How are you geniunely feeling about this game right now?

How are you geniunely feeling about this game right now?

Personally, I'm still excited; but man was that recent info the most anti-hype shit I've ever seen. None of the reveals were very exciting, and the general presentation just seems bad. I've kind of warmed up to the artstyle, since I now realize they're going for an Action Figure look, but it still just makes the game look cheap. The whole DLC shit didn't shock me since I was 100% prepared for that shit, but still.

Other urls found in this thread:

It doesn't exist to me until 1 week after release.

>The DPs are too hard meme has literally became a reality
>Capcom are removing the dragon punch input because it's too hard
Indicator of things to come, it's gonna be dumbed down casual baby garbage like their past 2 fighting games and hopefully it kills their current team for good.

Although it'll still sell because it has MCU starpower attached

Rage then acceptance that the dream is indeed dead.

MvC3 already casualized the controls so I don't see how anyone can be surprised that DP's are getting the axe.

At this point its just time to accept that MvcI will have the lowest execution barrier humanly possible.

I wanna be excited and optimistic but im just not.

Looks good anons.

Look how sick this looks. Infinite looks so damn cheap compared.

50/50 on my end, what they do next prior to release will determine if I go 100% in on my refund.

How did we get from this

to what fighting games are now

Thing is though user. Say you have a ps4/xbone or pc and you decide on the latest UMVC3 Capcom still wins.

it all started going downwhile at MvC3

>TFW Capcom is going to ignore our critique and re-port MVC2 and Origins for modern consoles incase MVCI is a flop.

>Shit roster
>Dumbed down super casualized inputs
>Ugly models
>Preorder and DCL for a game yet to be released

If we got a reliable way to play MvC2 online out of this I'd call it a success t b h

I was interested but now I really don't care. Capcom doesn't care either.

>SFV is a blunder
>Capcom promises to improve it and that the next game won't be like it
>balance changes for S2 are weak at best
>another season pass
>DLC costumes out the ass which cost more for a single purchase than costume packs did in 4
>also these costumes can't be bought with FM
>just focus on shilling MUH ESPORTS
>decide to rush Infinite
>reused assets
>big advertisement for MCU
>even further casualization
>season pass and DLC characters advertised before we know the whole roster, which is something NRS studios caught flak for constantly but now it's ok when Capcom does it

If this is our future, fighting games deserve to die.

Infinite unironically looks great when there's ton of effects on screen. But when its stills or closeups with not much happening it looks like shit.

Ultra Marvel Vs Capcom 2 The Final Fuck You.

Only for Switch,

Legitimately concerned its going to be dumbed down for normies

user you missed the Ken face. Take a closer look at that picture.

says it all really

You know, the more I look at it, the more i'd be perfectly okay with this game getting a delay for maybe an extra year.

MvCi Sponsored by KFC

What is this Netherrealms-tier shit face?
Why is a shoryu down down punch? down down punch is less fluid than an actual DP
this game looks like shit

Mortal Kombat X Street Fighter confirmed.

early access scam that wants to infiltrate esports just like sfv

It's a conspiracy to make the Marvel girls look better by fuglying up the Capcom girls. This way they can sell Ms Marvel and her stupid haircut.

>What is this Netherrealms-tier shit face?

Third world outsourcing.

Fighting games are entering another dark age after this, SFV and MvCI are the flops to do it

I don't get the issue over the dragon punch input.

It wasn't that hard to begin with, it's not like it's a move that's hard to execute as part of it's balance.

Also, 99% ofthe skill in fighting games is fundamentals, timing, and positioning, not actual command inputs.

>The DPs are too hard meme has literally became a reality


Don't know, I was hyped at first until the DLCs and the release date were announced. It feels like a rushed product, even more than SFV. We will see if the roster save the day.

Nah we good user. Just play something that isnt Capcom.

Maybe if you guys actually supported or tried other games other then just capcom shit.

There are other good fighting games around that have come out. Hell, Pokken is a brand new series, turned out to be great, and despite the fact that that both the Smash and FGC communities abandoned it, still has a fairly sizable scene going.

Go support other games and franchises then.

Are you honestly implying anyone gives a shit about any fightan that isn't Capcom related?

I just wanted a new MvC game, if I knew that this is what would happen to it I would have been happy let it stay dead. If wolverine isn't in the roster by default I'm not touching it, if he is I'll give it a shot

If ghost rider is not in, I am not buying. I also really want The Lizard.

I did. I switched to playing overwatch while I wait for new quake and destiny 2 to come out.

-Arcsys continually fucks over players in the west
-Tekken 7 has taken two years to get to console and it won't last 6 months at tournaments outside of dedicated 3d fighter ones
-indie anime fighters haven't been big since the PS4 came out
-Soul Calibur is dead because casuals complained about V when it was the best game in the series

Pokken was abandoned because Nintendo itself abandoned it with not bringing the arcade changes to the console plus the game not being really fleshed out and characters being too simple with not a lot of flexibility.

I meant other fighting games you dofus. This wouldn't be a problem if the FGC actually cared about shit that's not from capcom.

Faggot. Mortal Kombat X sold 5 million. Injustice did 3 million. Tekken 6 did 4 million.
Just fucking kill yourself your human filth that thinks only Capcom makes fighting games. Find a fire then fling yourself into it then shoot yourself and after that jump in-front of a bus just before you drink bleach.

I hope your cock falls off user.

That wouldn't be a problem if people not from capcom could make a decent game that holds players.

A multiplayer game is only as good as the variety of people you can play against.

Sorry for you, but I'm happy with my fighting games because I don't care about Crapcom.
>XRD is incredible
>KOFXIV is getting better at each patch
>New UNIEL is coming
It's actually better than the SFIV era.

>-Soul Calibur is dead because casuals complained about V when it was the best game in the series

Poorly made "tourney fighter" isn't the best game in the series.

>The whole DLC shit didn't shock me since I was 100% prepared for that shit, but still.

What surprises me is that the fuckers don't even have the wisdom to wait a few weeks after the game's release to finally offer that shit. Maybe people really do fall for the season pass scam if you offer it as soon as possible.

Pokken was abandoned by the FGC before it even came out. The moment people saw >nintendo they dissmissed it, and then the few people that didn't got turned off by the super early meta and what was shown at Evo before people even actually learned the game. The Smash communtiy dropped it as well the moment it actually came to showing up at events

The entire cast is played differently now, zoning is way less prevalent, and people found longer more complex combos that the damage scaling doesn't neuter.

The game's scene is still alive thanks to the community being super dedicated and it's actually getting good entrance numbers at the events it's at, and it's actually at a hell of a lot of majors and regionals, but yes, without FGC support and the DLC it's going to start to die in another year or two.

But Nintendo isn't gonna wanna bother to port the content without more online presence and atteion, and the FGC needs to come in for that to happen.

Pokken sold 1.3 million on fucking wiiu of all things as well. It still has a super active online and is at basically every FGC major that matters with decent numbers despite having almost no community crossover with them even though unlike smash it actually shares mechanics and fundamentals with them.

It was the best game in the series by far from a gameplay perspective, the "muh shitty story" casuals killed the series.

Most people play with their buddies on couch not against some faggots online. Look the SFV defence force is here guys.
Post your crap all you want wont change SFV was a flop. MvCi will also flop. Nothing you can say on Sup Forums will change this fact and each time you play SFV you will know its played by mostly fat diabetic losers and it sold less than Mirrors Edge. Knowing this will effect your enjoyment.

Fucking loser.

I really didn't like MAHVEL. I think a game where you can be put into a 300 hit combo without being able to do anything about it is bad. I also think execution barriers in video games need to go the way of the dodo.

Which is why I'm genuinly curious about Infinite. I absolutely love Street Fighter V because of how much Capcom worked to streamline the game's mechanics and make them accessable to people who aren't autistic niggers or slants. And knowing that Capcom wants to do the same thing with Infinite is absolutely a good sign. I expect an incredibly fun and sensible game that will be a breeze to play.

Really, right now I'm on the mind that Capcom could make another Street Fighter X Tekken, put gems in it AGAIN, and it would actually be successful this time just as long as it played like Street Fighter V. Which is kinda like how I expect Infinite to play.

I just hope this game will have a demo. I got lucky taking the plunge with Street Fighter V but I can only go so far.


Do you just play against the cpu because no one plays those at tournaments or online

That would be nice if literally anyone played that shit online

Sales don't mean shit. Neatherrealm games are widely regarded as single player games. People who buy that shit are hipsters who vaguely remember playing fighting games on the SNES and have never heard of the FGC.

>keeps bringing up pokken

Keep telling yourself that game is relevant.

>I also think execution barriers in video games need to go the way of the dodo.

Kill yourself retard, MvC3 had the easiest execution ever. Combos didn't have strict inputs you just had to memorize them. The even dumbed down the buttons to light-medium-heavy-launcher


I'm hyped for Capcom's Fighting Climax.

>chad faggot thinking anyone cares how often him and his friends "play" some random game spamming jump heavy kick and taking turns blowing each other

I was worried when I saw the latest trailer. It just didn't look right and seemed really cheap.

The first trailer you can't tell shit from but it generally looked like marvel. Sure the systems are a bit different but fine, change is common in the series.

But at that point they said the game was early in development, now it is a few months away? We haven't even seen one full match yet. Again the series has had short development times but that was when you could do that, now it means your game looks like a phone game.

The DP stuff I could see being a mode, but the lack of gameplay plus everything else makes me very worried right now.

Fagoot Pokken sold over 2 million. Stop trying stealth hype SFV. Eat acid.

Official word from capcom?

The game is going on switch,
hence the shitty graphic to make sure it run on shitty switch.
Why are you all so surprised?

They actually had a budget and people who cared working on the game. Now they can barely scrape two 100円 coins together and outsource to the lowest bidder. The MVCI trailer looks like cutrate Fox Kids or WB animation.


>online r/kappa faggot that has tits bigger than Cammy.

since mvc2 they did say they were gonna
Take us for a ride
>cue that fucking shitty song now


Pretty cautiously optimistic. The removal of the DP motion is worrying but at least it still requires a motion at all. In Persona Arena you could DP just by pressing 2 buttons. It made it so scrubs who were easily baited ate fatal counter damage constantly. So I'm not too worried about it having played that game. The graphics aren't amazing but they can't all look as good as Xrd. Besides KoFXIV looks like shit and it's still fun. I guess my only real question is why didn't they at least try to hide it with a comic book artstyle again. It's a little embarrassing that MvC3 looks better. I get they wanna push MCU stuff but I think they could still have the characters look and act like their MCU versions while still having the thick outline comic style of the previous game. Bring back MvC2 Jill. Confirm Dante. Strider hype.

That's not difficult cammy is basically flat chested

Defend this.

Nintendofags will buy and play anythung with a pikachu un it

She is after Capcom nerfed her tits.

>It was the best game in the series by far from a gameplay perspective
Whoah, this is spectacularly wrong. Gameplay in SC V was trash, just barely better than SC IV.

Previous leakers that have predicted shit and people on the inside have pretty much confirmed this.

>I also think execution barriers in video games need to go the way of the dodo.
Why? Execution is one of the ways you can feel growth as a player. The road from barely being able to pull off a bread and butter combo in training mode to being able to convert off of stray hits and weird situations in real matches is part of what makes the genre so addicting.

They shouldn't remove execution from fighting games any more than they should add auto-aim to competitive FPS.

The hell are you talking about? Simple mode?
You still couldn't do skill skillful stuff in simple not to mention simple mode was in MvC1

>Kill yourself retard, MvC3 had the easiest execution ever.
Not in my book. Those long-ass combos took a lot out of you.

Also FYI the Easiest Execution Award belongs to Street Fighter V and Soul Calibur I & II.

Nintendofags get good games though. Gotta feel bad for Capfags.

You are quite literally braindead if you think MVC3 had hard execution.

True Capcom has been killing its IPs since the mid 2000s.

Not just thicc. Juicy.

The ultimate control method for video games is mind control. As such, the outcome of a match should be determined by wether you can out-strategize the opponnent, not wether you are better at inputting a specific series of commands than the other guy.

Thusly, the farther away all games move from necessary complicated inputs the better.

Street Fighter x Tekken is the best modern capcom game in terms of being easy to learn and hard to master.
Infinite seems kind of like a more fun SFxT but there's no way to tell yet

Really? I thought it was 1.3 million. Link?

>Keep telling yourself that game is relevant.

It's not relevant and it should be, same with plenty of other good non capcom fighters, that's my entire point. It's got the players to be: It's active online, with both a heavy base of expierenced players and constant new ones, and it's going to be at or was just at (or both, for most) final round, NCR, CEO, frosty faustings, dreamhack austin, atlanta, and denver, thefallclassic, winter brawl, NEC; Summerjam, and Defendthenorth, and usually gets around 60-90 players.

It's got a healthy playerbase, but it needs FGC recognition and support outside of it's specific community and more crossover with other FGC playerbases to continue to survive. Same goes for shit like Tekken.

>barely better than IV
>when IV had garbage like taking more damage when you lose armor, Hilde being able to ring you out from the middle of the stage, Algol in general, and guard impacts were braindead

Nigger have you ever played the game above "mashing with my friends" tier?

Not really. I sold my Wii U and kept my PS4. No regrets.

Once you grow into adulthood you will stop caring about Nintendo as well.

Only retarded 16ers who want to boost their cred would actually complain about downdown for a DP. SF4 had a shortcut that is almost the same (except it's downforward twice) for almost ten years.

Of all the fucking problema this game has, it matters the least.

What really fucking sucks is that it looks like a shitty alpha version despite being mere months away from release. Or the fact that capcom chose to waste it's peanut budget on the story mode as opposed to the game itself.

How was it better than soul calibur 2?That shit was unbalanced as hell spam elbow natsu?OP as fuck nightmare???

Not braindead, just neurotypical. There's a difference between regular person and autist.

Typical uninformed child. All consoles are for children. When (you) grow up you will learn the joys of PC gaming.

I'm not the kind of person who puts too much into graphics and I consider this game to look good enough (as in, KOFXIV good enough). But the info revealed has raised a lot of red flags for me that remind me of SFV's launch, so I can't say I'm excited for the game right now.

It could still surprise me.

You're actually wrong. In terms of execution
MvC3 = MvC2 > the rest of the series
Marvel has never had execution that was too hard but there is some hard shit in MvC3 like Iron man and Chun combos

Just be a useful you can get by playing easier characters like Hulk, Sentinel, etc. Doesn't mean that hard characters stop existing

People complained about that shortcut too because sometimes you would get fucked by overlap and get a super if it's double QCF punch like Ryu. The shortcut fucked you more than be helpful

Nightmare wasn't even that good if you know how to block and to throw him out of his super

If that's what you have to tell yourself.

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt. Go shit up some other genre you cutscene skipping, touchscreen loving hipster faggot who started playing vidya in 2015.

t. still playing capcom games about anime schoolgirls and dark hado powers he played when he was 8

It's simple
>No Asura
>No Buy

You didn't get a million years to do an OTG in MVC2. I'm not saying that MVC3 is bad, in fact I think its a better game than MVC2, but there is a bit more leniency with 3 than 2 ever had.

>no assists

ah my old friend SFXT

Persona 5 Arena when?

You see, linking is difficult as fuck. It's why SF V has an input buffer.

If you couldn't do links, X Tekken was a game of boost chain into tag special move 24/7. And if you were fighting anybody that COULD link, you would always get absolutely bodied without fail.

The game was just too one note for most people, and no fun at all when they played against the few experienced players out there because linking in that game let you do some stupid shit, and if you couldn't link you were absolutely fucked. That's what killed X Tekken, not gems.

Did you not play MVC1? It had assists, but they were limited and weren't like the broken bullshit that 2 and 3 had.

Glad for this desu
I wonder if it'll have links too