Why did you say Sony always wins and not Sony and Microsoft? Or Justice always wins? You trying to start shit?
Do you think they rape hackers in prison?
Being a Neet in a prison must be tough.
Does a neet just stay in his cell? Also does this confirm that all criminals are fags because of all this prison rape? Why fuck a man and not just wank off?
Prison rapes are an American thing mostly.
gotta meme it up senpai
microsoft won too...
I am sure they are not in their cells all the time. They have plenty of time to communicate with each other.
Also it's not considered to be the one on giving end in Prison.
There are no females anyway but the ability to fuck other guys makes you Alpha and others won't try to mess with you.
It is disgusting but this is how they live over there.
Is this an actual hacker, or one of those ddos kids who brag on twitter about taking down xbox live?
PC masterace exactly where they belong: behind bars.
Check the article, he was responsible for a lot of money loss for companies. Also pretty sure someone posting a fake "I am le hacker" on twitter wouldn't get him two years in jail.
They're all DDOS script kiddies, but someone had to use mom's credit card to pay the botnet owners.
>whites under his eyes visible
>looks autistic
Of course it would be some borderline sociopathic wizard.
Nah, not a real hacker. Just a script kiddie. Most of them tend to be.
>Mudd's program was used by 112,000 people to hack 666k IP address,
>Mudd had become "lost in an alternate reality" due to bullying at school.
Fedorafags confirmed for crybaby losers. He'll probably sue if they don't let him watch the Amazing Atheist while wearing his fedoras in prison.
Is that what PC masterrace looks like
It had little to do with piracy or gaming in general. He's just a cunt who ruined days for thousands of people and costed a bunch of companies millions of dollars. And he did to boost his own ego among the epic le hacker script kiddies.
2 years was a soft sentence. Especially considering that he may not go to jail at all if he was already locked up during the long ass invesrigation.
2 years is a pretty long time for a kid. Different perspective on passage of time than older adults and all that jazz.
hes gonna get so much pussy once he gets out
His asshole will be a pussy once he gets out.
girls don't gave dicks, so...
That's really not that long for hacking major companies
And Brazilian/Colombian
There are tons of vids of rape and execution videos on bestgore (security only around the perimeter )
Why do people watch those videos?
A denial of service attack ALWAYS costs the target company money. I don't know how he went about attacking his targets, but like
says, most "hackers" are just using premade tools.
Spoof your IP
Spoof your MAC
Use a proxy
Use Nmap and Nikto
Look up some exploits that someone with way more knowledge than you already made
U can be the kool hacker too
The most criminal act I'll commit is pirating japanese cartoons and video games, that's interesting to know tho user, thanks
Fucking another guy in prison basically enforces your role in cell life. If you let them Fuck you in the ass you are their bitch and everyone will see you as a weak faggot. But that being said it gives you protection if you let the right guys Fuck you since they get protective over their bitches. Nobody likes to share a used hole.
His name is mud now.
Mostly teenagers who are inteterested/curious on seeing the dark side of the world as with graphical fidelity. That and edgecuck adults and criminal or power fetishists.
Where do you think you are
I'm not saying anyone should hack anybody, it's a serious crime these days. Just wanted to give people an idea of how easy it is these days. I mean, it was easy before; the internet and networks in general were never built from the ground up to be secure.
I understand user, I'm actually pretty curious about these things. The media tends to fuck up representing hackers so there isn't much hacker shit to consume for entertainment
>girls don't gave dicks
>Prison rapes are an American thing mostly
>And Brazilian/Colombian
You do realize those are american nations right?
>those are american nations
No. Those are South American nations.
I've taken a few classes for a certification in networking, so I'm no pro, im just aware of it and how it works. If you want some insight on it, check out the DEFCON hacker conferences on youtube. They upload presentations from cyber security experts, and some of them have some interesting stories to tell. One dude gets his laptop stolen in a break in, so he manages to connect to it, figures out where it is, and sends the police over to the burglers house. Just be prepared for some cringe.
when someone says american 99% of the time they mean USA, no point being pedantic if you knew what he meant
Are you pretending to be stupid?
>two years
which company hired him?
Murderers and rapists are usually in a different cell block. They never see those who did a lesser crime.
>be american
>go to theatre
>get shot
>can't pay $100k in hospital bills
>go in prison for debt
>get raped
That is amazing, I'll check them out today user, thanks.
>hiring a script kiddy
Honestly? I don't know. After the news and some sports I just go there and read the new entries. I also have a pretty boring job.
>increase you debt for medical services.
I don't think that's how it works.
If you read the article, you'd see in the first paragraph that we was responsible for writing a malicious script that other people were using to do damage. He's a legit hacker.
$5000 just for an ambulance, what you gonna do if you can't pay?
>americans have to pay $100k to have a baby
Why would you want to have babies? Humanity's time is over, just let something else come along.
Good, those cocky faggots thought they couldn't get caught. Seeing this cunt get sent to jail is satisfying.
Rape is about power.
Most guys in jail hardly do it because you are sexy or they are horny. They do it to make a point.
That just feels like the lamest excuse for being gay-
>this is what yuropoors think actually happens
*tips moldy cheese*
The fag committed a crime, and is being punished. Hope that few days he thought it was funny hacking Sony and Microsoft was worth it.
it is though
>american "health""""care"""
>Humanity's time is over, just let something else come along.
I agree.
But in jail most rapist aren't considered gay. The guy being raped is. Odd isn't, since the guy being raped has no say in the matter.
a dinosaur user
is hacking that easy? i mean i understand if were only sony but Microsoft?
Seeing as how I don't have to wait for a month to get something checked out unlike (((free))) healthcare and the quality is much higher, I'd say it's worth it outside of premium increases as a result of Obamacare fuckery.
he looks like one of the Bogdanoffs
>be chinese
>walk through the streets
>hit by some stray debris from a construction site
>have to crawl to hospital because everyone is afraid of getting sued
>bleed out on the way there, but my arms keep flexing my corpse in that direction because i am a fucking bug
>Seeing as how I don't have to wait for a month to get something checked out unlike (((free))) healthcare
I've literally always been able to see a doctor the same day I call up.
> and the quality is much higher
>spend most
>still get inferior care
>being happy for a corporation
This is the times we live in...
fucking lost rotlfrglrt
>literally always been able to see a doctor the same day I call up.
You don't need to lie on the internet Hans
Real faggots are treating like shit and have a higher chance of getting themselves killed. I'm not talking about county prison either It's the maximum prison where all the heavy hitters are clog up together. Rapist and pedophiles are marked with death, if you a weak nigga then you a bitch nigga. It's a flip of a coin if they will let you live after they fuck you.
I don't care for corporations. It's just schadenfreude because some pasty epic hax0r is going to get worn like a condom in the jail.
Weird, this kid went to and hacked my college.
Is he going to real jail or just juvie?
I'm britbong
call up in the morning and you can be seen the same day. Keep shitposting about things you have no idea about Jamal
>be chinese
>use the escalator
>use a elevator
Asalam alakum my british friend
Real jail for 2 years. He's 20 years old.
>Ultimately judge Michael Topolski QC ruled that Mudd "knew full well and understood completely this was not a game for fun" and that his dealing were "a serious money-making business" with his software functioning exactly as intended. As such, Topolski stated that Mudd's sentence must have a "real element of deterrent" to ward off any would-be hackers.
Well الله أكبر to you too young lady.
takbir brother
>people only voted Brexit to kill sandniggers out
>nothing happened, only thing that changed is EU hates them
Ha ha
*keep sandniggers out
>British prisons are FULL of arabs
>they are famous for buttfucking girly boys
But what did he do
>they vote for brexit to exile the sandniggers
>mayor sandnigger of londonistan overrules it and pours more sandniggers into the country
prison rape happens in the UK
suicides and rape in prison are at an all time high at the moment, but the media present prisons as "cushy" with access to playstations so you never hear anything about it.
French prisons are full of rape because they're 40% Muslim. It's a breeding ground.
2 years of vacation and guilt free gay sex
lucky son of a gun
>be a britbong
>SWAT team storms your house
>beat the living shit out of you because you left a potential weapon out of the drawer (fork)
>end up serving 10 years in prison surrounded by shitskin mudslimes
>they rape you to death
God bless the Queen.
>North America is America
>Be american
>Go to work in the city
>Get planed
>Wife goes to watch batman in movie theatre
>Gets shot with a AR-16
>Daughter at school colouring in with pencils
>Class gets broken onto by some /r9k/ loser
>Gets shot
as yes "land of the free"
>use a broom
>get constantly hit by an stranger in the street
a holes a hole, faggot.
Is this you?
Microsoft won in the case but technical they leeched off sony's win. See, Sony always win Microsoft obviously don't.
>i learn things about IRL from playing GTA