Do they even play games other than VNs, moe jrpgs and Nintendo games ?
Are they all autistic or don't enjoy better games ?
Do they even play games other than VNs, moe jrpgs and Nintendo games ?
Are they all autistic or don't enjoy better games ?
At least they don't watch movies like westerners
how is this an insult
Yes, they play Bethesda games.
Bethesda is the pinnacle of western developers in Japan... (who knows why...?)
Why zero chinks on multiplayer games?
Also no designated street shitters too .
he meant your games suck
what are better games according to you
chinks are too busy playing lol and dota and shit
Yea, they should play superior western games like andromeda
yeah probably
>Do they even play games other than VNs, moe jrpgs and Nintendo games ?
You seem to be confusing Japanese people and weeaboos, OP.
It isn't tho, where does this meme come from?
only Skyrim was somewhat popular, but it wasn't really more popular than GTA5, Battlefield or any popular western games there.
Still, these games only sell a few hundred thousand copies in Japan an that's nowhere near the few million copies of Monster Hunter, Pokemon or Dragon Quest games.
I don't speak anime. Pls translate
No, like Fallout NV
From the shitloads of Nip mods on the Nexus and shitloads of nip players.
>Monster Hunter
>few million copies
>VNs, moe jrpgs and Nintendo games
The most popular games are Monster Hunter (multiplayer focused action rpg), Dragon Quest (simple jrpg), Pokemon (another simple jrpg) and mobile rpgs like Granblue Fantasy.
Also genres like fighting games and japanese action rpgs are generally more popular in Japan than in the west.
moe VNs and jrpgs are mostly niché
why redditors hate japanese games so much. or poor 3rd worlders who cant afford it? i dont know.
at least pc gamers who can afford it seem to stop hating it since steam gets a lot of japanese games
Tokyo Sup Forums meetup in 1 hour, someone buy me conbini sandwiches.
probably because the only reason nips play Skyrim is because it's a good sandbox for their own mods.
I doubt they enjoy the standard game as I've seen many user impressions complaining about how dull it looks and plays.
Correction: Monster Hunter is an anime-inspired Action RPG
And then they should stop after playing a 2010 title?
>what are arcades
>tfw bought into the moonspeak meme
>Studying abroad next summer
Any advice?
Whats the fuck is "better games"? Jap games dominate metascore recently though