>yfw "that game" gets announced/revealed/shown at E3 in 45 days
What's her name Sup Forums?
Yfw "that game" gets announced/revealed/shown at E3 in 45 days
Rune Factory 5
paper mario 1+2 remastered for switch this fall as well as paper mario 3 announced for summer 2018 baby
Kirby Air Ride 2 for Switch
>Online and Local Multiplayer
>8 Player City Trial
A proper Meteoid game
remastered spyro trilogy
Devil may cry 5
>a man can dream
Freelancer 2
Ghost master 2
Ubisoft's Pirates!
Age of Empires 4
Valkyrie Profile: Hrist
New From IP that is NOTHING like dark souls 3, but borrows more from Bloodborne.
I want to believe.
Dragons Dogma 2
Warhawk 2
That new Naruto Game
Megaman Battle Network
>Freelancer 2
RED FACTION GUERRILLA 2 Armageddon is retconned out of existence
That or an HD remaster
It is, no joke, my most favorite game of all time
Dragon's Dogma 2
Bloodborne 2
Demon's Souls HD
The World Ends With You 2
Wario Land 5 (6? was Shake It! a full fledged Wario Land game?)
New F-Zero
Any one of those and I'd be happy
It will be dMc 2.
Forgot the pic but whatever
I just need TES VI
Ace Combat HD Collection
As long as it's not an empty shit like the first one. I mean, Volition proved it can make good open world games with Saints Row series, but Guerrilla was pretty bad
how reddit do you have to be to honestly want another TES game
Monster Hunter 5
Pikmin 4
God Hand 2.
Shinobi 2 or whatever number you want.
Rune Factory.
No More Heroes 3
Suda better have something real good cooked up instead of just screaming 'YEAH!''
Shake It is my personal favorite Wario Land. It's a lot like 4 but better
You know her name.
Dang, I missed out on a bunch of games by never owning a Wii
Crash Team Racing. Even more perfect is it getting announced by Crash finding a kart at the end of the remastered Warped gameplay footage.
Deep down (Hope its not dead)
Homeworld 3
Dragons dogma 2
REmake 2 (I want to see gameplay)
A actual good final fantasy title thats like the 7 - 10 era.
A man can dream.
You were supposed to upvoat his comment.
Never ever
A completely fixed MCC with for PC with Reach added and Halo 5 added.
This would also be good
Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Suikoden VI
and then it gets released NEVER EVER
>Dogma 2 with financial/co-development backing by Sony
Would be sick. I feel Capcom isn't in a position to do such a game, and if they did do Dogma they would cut content again
Final Fantasy VII Remake Episode Midgar trailer and 2017 release date
>First reveal of new engine Tifa and Aerith, Wall Market demoed
Kingdom Hearts III trailer Q1 2018 release window
>First reveal of new Hikaru Utada song
Teaser for new project from Bravely Default or I Am Setsuna team
The World Ends With You Too announcement and teaser trailer
>"Nintendo Switch exclusive"
Final Fantasy Type-1 formal announcement and teaser trailer
>"now in development"
Chrono Break logo teaser
Agni's Philosophy -> Final Fantasy XVI logo teaser
>"Directed by Hiroyuki Ito"
The more I guess the more chances I have for one of them to come true, right?
>tfw Turkey gets invaded by Russia before the game is released
Metroid Prime Hunters 2 for Switch
Armored Core 6
Roaches just need to hold out a little longer. I won't have their chimpouts fucking with my vidya.
>*teleports behind your ambassador*
>pssh..... nothin personell vlad....
Persona 5 Crimson for PC/switch whatever
Demons Souls HD with 6th archestone
A proper Metroid game
Bloodborne but in space
Elder scrolls VI but not casualised
>if you like a game that I dont like then you are plebbit!
Sup Forums's mentality ladies and gentlemen.
Skyrim 2
REmake 2
Semi realistic new Metroid
Dream new advance wars
Ape Escape 4
I know inside that it'll never happen though
A fat man carrying a baby walks on stage. "Call security!" the host yells. Before they can get on the stage, the baby disappears from the man's hands and a part of the background moves. It turns out it isn't a part of the background but a heavily camouflaged soldier. Hideo Kojima is dressed as Snake. "Keppachu weyteen hah?!"
Grabbed By The Ghoulies 2
New Spyro or a new 3D Rayman
on pc too pls
Teaser for Final Fantasy XVI
Directed by Yoko Taro
2D Metroid
Monster Hunter 5
Why do you feel the need to lie in a cantonese image board?
This would be fucking great
You and I know that it is never going to happen.
Freelancer 2 was in development for the original Xbox but got cancelled by Microsoft. They even put out a trailer.
It looked amazing and I hope the people who made that decision will rot in hell
Ace Combat 7 details
>Deep Down, or even just a confirmation its not canned
>AC 7
>FROM's reboot or whatever they were talking about
Skyrim II
Skyrim T-
Beat me to it.
OutRun 3
TES 6 has been confirmed to be years away. Bethesda are working on other titles before they release another TES.
I'd expect 2019 at the very earliest.
Suikoden VI.
I cry everytime ;_;
i just want the resulting toddposting following it
more like
>feminine penis is not gay
I would love some Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 2 too (with the same narrator if possible).
>Ghost master 2
My melanin-enriched brother!
Never ever 3
>Donte from DMC:DMC appears on the screen
>its some shitty CG scene with him being edgy like always
>as the scene ends he points the gun at the screen, says a really bad donte esque line and pulls the trigger
>the screen gets 2 bullet holes via broken glass and it announces DMC:DMC 2
>after maybe 3-5 seconds of silence, you hear uncle dante go
>"huh... I didnt know this show got a second season..."
>trish replies
>"I didnt either. I thought its viewership was so low they canceled it outright. Oh well"
>As they are saying this, it shows them both on a couch in dmc, eating popcorn
>trish says "Oh just change the channel to something good already"
>"alright, alright. Here" Dante hits the button
>DmC5's trailer starts
Literally everyone wanting TES or Skyrim 2 are reddditors
We are flooded
This and Pikmin 4.
Full Gundam VR game.
I'd play the fuck out of a first person Gundam game.
>Look up
>Pull down targeting scope to your face
>Move it back up
>Look to left
>Impaled by a heathawk
Just little shit like that would be magical for me.
toddposting is the best part of bethesda's E3 presentations
Whatever 3 new game Valve is currently working on (hopefully one of the 3 is Half Life related)
Skyrim 2
a man can dream
Left 4 Dead 3
simply eric meme!
honestly idgaf anymore. theres been millions of good FPS games out since, it will never live up to the hype, and I just wish valve would fix tf2 instead
Soul Reaver 3
The World Ends With You 2
Come the fuck on Square Neku is in the HD remake of KH: 3D, you know TWEWY exists just fucking do it already.
Anything directed by Taro
I honestly don't give a shit about anything else anymore, I've been burnt too many times by other crap to get hyped about anything else at all.
The only reason why ANYONE would be hyped for Half Life 3 is in hopes that the game would be just as innovative as it's predecessors (Half Life 1 and 2) and literally be that game changer where it dumps an engine that everyone starts using for mods and for other vidya like VTMB did using the Half Life engine for it's game.
You know that's not going to happen faggot. It's going to be a turd. Nu-Valve is changed.
Huniepop 2
I still think it'll happen.
Except it'll be a "game changer" as a VR title and all modding for it can only go through Valve's newest mod-monetization system.
Amazing things the future holds
Devil may cry 5: special edition
Soul Sacrifice Epsilon for ps4 and Vita Pro
TENCHU 4 (or 5 or whatever I didn't play any after Wrath of Heaven)
Monster Hunter Switch
Kings Field VR
listen. i'm a simple man. i'm not asking for much. i'm asking for very little, in comparison to what i could ask for. literally all i want is a substantial KH3 trailer and a release date. that's it.
Last of Us 2
Or Battletoads two.