What games have the best character development?

What games have the best character development?

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we all know what this thread is going to turn into friendo

>Sup Forums talking about video games

Newfag alert.

use Sup Forums or Sup Forums mate

Sex is a spectrum

>Gender Identity - Male/Female
>Chromosomes - XX/XY
>Genitals - Male/Female/Both/Neither/Other
>Expressing as - Male/Female/Neither

Pick any combination, it exists

This is vile propaganda. Taking the bogpill stands for truth and enlightenment.
Bill clearly took the blue pill.


>Genitals - Other



Reminder that Bill Nye is not an actual scientist and is just an actor.

Leave and stay leave

Just got this, what am I in for Sup Forums?

You can't trust scientists

libtard scum all of them inventing ((((truths))))

It's funny because the word sex wasn't invented until the 1800s, and used interchangeably with gender due to costs of mass printing newspapers and books, while the word gender has its roots in medical science dating back to Greek antiquity.

He has a degree in engineering but that's his only thing he knows best. So him talking about biology is probably just plain lies

I thought the bogdanovs were supposed to be good guys?

Oh look it's this thread again

when are Sup Forumsfaggots posting outside of containment going to get the rangebans they so richly deserve?

kiosk anna


>cottage cheesefaceposting

Half of those are not real science.

The first image is fake, he doesnt say that.
around 9 minutes.
I think the bottom stuff is stupid, but you dont have to spread lies, it will only hurt the message.

Yup like """astronomy""" to fool the masses

With /qa/ being a shit hole that died higlhy unlikely, doesn't matter anyway since Sup Forums is just as bad

>full-blown cucks

You would expect them to be Neutral.

How come it's always the astronomists who lie and try to brainwash the sheep?

mass effect i think has one of the best character developments

What is your end game here?

