This is your Link

You may not like him, but he is your Link.

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This is your link:





frig off bobandus

Frig off Randy

fuck off randy

fuck off you double-cheeseburger eating cowboy hooker


fuck off randy



fuck off

Get a tan

That's bad for your skin. I don't wanna.

why are you shilling your site, redditor?

actually this is my link
fuck off

Your Link looks uncomfortably warm

fuck off

Tans are so gross. Snow white boys and naturally brown boys are both way better

Please be nice.


You're posting the incorrect version. Here's the right one.

Reminder that traps are neither straight nor gay.

They're bisexual?

Traps are completely gay. Men are men, regardless of what clothes they wear or the length of their hair. Trannies are the ones that aren't straight or gay, but that's because they appeal to absolutely nobody and are simply disgusting garbage.


Nope, they're just gay. Don't respond to the shitposter, user.


What gay man would want to fuck something that looks like a girl with a penis though?

You have to be human to have a human sexuality

They don't look like girls with penises. They still look completely like men. Stop living in denial.

they are crossdressers who like to fuck women. It exists.

It shouldn't be allowed to exist. Boys are for boys.

fuck off randy.

Pretty sure you wouldn't be able to tell between passable traps and flat chested women assuming both were clothed.

Why am I in denial anyway? Even if traps are gay I like other men and women as well. I'm bisexual, you melt.

This. Females are disgusting and so is anybody that wants to be one/be with one.


Is that you, women hating user? I still want my date.

We have our artificial wombs now, we don't need women anymore

>average Sup Forums poster believes that looking like a manchild like this is ok

We don't know each other well enough yet.

So let's take time to get to know one another.

No one can blame you for being deceived
But if you're aware they have a dick and you continue, that means you like the dick. And that's gay

Faces tend to look pretty similar with makeup, but the male body is way different from the female body. That's what makes it so superior. Liking guys is gay no matter what, and that's a good thing.

I have no problem with being called gay, it's just factually wrong.

>the male body is way different from the female body
Not always superficially. Some guys are curvy and some girls are straight up and down. Within reason of course.

meant to quote

Okay, but we probably shouldn't do it here.

Okay, where would you like to talk, user?

No clue, I don't normally share contact info or anything. Do you have some kind of disposable email?


[email protected]
I'm actually in bed now, so I'll have to email you back later after I fall asleep and wake up!

Okay, sounds good. I hope you have a nice rest.

That's very kind of you, please have a nice day yourself.

All the way straight here. It's a curse. I think all this confusion is just because most people are somewhat bisexual. Unfortunately for me I am completely straight and the reason I know this is simple: If I see a dick I instantly lose my erection and it can't be recovered. Hope this helps.


I do love my hero