>Another day wasted on a computer screen
Another day wasted on a computer screen
A day enjoyed is not wasted
Sometimes I miss the NEET life
Same except it was a work computer screen and not a fun computer screen
Living the good life.
If you're happy it's not wasted.
you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone
t: going back to NEETing after trying to get my shit together and failing again. I much prefer shitposting and playing vidya
Fuck you yes it is if he's not productive to society
>Not productive to society
If the man works a job and pays his taxes, I don't care if he spends his days fingering his asshole while watching paint dry, anytime spent not working or procreating is wasted time.
Fuck society
Being a salary cuck is hard
Two screens for me. And I get paid for it
society can suck my dick
>muh society
Get fucked commie cuck.
Stupid neets. If nobody worked society wouldn't function
Fucking retard. Get to work, slave. Make sure to stick your ass out while you work too so your boss can ravage your ass when he feels like it.
What you don't have a job? Then get one, you worthless fucking loser. If you can't get one then I'm sorry you are so useless you are a lost cause. KYS. You won't be missed.
Holy shit, I can't believe you had to resort to a strawman that fucking basic in argument to even get a reply out.
Go gas yourself commie scum.
Don't be sad OP
The people your age that'll make a difference in the world are already in elite colleges or high flying jobs. They were bred for it by parents that could afford to give them the very best. You could never compete. So basically just do whatever you want because your success in life is overwhelmingly decided before birth and there's nothing you can do about it
Another week working and just throwing the money into an account doing nothing.
I've been at this for 2 years now. Pretty sure I can afford a house but I'm too stupid and lazy to go through the process.
>le ebin world is unfair meme
Holy shit kys.
The current societal system is failing so many people anyway. It would be in everyones interests if it crumbled so it could be rebuilt from the ground up, without people working themselves to death or certain demographics having everything slanted in their favor.
>society wouldn't function
You mean it is now?
>Just throwing money into an account
Learn how to invest user.
Buy an instrument or go hiking
This, let it all fail desu.
I'd feel bad if I was supporting society
>tfw used to work doing masonry building houses
>tfw driving past all the old houses I'd built and seeing literal niggers and paki immigrants, asians and mudshits living in them
I helped in immigration by working to build houses for the fucks. Felt so bad and enraged. Later quit the job. I got good money for it buy I knew my tax dollers were going to shit that would fuck me over anyways.
t. Byakuya
It's not unfair but you're deluding yourself if you don't believe the very best in their fields were born to confident, intelligent, wealthy and cultured parents of the upper classes. The rest of us may as well do what we wanna because it's not going to matter
>Lol, only rich kids grow up to rule and change the world
Maybe, but that's nothing an act of violence couldn't change. They can keep running things if they do a good job, the system is fucked, and if it doesn't get any better, people will eventually become violent. It's happened before, and it'll happen again. That's just human history.
If they can afford a house, aren't they paying taxes as well, regardless of their origin ?
Close Sup Forums, reopen Sup Forums
You don't have to be the very best to get a satisfying job that pays well and leaves you feeling fulfilled.
What you are saying is an excuse to lie around all day because you are too lazy to even attempt to work.
I'm Aussie. Rich chinese come over from mainland China and just buy everything up and then rent it out to other immigrants like niggers/muslims/indians on welfare, and sometimes whites too, shove like 10 people into a house. It's disgusting.
Society is shit and there's no sign of it going better anytime soon
wake up next to GF
see this thread
it gets better bro's i promise
sounds like smart capitalism desu
>If nobody worked society wouldn't function
yeah like that would ever happen, 100% of the entire population of the world never working ever again
I do work an every day I wish I could go back to being a neet
Is that a picture of your gf?
Oh never mind, she's not fat enough to be your gf.
Find a job you enjoy then. This isn't rocket science.
They are fucking us over, they buy our property to hide assets from the chinese government to avoid taxes there, I don't think they pay much taxes here too and we constantly hear about chink landlords fucking people over, breaking tax rules and getting whopping huge fines for illegally modifying houses and then shoving welfare immigrants into them packed like a tin can.
>it's get better
>tfw hit 24 and my sexual market capital leaped up and girls are suddenly interested in me now
Just hold out lads, you will be there soon.
literally my life
I'm also 24 and my sexual marker capital has stayed the same
What am I doing wrong
All these people who aren't neets and sit on Sup Forums.
Get the fuck out guys really
>another day wasted having fun
if you don't enjoy videogames, don't play them and find another hobby
>Been NEET for 2 weeks
>Haven't applied anywhere yet
>Ex-Manager literally rewrote my CV and it looks amazing
>Bored as fuck but too apathetic to do anything about it
In those years from 18-23 when you couldn't get girls, you still tried to improve yourself like save sums of money and workout at the gym and gain life experiences that you can talk about, get hobbies and passions right?
It's never to late to start user.
I just wanna leave Sup Forums
I sure love video games.
>mfw i haven't "worked" a day in over 9 years and don't pay a penny in taxes
>mfw i'm free from the jews and their schemes and they can't get me unlike you other sheep
The women have moved past their days of having fun and are looking for a guy to settle down with.
Enjoy those sloppy 42458868 seconds then.
>read this post
>wow, I guess I should go do something
>realize that it's better to be happy and meaningless than miserable and meaningless
I thought that happened when girls reached 30? My gf is younger than me. I don't think she wants to get married and she certainly doesn't want kids at all, not yet anyways that's for sure.
End me fampai
Can I borrow $50?
>Another day wasted in this illusion that's called reality
Anywhere after 23 is when girls start to think about settling down
Oh, well my gf is 23 exactly.
Ah well.
>you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone
Like your youth?