Dead/Dying Games

ITT: Games that are dying/dead but are actually pretty good and deserve more attention

pic related

Preordered wildstar, artstyle and setting was great, but the gameplay was bland.

Wildstar had every possible chance to establish itself and failed beyond anyone's imagination.

>pander to sjw
>game flops

Can't say I'm surprised.

rip in ronis

Urban Terror, I haven't played it in some time but I believe there should still be quite a bunch of servers around, I'd recommend it giving it a go to anyone who's looking for a nonshit free fps.

Hidden & Dangerous 2

Wildstar is shit

blizzard litterally poached all of wild stars original animation team.

I wish wildstar hadn't gone for the retarded 2 foot AI aggro cone meme.

>walk into enemy base
>attack dudes at the door
>everyone else in the base continues on about their business
>clean them up 2 at a time as the remainder watch unperturbed.


I wish wildstar hadn't gone for the retarded 2 foot AI aggro cone meme.

>walk into enemy base
>attack dudes at the door
>everyone else in the base continues on about their business
>clean them up 2 at a time as the remainder watch unperturbed.


>phone posting

Kill me senpai

Nice job

This fucking game is a shining example of poor software development planning and design.

These motherfuckers were adding all kinds of stupid shit left and right when their base systems were bland and boring, their pvp was a mess, the only thing they reall had going well were raids and dungeons.

Had a lot of potential and could have been amazing but their program managers fucked it up

global agenda
if at least they have put anything else than a fucking empty desert
otherwise I loved medic and assault

Really? Good. That cinematic was great.


I played the shit out of engineer in the beta

That game was 10/10 fun

The game released as one of the buggiest messes I've ever played. PvP was filled with bots, and the attunement was total shit. The rest of the game was pretty fun though, especially group PvE.

go home randy

I have no idea why people insist that Wildstar deserves more attention. I installed it a while ago and it was a pretty frustrating experience. Ignoring the fact that the servers are pretty dead, the AoE combat doesn't add much to the experience and the writing is terrible. It's like they showed Borderlands to a few fanfiction writers they hired off twitter and said that's what they wanted and Borderlands was bad enough with those attempts at humor.

I liked it

wildstar is the best wowclone mmo but it doesn't matter because it's not wow
no game is ever going to pass wow by copying its formula, it's got too big of a head start

what's up with this
played it once for around a hour but never heard anything from it since. is it any good and still healthy?

pay to win

Considering how hard Blizzard is trying to bait the Overwatch audience into playing it I doubt that it is performing well.

Battleborn gave me epilepsy. Who thought it was okay to fill the screen with flashing effects, numbers and contours all the time?

> the blizzard game that has most updates and countent added on a regular basis since it was released.
> not performing well


what add all the free shit

why put in all these reqards to entice players to play? Specifically overwatch skin rewards

cross promotion, because there is an overwatch event on heroes of the sotrm right now.
they added a new map: hanamura, they just added genji, and is next in a couple of weeks.

and why the fuck no?.
its great to do this kind of promotions with your most popular game to make people try your other games.

The other guy is right tho. Heck, I'm going to install and check it just because they are giving these hero packs for free with that 2.0 thing. You don't give that amount of stuff unless you are desperate for players.

Sort of.

It's not actually dead/dying since it has a pretty active playerbase, and a lot of locals and weeklies and is at a huge amount of big FGC majors and regionals, but outside of it's core community it gets zero attention and the devs still haven't fucking ported the nearly year old dlc characters from the arcade, so it will start to die unless something changes

games need to be alive before they die