like crab fishing, oil-sands, engineering or neuro-surgery.
The Wage Gap is a myth because there are more than just 2 genders. It's retarded to just account for these binary "genders" and pretend you're doing actual statistical work.
One of the theories is that women don't press as hard for pay raises as men do, or push for a higher initial salary when negotiating for a new job. This could explain at least part of the discrepancy, if not most of it. Sexism likely does factor in, but not to the degree of 23-30%.
Borderline radfem here. The wage Gap doesn't exist. It's a smokescreen to keep people from talking about how Islam and the pron industry mistreat women.
>women don't press as hard for money
>Borderline radfem here.
I'm not sure if you're pretending to be a giant retard or are a giant retard, but I don't see a good reason to give you a benefit of doubt here.
If it was a bait, it would be a pretty shitty one, so I'll just assume you're as retarded as you proclaim to be.
What the fuck
It's true, they are more scared to speak up.
Give me real life examples or you are full of shit.