Original creator of XCOM is making an XCOM-like game with mutating alien and animal hybrids

>Original creator of XCOM is making an XCOM-like game with mutating alien and animal hybrids

>This all goes back to the way the aliens are constructed. There are different cores, which Gollop calls “chassis”, and you’ll see different ones in different parts of the world. Africa has a chassis referred to as the Sphinx, which is based on a lion. But because these creatures are mutated mash-ups, that simply means it’s a tough, fast quadruped. It might have longer legs, borrowed from elsewhere in the animal kingdom, or human arms to hold a gun (and that gun will have been stolen from a human faction). If a gun-wielding sphinx manages to obliterate one or more of your squads, the aliens will stick with it, pleased with its efficiency. But if you find a new tactic or tech that takes out a whole bunch of them, the aliens will adapt.
>There’s a random element to those adaptations but essentially the alien AI is discarding parts that don’t seem to work and cycling in new elements to find a way to beat you. What this should mean is that the difficulty curve has peaks and valleys rather than a steady trend in either direction. There is a doomsday clock element behind everything, giving urgency to your actions, but Gollop wants to encourage experimentation rather than having people try to discover the ‘correct’ route.


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Game looks pretty good, but I just hate the fact it has rng in it.

Not going to fund a game on Tim & Brian platform.
Still it look interesting and promising.

>Not going to fund a game on Tim & Brian platform.

so basically
>its XCOM
>dropping the roswell setting
>going with an almost lovecraftian one
>still timed
>still retarded RNG most likely

eh, I can dig it

>Targeting parts on enemies


Pretty much sums it up. Tell me when there's something to actually show.

His previous game Chaos Reborn was decent. This mite b cool.

It's not firaxis

>still timed

What did they mean by this?

He didn't create XCOM you fucking retard. He created UFO, or if you're american; X-COM

Oh no I missed a dash

The hyphon makes a big difference. It's the difference between the original masterpiece and the modern consolized trash.

>It's the difference between the original masterpiece and the modern consolized trash
>lovecraft theme
>not automatically hot garbage

>modern consolized trash.
I truly hate people like you.

Something tells me it's gonna flop massively )
Just looks too boring

>modern consolized trash.
They literally stole mechanics from 1992 Space Crusade, but keep showing that you are teen

so there are no humans?
I want to purge disgusting abominations, not play as them

>Talking shit about TftD


I wish time units would return for this.
Maybe we atleast get 3D calculated shots again instead of the Point A-B shooting the newer XCOMs had.

looks ok for me , hope it takes off

I know there's part targeting on enemies and destruction is apartently a big part of the game, so hopefully

>I wish time units would return for this.
>Maybe we atleast get 3D calculated shots again
Won't happen in game with 500k as crowdfunding target

can't wait to pay for a promise of a game that'll have outdated concept made by a company that hasa guy that was sweeping floors in the same building that other game from years ago was made.

>guy that was sweeping floors
You are talking about Julian Gollop?

>Not going to fund a game on Tim & Brian platform.

Spotted the underage

Looks like more of the same X-com: Enemy Unknown that I got tired of, just with a bit better looking enemies and a bit ps2 era design looking levels

Because I liked the system and what it brought to the table.
Sure, at first it feels overly complicated with something as simple as turning your character slighly taking precious time, but it gave the game so much depth and possibilities.
The 2 actions per turn style never really clicked with me. I get it, it is simple to understand and easier to balance, but it felt so restrictive.
Having normal human soldiers without superman special abilities and a fixed amount of time to get shit done, was so much more rewarding as a player if you invested the time to get behind the system.
I wish game developers would play with the idea more. But I guess nobody would touch it for a 3D strategy game, since you'd have to develop a animation system that takes those small incremental passages of time into account. It ain't as simple as static sprites anymore, so turn action is a much easier mechanic to work with as a whole.


Looks like NuCom to me, not interested.

>not interested in best com clones

This guy knows what's up. I miss all that shit, I miss having like 20 man squads with only like 4 guys surviving, I miss having to individually equip every soldier at the start of every mission, I miss being able to put my base anywhere on the world map, I miss the base building and I miss how when your base was invaded it had the layout you made.

The depth and realism made it a far more enjoyable experience because it made the possibilities way more dynamic, giving the game more replay value

>There’s a random element to those adaptations

Bad sign. Gamedev cannot into probability theory.

TU in original Xcom games (the way they we implemented, really) mostly gave you possibility to get hit by reaction fire at every action, forcing player to turtle.

TU basically happened because early tactics games used absolutely shit engines and they couldn't handle pathfinding over large distances.

What you mentioned are matter of taste and poor game design decisions, with huge coating of nostalgia.

Tell me about replay value where in every game you used basic weapons for few missions, then switched to laser rifles, than switched to heavy plasmas and stopped caring about loadouts.

The replay value came mostly from naming all your dudes and seeing who survived and who got fucked up, because it was the norm for most recruits to get completely fucked all the time. It was far more enjoyable than just having a super squad of 4-6 guys who never fucking died that all had retard fake super powers and pre-defined cookie-cutter classes with bland as fuck talent trees you'd always pick the same shit on every time.

Is this gonna segue into people being assblasted their 99% shot doesn't hit?

>it was the norm for most recruits to get completely fucked all the time.
Maybe for shitty players.
It's absolutely possible to clear several battleships in row with rookies with laser rifles without taking casualties, as long as psionics is not involved.

Mass casualty events happen when you try mission you are not prepared for, like that sectoid terror site in january.

Best case scenario. Worst case scenario - No Mans Sky procedural worldbuilding.

I hate this meme when devs who did one good game 20 years ago jump back into the industry thinking they'll be the best shit ever and then inevitably fail because they haven't developed games for 20 years.

And they all have to crowdfund their shitty games even though most of them are rich as fuck.

already backed it, honestly if all it ends up being is new xcom with a more lovecraftian theme i will feel like i got my moneys worth

Gollop had another crowdfunded game called Chaos Reborn a few years back, don't know if it's any good tho

It is
Though you can't do shit Chaos game, it's the only game from ZX Spectrum which is still playable today.


>mfw all those mythical devs that created the great games of the past turn to crowdfunding
>mfw they all turn to be shit or scams
>mfw peter molyneux, tim schaffer, warren spector, keiji inafune, tim cain

>mfw I can't even begin to understand this

They couldn't be all flukes, right? Was it ALL luck?

It was the publishers forcing them to keep deadlines and telling them most of their ideas were shit.

>Tim Schafer
>critically acclaimed games like [...] Brütal Legend.
>$3.3 million crowdfunding campaign [...] helping inspire a new era of crowdfunded games

Someone managed to write this with a straight face.

okay now I get you. Fuck this site now.

>forcing player to turtle.
>compared to eu where overwatch crawl is the only viable tactic

>Tell me about replay value where in every game you used basic weapons for few missions, then switched to laser rifles, than switched to heavy plasmas and stopped caring about loadouts.
>compared to EU where all the weapons are the same and you just put scopes on everyone

the original x-com was a flawed game, sure, but it was also released in 1994

firaxis had over 20 years to figure out how to improve the formula and instead they gutted every single mechanic so they could make a shallow board game

These guys already made Chaos Reborn which is pretty good and has unique and somewhat deep gameplay systems so I'm going to be mildly hyped.

>playing newer xcom
>medics die
>I can't go to their body and pick up the healing spray with another soldier
>no inventory management past the initial loadout that you are locked into

Into the trash it went. Hopefully this game lets the player have more control, if not there is always xenonauts 2.

not saying theyre not comfortably well off but not all these old devs are millionaires. Crowdfunding is a good idea hypothetically speaking.

It's just riddled with easily abused customer faith and half assed wankers cashing out early and making a token effort to finish a project or sometimes outright fraud (the youtuber game comes to mind, yogscast? i think it was them who raised a mass amount of cash and it just dissapeared with the project.

wait so who made xenonauts then

how many creators xcom had

adding to this the game looks pretty good desu, hopefully will in turn make firaxis up there game, we need something similar for civ and total war now to force competition

>lovecraft theme
>automatically hot garbage
Wew lad, your taste is so shit I can smell it from over here.

It is, like zombies it's so overplayed it's not original and lazy if you use it. Think up or use another setting.

I agree it does look cool, but I'm completely done with crowdfunding anything

>modern consolized trash.
The new ones are considerably better.

The question is: will it release on consoles? Instant trash if it will.

The setting is cool and all but the bare minimum to capture my attention in mechanics department are:
>bullet physics
>detailed destruction
>free aim
>as little as possible retarded "RNG management"

There were already many simplistic copies of simplistic nuXCOM.
Advance the legacy of X-COM/Jagged Alliance/SilentStorm or try your luck next door.

Name 5 recent games with lovecraftian horrors from the deep.

Were original xcom games thrash too according to your logic?

>b-b-b-but that doesn't count

If they make console version, instabuy for me. Otherwise I won't buy it.


Really like modern hardcore babbies who
a)Claim Xcom 2012 was "dumbed down for casuals" (it uses system from 1992 TBS Space Crusade)
b)Believe games are "made bad" by console ports (all classic PC games like Dune II and Command&Conquer received console ports)


>s-s-s-stop u-u-u-sing ll-l-logic a-a-a-nd a-a-a-ctually g-g-g-ood aa-a-aa-rguments

What Fireaxis did was look for a way to open up XCOM to everyone and not just a handful bunch while keeping what made X-COM, well X-COM.

If you look at the post-mortem of modern XCOM and all the interviews of Jake, you can see that motherfucker wanted a hardcore game but it never worked out in the end, he reinvented the wheel like 5 times trying to come up with ways of making TU work in a simple but fun way for everyone.

Nobody is going to waste effort arguing against your retarded claims user, if you can't figure it out on your own there's no point explaining it.

There's a lot of Molyneuxing and not enough proof of concept. I want to believe in Gollop, but it all sounds like it will come crashing down when the technology can't keep up with his ambitions.

I want organic stat growth to come back. In the new one, once you've level capped your dudes on missions doesnt have any benefits for them. youre just going on them because you have to.

In the older games, it was much more fun to grow your agents. Giving a guy a sniper rifle and using aimed shots makes his accuracy grow, having him run alot during the mission increases stamina and speed, equipping heavy armor and weighing him down with equipment increased strength etc. Your agents will most likely never max every stat and will keep growing for the entire duration of the campaign.

>What Fireaxis did was look for a way to open up XCOM to everyone
Therein lies the problem.

X-COM fans don't want X-COM to be easily accessible as that'd ruin their treehouse secret club mentality.

>actually defending the dumbing down of video game

Like if you could ever refute my arguments, clown

>Giving a guy a sniper rifle
>In older X-COM

nigga what the fuck are you saying
It was heavy rifle or rifle and there were no variations, also if i recall correctly stat growth was random at times, you could force aim shots and that motherfucker wouldnt hit the side of a barn and instead would get a growth in health for some damn reason (In the OG game when it came out after the difficulty "patch", not OpenXCOM)

I am not defending it, but stating what happen to the game.

I fucking hated EU until EW and then loved Long War betas.

But Jake had his heart in the right place, but still since it was a Sid Mier minion, he needed his game to be fun for everyone and not just a bunch of people like
Said, it could have been way worse fate for XCOM than what we got as a final product.

It's not inherently a bad thing if done well.

>viral marketing

The only thing which is getting dumbed down are nostalgic retards who now claim archaic dysfunctional mechanics are complexity.

I wonder why they don't defend difficulty bug in xcom because it kinda forced people to beat game in one sittting, adding to immersion.


All I need to read.

>the alien AI is discarding parts that don’t seem to work
seems like it'll work out fine tbqdesu


Looks interesting but it also looks VERY similar to the new XCOM games by 2K, I just hope it's the little snippets of gameplay that gave me the wrong impression here because I really want something close to classic XCOM, to me they should:

>fuck the retarded "pod" system
>bring back action points
>allow you to create multiple bases again (will probably play even better with the whole factions thing mentioned )
>have a nice vision / spotting system
>fully destructible environment, and missed shots can do damage too

there's probably other stuff I'm missing here but those were right off the top of my head

>archaic dysfunctional mechanics

>Chaos Reborn
Sound interesting, tell me more. Does it have a campaign?

Don't expect a worthwhile story or something, the campaign is more like a series of challenges (that range from babby mode to balls to the walls hard). Also there are two completely different ways to play the game, either with a classic HP/mana system or with RNG and risk management. The game really shines in multiplayer though, you can even play with fucking e-mail notifications.

Do i need steam for MP?

I fucking hated the timed missions in nuCOM2, I hope they don't add this bullshit here. Otherwise, the game looks good and I doubt the creator of original XCOM will fuck up a XCOM game.

I'm not sure but I don't think so.

>fuck the retarded "pod" system
Pods allow for proper encounter design, instead of seeding map with aliens and hoping that RND/dumb AI will create something challenging.
>bring back action points
AP were spawned by pre-mouse interfaces, there is no reason to use them nowadays
>allow you to create multiple bases again
One proper base with complex construction, meaningful choices is better than 10x template bases
>have a nice vision / spotting system
Needs proper budget to implement
>fully destructible environment
Won't happen in crowd-sourced game
Also, play Medieval Engineers if you want to watch building collapse

Porn when?!

>>have a nice vision / spotting system
>Needs proper budget to implement
Are you retarded? How the fuck does that require a large budget?

>>fully destructible environment
>Won't happen in crowd-sourced game
Engines like UE4 have the tools inbuilt for that which makes it a click of a button, and for terrain a simple heightmap-based mesh will do which is super fucking basic and anyone who can call himself a programmer can do it with his eyes closed.

>Pods allow for proper encounter design

it seems like you played neither Xcom nor X-com

>How the fuck does that require a large budget?
Because programmers require money to be paid, can you imagine that?
>Engines like UE4 have the tools inbuilt for that which makes it a click of a button
Sure. Show me indie UE4 engine games with full destruction then.

>Because programmers require money to be paid, can you imagine that?
Oh yeah because all these high quality assets (which require paid artists), all the mathematical calculations, and all the logic of the game (latter two require programmers) are doable, but a decent vision system, conetracing is hard. Really makes me think...

>Sure. Show me indie UE4 engine games with full destruction then.
Hatred, skeletons of buildings remain purely for gameplay reasons. Also a retarded question. Show me an RTS on UE4. Can't do that? Wow guess RTS on UE4 are impossible then.


It's like 5 bucks on most sites dude.

Making a steam or gog account is haaaaard


When will you idiots learn?

>Investors invest in Fig securities related to the game Phoenix Point.

>Fig provides a development amount (Fig Funds) to the Developer.

>Provided the game is successfully developed and published, the Developer will pay Fig a revenue share on sales receipts received by the Developer.

Fig's revenue share is 50% of sales receipts before 1.36x the Fig Funds is returned; after that, Fig's revenue share is 25% of sales receipts until (i) a total of 3x the Fig Funds is returned or (ii) 3 years after commercial launch of the game, whichever occurs first.

>Fig then pays out 85% of these revenues to shareholders of Fig securities related to Phoenix Point.

sounds like a fucked system to me

If only people would start making SIlent Storm clones, not XCOM clones.

I must admit, the immersive work environment looks cool as shit. What a way to get into the zone creatively