Glass Cannons or Brick Walls?
Glass Cannons or Brick Walls?
Glass cannons, I don't have time to sit around hitting shit for half an hour.
In concept I like tanky things but they're boring in practice.
That's a crack pipe
Brick Cannons
Brick cannons
Do you want to end a fight quickly at the risk of facing something you can't one-shot, or do you want to have a sustained battle that you probably will not lose, assuming you're not hitting minimal each time you attack?
Glass cannons always have more options and options have been worth more than health in every game I have ever played except for the team ones that enforce the healer-tank-damage dealer bullshit.
Glass Cannons Everytime, spam always wins
glass cannons are good, mages are OP as shit in most RPGs
unless you're talking about diablo clones of course, where even the tanky classes can destroy hordes of trash mobs in miliseconds and don't need to kite
>not playing glass walls
Casual plebs
Brick walls are fun to play as, as long as you're not a team of only brick walls. Being an unmovable object in the face of a team who can barely do anything to you is a ton of fun, heading a team while they mop everyone up behind you. Glass cannons can be rewarding to succeed with but either it gets boring wiping people endlessly, or you get pissed at being cut short unnecessarily quickly.
Nothing more fun than a glass cannon.
People who don't want to take risks even in video games are the saddest.
risk/reward is funner than no risk and no reward
brick walls tend to have the habit of being slow and boring as fuck gameplaywise and while someone might meme some shit about autism and adhd and children, glass cannons objectively always will provide better fast paced and exciting gameplay on all fronts
semen demon or gtfo
I played Doombringer once in DotA against an utterly trash team and built tank like a motherfucker.
I walked in and slapped their barracks and not even their whole team could kill me. I wasn't even attacking them and they literally could not stop me.
Being a brick wall is FUN.
Being a tank is a big responsibility, usually harder than playing a healer. You lead every encounter, you make the decisions and control the flow of the match. You may not be in as much danger personally, but every action you take determines how the rest of the team performs and a poor tank, while maybe not dying, can cost a team easily. Brick walls are more for those who value communication and teamwork since they play well through the rest of their group, whereas glass cannons are for players who value their own skill above anyone elses and try to carry their team on their own back.
I like being the Brick Wall so I can support those glass cannons. I like being that guy.
Uhhm they're called windows, jackass.
>MMO shit
What about good games user?
>you make the decisions and control the flow of the match
Nothing like completely ignoring these brick walls as they slowly lumber around dealing shitall for damage and at best annoying the enemy team while they walk around you to rape your cannons.
I don't know what any of this means
Glass Cannons, because the rush of knowing how quick a fight can swing one way or the other is exciting af. Rogues tend to fit the glass cannon role a lot, and since they're my favorite, I tend to gravitate toward them.
Though, in a game I enjoy where both options are a thing, I will play everything, including a brick wall. Nothing like putting up your defenses and saying "Nope. Not gettin' through. Gimme all you got."
Brick Shit House, and healing
ill let my friends do deeps while i keep them alive
How would you make tanking in videogames fun for the tank and to some extend, the party?
Depends on what genre we are talking about
He said "match" so he's talking about shit like Overwatch
Or does regular online shootan now count as an MMO as well?
Remove tanks.
What would a glass wall look like?
Aside from being totally transparent.
It applies to most games with multiplayer and classes, even pen and paper RPGs like DnD and Pathfinder. Look at someone like Reinhardt or Heavy as an example. You could probably stretch to relate it to most genres, even riot shield users in Siege.
I prefer to play as a Glass Train, with a Blender in front.
Combo abilities between the party members.
More interaction with the enemy.
Using the environment.
Not sure what else, and it all depends on the genre of the game as well.
Depending on the game, tanks should get in your face and stay there, and even if they do shit damage, constantly disrupting you should make them difficult to ignore.
Glass cannon is a way more fun concept in my eyes. I'll always choose highest possible damage with lowest possible defense over vice versa, even though it's probably needlessly risky compared to a brick wall
Though I do agree that glass cannons are generally more fun, I must vouch for tanks some, because holding the enemy's attention and soaking all the hits while and making sure your soft squishy comrades are safe is a good feel.
Yeah, it totally depends on the game. In MMOs brick walls are vital, but I always sucked at tanking anyway.
Tanking is tough, it takes a certain mindset I think. You need to more situationally aware than other playstyles.
Health steal thorns tank a best
>Vibrating Peripheral
>strap to crotch area
>Every hit you take vibrates the pad
>Smash cut to leaping in front of every bullet or sword slash enemy lets off.
>like Brick wall because im better at strategy and pretty bad at reacting/technical shit in general.
>like Glasscannon because muh crits and bullshit RNG
Atleast can play both roles depending on who I'm playing with. I think that's the biggest skill.