So as usual, I'm a few years late on picking up some shit that was talked about to death when it first came out

So as usual, I'm a few years late on picking up some shit that was talked about to death when it first came out.
Just got into this, expecting to not really like it too much. Turns out I couldn't have been more wrong, I'm fucking hooked.

Anybody still playing it then or have you all fucked off to greener pastures by now?

That fucking Cove battle theme though, jesus christ my dick is so hard listening to this shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

i'm listening to it right now.

I stopped playing for a while since it updates quite regularily and i wanted to wait until those update waves died down.

It is a game that is fun until you understand the systems.
And learn that there is absolutely nothing more to the game than grind.
And then you hit the endgame which is easily one of the most singularly awful endgames in existence.

Yeah i agree.

It's fun as long as you don't finish it. And it's generally tedious as fuck bullshit.

But it's fun.

Its a good game, enjoy the ride, when the new DLC comes out it'll garner conversation on /vee/ again.

Fantastic art design, superp voice acting, brilliant atmosphere, really fun gameplay, but unfortunately, no real goal in the game. After a while, battles will start to feel samey, because you unlock each character's "best skill set" from the get go eventually, there's no real reason to explore new tactics other than "Hmm, what units do I have available?" Do a couple dungeon runs and you have basically upgraded buildings to a realistic level, which is a problem in general, upgrading buildings doesn't feel satisfying because it doesn't really unlock anything worthwhile. The game needed to have far, far more unit types and way more skills to really become something great, because right now the game is just "grind until final dungeon with the same teams". The unique events per town crier helped, but we'd need more stuff like that. All in all a good game, mostly because of all the other things.

I picked it up a month ago. I actually just quit the game after 54 hours

RNG nightmare... Enjoyed it for the time that I played it but after my full team wipe, I just didn't want to grind up again.
I finished most of the bosses, but ended up not being worth the stress late game.

Early game, I'd get decimated but that was ok because it felt like I learned and could move on. In the late game, it just stopped being worth it and felt like the game was just shitting on me just to prolong the end.

I was playing on "normal" mode or "Darkest" mode as my first time.

I suggest to all new players to go for the radiant campaign first. I started a game for shits and found it a more enjoyable experience. Too bad I was already balls deep into darkest.

Basically until you realize that everything you build toward are just +X stat -Y stats and the town is just mobile bullshit that other than weapons and skills, is actually largely irrelevant.
Then when you realize how the dungeons never get anything added other than the shambler and the strategy for every dungeon is always the exact same thing.

Then when you realize there is no point to doing any of the bosses because the only reward for beating the final versions is a shitty token.

Then when you realize that the entire game from start to finish was just grind your guys to max level to throw into the final dungeon, god forbid someone dies so your team isn't ready for it, cause you gotta grind up another.

Also going into the final dungeons blind, so if you didn't prepare for the gimmick of it, well go grind up another team.

Or the most unsatisfying ending I've ever seen.

Oh and hunger tiles. Possibly the worst thing in the game.
I always feel like the devs never played their own fucking game when they designed it.

>buy the game when it was released
>grind for 40 hours and quit
>they add radiant mode recently
>new game is required

>2017 Sup Forums
>I recommend new players to try radiant mode

Darkest mode is the normal mode.

Well all I can say is I hope you guys are wrong about the end game, because that will be very unfortunate considering how much I'm enjoying this early stuff.

I agree though that more class variation would definitely be ideal in this type of game because despite being early in the game I already feel like I've seen enough of the main cast of characters.

Honestly though, I'd love for more of those midboss-style encounters. All I've fought so far is The Collector and the Shambler. I wrecked the collector when he first showed up pretty easily (but then funnily enough nearly got wrecked by the two highwaymen ghost things he spawned), but holy shit my first encounter with the shambler was a nightmare. That fight feels like it was designed to just ruin you the first time you go into it. I've since then killed two shamblers though, so I think I've got him down now.
I wish there was more like that though, random mini bosses or optional bosses that are difficult as fuck but give great rewards.

I'm a fan of difficult games and this is scratching that itch.
I'll be honest though, I skipped out on Stygian mode despite the fact that I almost always start off on the hardest mode available in games due to one reason.
The fucking time limit. Once I read that I knew I wouldn't enjoy myself if I played that mode, I hate having a time limit over my head.

I've been playing the game without using torches too, prioritizing scouting items to avoid getting shuffled.

Hol' up though, this game is still being updated? We're gonna be getting DLC for sure, or are you nigs just hoping for that? Because I'm fucking stoked if that's the case, I hope we get another 2 areas to play with. That would be the fucking dream.

It's true.

I suggested it because it is a more enjoyable experience. This is coming from someone that started on and played 54 hours of Darkest mode.

It just feels more fun and a lot less grindy.

>Go into the forest
>get surprised by a tree giant + dudes
>Tree giant crits team with trunk slam, sending basically everyone to deathblow
>other dudes DoT and finish off the my guys
>my guys die when the turn starts

and this is why there need to be limiters on the RNG.

Superb taste, my negro

>weald encounter
>it's a giant, a crone and a virago
>uninstall game
>burn computer

I liked the end.
When's blood DLC?

>morons refuse to enter the last dungeon a second time
>have to grind new parties or magically know ahead of time to prepare the grinding early
Wow, thanks developer.

Here's the thing, you have now played all the content the game has to give you.

There is absolutely nothing new you will really encounter, it will just be grind.

And the endgame, to put things in perspetive

The final dungeon requires max (or is it max or max-1) level heroes. There are 4 dungeons you have to do in it. Any hero that goes in can never be used in any of the final dungeons ever again.
So you need to grind up 4 full teams for the endgame. And if you don't look things up, you might not come in with a well suited team comp for the dungeon, in which case, well you just lost 4 guys, effectively.

The endgame is extremely bad.

>All these crying niggers above
Get fucking good. I've never felt that much of stress and safisfaction in a video game before. The stress that characters endure in final dungeon was nothing compared to mine.

>magically know ahead of time to prepare the grinding early

Its spelled out all over you dumb cretin. LISTEN to the fucking ancestor.

The ancestor is obviously tricking you and you are retarded for ever listening to him.
Cultist filth.

In time, you will know the tragic extent of his failings

>Everybody thinks highwayman is the greatest character in the game when they first start
>Everybody realized towards midgame that he's trash and drops him and never picks him back up

Every time.

game's too grindy

How well does the game balance each area?
For example, is the ruins always considered the "easiest" of the 4 areas or did the devs do a good enough job at making each area threatening for their own different reasons?

It's not about being good or not.

Everyone has their breaking point and with this game, it is generally the late game grind + RNG.

Look at a game like Dark Souls. It's tough. You'll die and be put in shit positions. You come back armed with knowledge in like 30 mins tops.
With Darkest Dungeon, you get hit with a crit, low heal RNG, another crit, put on death's door, now with bleed, then you lose your character, it breaks your formation putting you in a position to possibly lose all of your characters. In that event, even losing one of your top tiers, you're looking at 4 to 8 hours minimum before you can get back to chipping away on the Darkest Dungeon. This is all because of some run away RNG that had nothing to do with your skill.

Like the game says, "It's all about making the best out of a bad situation". At some point, the grind becomes not worth it as the game provides diminishing returns for hours played past like hour 30 or so.

It just depends how much you can take getting screwed over + the grind, before it's too much.
Ancestor Reads Lovecraft

its getting an expansion "soon" so i am waiting on that
its great but can get a little repetitive

you also have to play well constantly or you can get fucked quickly

>Any hero that goes in can never be used in any of the final dungeons ever again.
>So you need to grind up 4 full teams for the endgame. And if you don't look things up, you might not come in with a well suited team comp for the dungeon, in which case, well you just lost 4 guys, effectively.

They wont go back after clearing a mission iirc not just walking inside.

If you retreat you will lose a minimum of 1 guy though

>Turns out I couldn't have been more wrong, I'm fucking hooked.
Looks like you got Red Hooked.

Graverobber best girl best crits

You guys are scaring me, is the final dungeon really so difficult?

second mission is a cunt, third mission is LONG but the map does not change

main issue is the templar mini-bosses and getting worn down in mission 3






ruins are generally the easiest and are mainly skeletons + cultists

warrens are mostly beasts and diseases

wealds have a bit or everything and take a higher toll on your torches

cove shits out damage and is mainly edlritch

cove is considered hardest due to the damage but most avoid the warrens to avoid getting sick

some classes are more effective on different areas

the areas are more likely to give a specific reward like busts from the ruins or deeds from the weald

I always found Ruins to be the easiest up until like Veteran level quests where it becomes basically on par as everything else on Veteran. Cove seemed the hardest of them all right away, all the other ones are basically somewhere inbetween.

> finish first playtrough
> only 5 deaths
> by the time is started doing darkest dungeons already had 2-3 of each class to max level
> any death could be easily replaced

Where is the tiddeous grind Sup Forums

This is the one and only reason why early Cove is considered difficult.
Search your heart, you know it to be true. Every other enemy is a joke.

areas feel different enough since 90% of encounters are unique to that zone but there are some enemies like cultists that spawn anywhere or some groups like 4 spiders that can also appear in more than 1 area

once you hit veteran dungeons big enemies spawn in each area

for example the big skeleton commander is tanky and stuns

the pig guy is a bit slow but can rape your party if you don't stop him in time

giant in the weald hits like a truck but cant aim for shit so he usually has a support crew with him to debuff your dodge


>t. radiant mode player who looked everything up before doing it himself.
simply epic.


in case you don't get the class you are looking for you can summon one of the backer heroes

some of them like the /tg/ guy are stacked but most are not

the wiki has more names than this list

it also has the backer trinkets you can summon

>going in The Cove blind
Bring bandages

Werewolves are reasonably OP
Best party is 3 werewolves and a dog.

Honestly 100% this. Looking back I can't really recommend the game at all.

It's just a grind.


you mean abomination?

I like that the theme adds more layers making it more intense as it gets darker

I feel like people miss what spoils the game a bit

The grind isn't really the problem ? the problem is that at the beggining , that game has some teeth to show

You don't know shit at the beggining , what curios does what effect at what percentage , what monsters can do , what your team ideal composition is , out to balance risks

So you constantly find yourself on the edge of yuour seat because at any moment , at any point , you pootentially will have to make a huge comeback from the brink of death

THIS is what's fun about it, but there a point where you start to understand the game and realise how NOT dangerous this game is when you manage your shit correctly, all of a sudden curios aren't these exiting treasures , nope now you see them as "This one i can touch , this one i can't "

Monsters are the same , you'l keep doing the exact same startegy over and over because the monsters will fight you the exact same way all the time, so in return You do too

This is when it dawns on you that you are litterally just going through the motions to get your character at the level you want to enter the dungeon you want , you get less and less invested and this is usually where you'll get team wiped because you stopped actually paying attention

And then it turns to frustration and boredom because the game want to force you to pay attention when you really don't have to 99% of the time

altough i had 12 death that was my experience too

I tried to beat the all the expert bosses before entering the first darkest dungeon so i had to level up a bunch of guys in order not to just wait for them to destress

What about when you stop stressing because you understand how the game works and everything becomes a game of numbers where you just pick the best situation everytime ?

the dealbreaker for me is that you cant even lose. consider the implications of that. you are playing a game which can only be quit or won. it can not be lost.

Brilliant presentation, but the gameplay is much too reliant on making you grind. I heard they introduced a new game mode to kinda tackle this though.

Did that vampire DLC come out?


>Did that vampire DLC come out?
not yet they pushed it back and released the radiant mode and shrieker first

I binge played for about three weeks, got 100+ hours, then dropped the game and never played again.
I should revisit is probably. So many dead...

Darkest Dungeon (final 3 dungeons) are even better music, get hyped

>>Anybody still playing it then or have you all fucked off to greener pastures by now?

I've already played it a bunch, so I gave it a rest until the DLC comes out.

Just stun them. They don't even have prot.

I bet you've never heard this one before in a DD thread.

What's your favorite class?
Mine would have to be the Plague Doctor personally.
What can I say? I love blight stacking.

how about losing your shit over your best squad getting wiped
still having the town overrun might not be a bad end game

Stygian mode adds a max number of casualties and a time limit. Going over any of the two is a game over

id say ruins is the easiest and cove is hardest
although the weald is definetely infuriating with bad rng

>Every tier list ever says to avoid the Leper and puts him at bottom tier because he's "not versatile"
>Steamroll my way through the entire game with my Leper anyway because who needs versatility when you shit out more damage than any other frontline class and decimate the front row before it can do shit.

Simply ~e p i c~ to be honest.
Ya'll niggers are fucking delusional if you think this class is bad.
>b-b-but accuracy
Easily fixed.

>decimate front row
>everyone on the front row had +prot out the ass

epic memerino frienderino

When is the DLC out?

is this a meme game?

Petals must fall.


I've done nothing but no light runs since starting and I still have no gold. The fuck?

>tfw Dismas killed Reynalds family


It's pointless time sink.

how does this work?

enter the stage coach and press enter then type the name into the box for heroes

do the same with the trinket inventory for the backer trinkets

this is the /tg/ guy

Sup Forums

>expecting a game dev from vancouver to make a good game

Vancouver is just another center for hacks. Don't expect anything good from there

Style over substance: the game

how do u not cry when ur favorite team dies Sup Forums

Waiting for DD dlc, have moved to DS3 dlc since the /vg/ gen died

They're all pretty balanced with each release setting their difficulty since the early days
From easiest to hardest

Ruins (Persistent skellies and cultists with stuns and stress but nothing else, loads of treasure in curios and stress related) > Warrens (High chance of bleed and disease, human+beast, lots of food) > Weald (the general mix of the bag, poison curios with humans making most of the bulk) > Cove (the hardest because it focuses on damage and debuff curios, mostly Eldritch)

The new champion mobs are great because they serve as extreme outliers compared to their fellow dungeon brethren. For example, Skiver does poison instead of bleed and remains in the back while the Witch and Bearer support their parties by making them more persistent with buffs or debuffs.