Bloodborne is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Bloodborne is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

a powerpoint


Passable after TOH.

o v e r a t e d


K _ i _ _ n _ o




p u r e l u d o


What do you think he was thinking about?

Quality thread, retards

m o n o t o n y

>tfw uni student
>tfw someone in my shared house has a ps4
>borrow ps4
>tfw LITERALLY too laggy to play
>give him back the ps4 few days later
>tell him ""it was too hard but thanks anyway"

Good job I didn't fall for the memes


yet another souls game on to the pile

The logical conclusion to video games


b o r i n g a f

Good, but probably overrated.

p u r e k i n o
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


wtf whats wrong with your foot??

way better than Dark Souls 2

To this day, I still have no idea what the hell "kino" is actually supposed to be.



t e r r i b l e

>Game directors as the "authors"
This is an insult to the developers

>Not NieR Gestalt
Even as a Taro fanboy, I'd say Drakengard is a jank-ass game that's just barely salvaged by it's plot and the fact that it's the origin of its franchise.

too grey

MGS2 is not art. The story is pure cancer. CANCER. And the level design is boring as fuck. I love the series though.

successfully executing Platonic philosophical concepts with pulp archetypes

>everything has to have colorful vistas like witcher/zelda/horizon

>Bloodborne is

A pretty good game overall and my 2nd favourite in the souls series, however it's impossible to properly discuss the game on Sup Forums because Sonybros will shit all over any criticism of the game and insist you haven't played it, and other fanboys will shit over any praise you have for the game and insist you're a paid shill.


>muh art

it looks like garbage

>pulp archetypes
>not jungian archetypes from a kierkegaardian stance

a g o o d o n e

Developers are the ones who make the games playable, Directors are the ones who make the games good.

s i c k d a r k

What do I win?

/ o u r g a m e /

We get it, you're a pleb. No need to flaunt it.

A game I won't pay more than $10 for because I don't enjoy really difficult games anymore.

Disposable income is a curse


dumbed down Dark Souls

>muh opinion

I love when souls fags say this.

plattable in 10 days?
oh wait, that doesn't fit

Piles of brown bricks upon brown bricks are even worse

Video game development doesn't have the roles set in stone like in movies. A director can mean a wide variety of things, and many games don't have one named at all.
People just want to give games a face without any idea who really was responsible for their favorite aspects

Bloodborne is a souls game

Where's the ten Day plat autist?

i love it born fags respond with this


>itt nintendogaf gets baited

Going back to ds3 after playing BB for a while is like pulling teeth. Its painfully slow and the shield feels like cheating.


I never really felt that, mostly because I rarely play as anything other than heavy knight with big sword. Fuck dexfags and


Fuck off back to where you came from newfag.

>thinkgen of echoes

Bloodborne is: TPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Bloodborne Heroes!

I specifically bought a ps4 from a friend of mine to play it. It was a decent game.

Always felt it was overly glorified and praised by people on here to help justify their ps4 purchase at the time. Sony exclusives tend to get endless amounts of circle jerking on here for some reason.

Again, it's a decent game. I prefer the souls series, though.

Are there any Souls type games with a bright, cheery aesthetic?

Like a Nintendo/Rare style Souls game?

He got banned

came here to post this

Yes, it's called Anor Londo and Archdragon Peak.

The disposal of self and the role of unconscious were the most interesting part of the game. It's just so low-key that most people playing Bloodborne zoom past it unaware.

>Nothing in BB could top Corndog and Smug

Can anything?

I can't get into BB after playing the other 3 soul games first
It's so easy, always turn me off
I had a little trouble on NG+ but nothing compared to the soul games

By modern definitions, art is something that is reasonably well made given present technical standards, but also invokes a strong emotional reaction with the audience. MGS2 with it's fucking raiden bs satisfies that criteria because 1 it is a technically acceptable game, and 2 it caused massive butthurt (which, is a visceral emotion)




Gargoyles from DeS


BB bosses are shit compared to the soul series ones

Pure kino

Unironically /bbg/ is actually half decent. No waifufagging, no shitposting about "x1 is better than x2" or whatever, and you can actually get discussion in. Also out of any general for any game I've played its the only one where people are actually willing to help you out with things.

>No waifufagging,
you w0t m8

I think you are confusing BB with Silent Hill. BB deal with social anthropology more the individual psyche. I found the way religion devotion blended with academy more interesting due to the scientificism we are moving towards.

Fuck off cunt

What the fuck is kino exactly


Maximum Kino

>he hasn't played BB

Unless you're joking, Ludwig and Orphan are both better than Drake and Josh. I do love that fight though.

The mensis cages are specifically for suppressing the self. Without a "you" in the way, the mind should act as a better antenna for the game's transcendental Great Ones, or at least a higher plane of existence. Dreams are realities from within their own frames. Micolash and Gehrman were both dead in the "real" world, but their wills - their echoes - continued on.

The game's continued reference to "truth" is fundamentally existential. The tired path to understanding stops at nihilism in this world, but maybe there's something more to see... If only we had more eyes.

b a d d d d d d

Ludwig is highly overrated. The second half is cool as fuck but his entire first half is nothing special.


german word for cinema

a japan studio production

That's not Orphan, Gael or Friede.
>b-but muh memelight shitsword
The fight itself is good but far from great, first phase can be tedious with the bullshit jump, and second phase is just bad. A great cinematic doesn't make a great boss.

Most games with character creation end up having their generals just be people posting the waifu sluts they made in it for no reason. /dsg/ and /bbg/ don't have this. Sure people will waifu the Doll, but it isn't constant waifufagging from 90% of the posters of their own self insert genderswap big tittied slut.

There isn't really any slutty armor in bloodborne either, so theres that.

Also /dsg/ has rampant shitposting, with people shit flinging everywhere over DS2 and DS3, and it ends up just being cancer. You can't even ask for help without getting drowned out by people, and theres still a load of console faggotry going on too.

Ive had it since release and havent even done the 3rd chalice dungeon.

A word used by people who can't explain their criticism for a game, so they just bypass explaining, by using a foreign word and leaving it ambiguous.

git gud, none of his moves are bullshit. They give you obvious visual and audio cues for when the jump is going to land on you, and if you don't pick up on those you can just try sprinting away from where he jumped and it'll probably work

Kino is a complement, not a criticism. Unless it's being used sarcastically

kino xd

>dat chromatic aberration