Is Skyrim Special Edition worth getting?
Feels like I wanna play Skyrim again after these past years and mod the shit out of it because it has higher memory limit.
Is Skyrim Special Edition worth getting?
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skse64 isn't out yet
No, because no SKSE.
Also many mods will never be ported over simply because of how old Skyrim is now and how many mod authors lost interest over time. And all the drama over paid mods.
give me one mod that you can't live without that needs SKSE
Why does Skyrim SE look like it's perpetually sunset?
When is the release of SKSE64?
If you want to mod Skyrim the Special Edition is something you should want to avoid at all costs.
Ass and boob physics.
No idea. Beta was meant to be march but now they say they don't know when it'll be.
It was supposed to be in March. It was delayed.
Just play the original, special edition is shit
Not a mod exactly, but MCM. It's just way too convenient to be able to change mod settings in a menu.
SSE mods have to use the old trick of using spells/items to change the config. And I hate having that shit cluttering up my inventory.
I'd love to but capping my vram at 4GB sucks
i use a controller so its pointless to me
I never got around to playing any of the other Elder Scrolls and am playing Skyrim (SE, unmodded) for the first time and amazed at all the content.
Why do we hate it again? Because it's accessible or something?
>playing bethesda games on consoles
or i just hook a ps4 controller to my pc...
Because everything it lacks:
Spell making
Fewer things you can wear
No weapon or armour degredation
Enchanting is pitiful
Magic is lackluster and useless over time
Guild quests are pretty weak and mostly throw the main plot at you in the first missions
The perk system is stupid and limits you more in what you can do. If you wanna get the bonuses you need to put the perks strictly into that particular skill rather than gain a bonus when you hit specific levels within that skill like Oblivion did. For example having 100 in lock picking Skyrim will still have you getting next to nothing in terms of treasure from chests if you didn't put all the prerequisites into it to get the perk that increases your chances of getting actually good items. So your skill with lock picking might as well just be level 1 as actually increasing it doesn't award you anything which is stupid.
The actual item reward system is also awful. Once you can enchant your own items (why wouldn't you?) every single enchanted item in the game pretty much becomes worthless junk. No cool items like the Warrior, Mage and Theif rings like Oblivion had which you couldn't replicate through enchanting as they would increase a pile of skills whereas enchanting could only let you do one skill. They also weren't quest rewards and would randomly be in chests depending on your level.
The main quest was also uninteresting and didn't even bring you around the entire map of Skyrim like it should have. The main quest, guilds had you travel to each city in Cyrodil at least once.
To name a few
>repetitive dungeon crawling shit
>can kill the emperor even you sided with the imperials
>skyrim civil war questline barely impacts the skyrim world, only Jarls and guards have changed
>lazy civil war questlines, just attack forts and suddenly control the city lol instead of defending and sieging imperial/stormcloak controlled areas and cities
OP here, only played Skyrim because the mods are fun and it has good role playing elements
I got SkyUI to work without SKSE, and the only thing that doesn't work is the search function. It's possible, but a pain in the ass.
My vRAM goes above 4GB in the non special edition. You just need mods to accomplish this.
Just download Skyrim Perfectly Modded 4.4/ It's a simple drag and drop process that already has a bunch of mods configured for immersion. Your game should look like this.
>no weapon or armor degredation
Oh, no!
>enchanting is pitiful
But alchemy is fun
>Magic is useless
Conjuration is anything but. Illusion neither. Those are the two schools I've tested in the end game.
>guild quests weak
Companions is pretty good if you're a nord who's interested in werewolves, otherwise I agree on that one. But the Collage had a nice plot and some interesting characters. Thieves guild plot was a bit dumb, but the actual quests were fun.
I find the perk system superior to Oblivions static progression. Much more to choose from. I'd never level up lockpicking though, that's insane.
I agree that main quest was lame, but Dawnguard and Dragonborn expansion both had good main story lines.
Overall my favorite TES is still Morrowind, but I hold Skyrim in higher regard than Oblivion, since the look and feel of the world is more unique and interesting. I may be biased though since Oblivion changed so much from Morrowind and I hated all the changes, but I wasn't feeling how fucking common the elven ruins were and how every city looked basically the same.
It's a bit like going to Vegas (or Atlantic City or whatever) and being amazed at all the glitz: it's only after you've been there longer, that you start to realize all the casinos are the same and all the glitz in the world won't change that.
Fucking plebs
>I'd never level up lockpicking though, that's insane.
You level it up just by picking locks. It's not like lock picking minigame is hard either. But, the fact I get no reward for increasing it unless I put perks into it which would be better suited being put into other skills is bullshit. The game is telling me I shouldn't even bother trying as the reward will more than likely be garbage.
>The college had a nice plot
I meant to say, I'd never put perks in it. I think Skyrim has the best lockpicking system of the three big games though. Morrowins was just a press of a button and too simple, but Oblivions was too contrived and annoying. Skyrim has a good balance.
Morrowind had the best persuasion though. Just a few different commands that could have interesting effects. Oblivion had that retarded mini-game where the camera would pan to the NPCs face and they would get happy or sad depending on what mood you choose from the wheel. It was an eyesore.
>My vRAM goes above 4GB in the non special edition.
So is my Skyrim, but the long loading times and random CTDs are still there.
I have watched all Gopher's skyrim tutorials because of it.
>but Oblivions was too contrived and annoying. Skyrim has a good balance.
Sweet christ, what awful taste.
>every city looked basically the same
The fuck are you talking about? Did you even play oblivion?
you should have gotten it for free
It's a shit, pointless update made only with consoles in mind.
Did not play Oblivion: The Posts
Play the first hour. Whatever you experienced then will be what you will experience over and over again. At first it sounds great but then you realize that's how things get stale especially when nothing improves over time.
>No ENB, and thus, no ENBsnow
It's shit.
Or at least didn't play it well
>waah I'm such a scrub that I can't figure out the disposition wheel mini game and don't realise I can cheese it to max everyone's opinion of me with little to no effort
>College had a nice plot and some interesting characters
Are you kidding?
>Someone who doesn't know how to do magic can become Archmage because he clubbed some faggot elf to death
get the legendary edition and install ordinator with morrowloot ultimate, apocalypse spells and wintermyst enchantments. that's the only way this turd is actually worth playing.
All the good ones that make the game less shitty.
I have played Oblivion. I played it as soon as it released. I was so hyped for the next Morrowind, which I had put a ridicoulus amount of hours in. Utterly dissapointed. The imaginative, immersive world was gone and replaced with a standard green hills and lush forests affair. I still played it extensively though and have since replayed it with mods. Stop talking shit just because I don't like your favorite TES.
You thought Oblivions lockpicking was fun? I thought it was absolutely awful.
Compared to Morrowind they're all very similiar with the exception of Imperial city.
If you're going to mod on PC then why not take advantage of the wealth of better mods that SKSE provides? Otherwise just go play it on a console. It's not like Bethesda's "updated" graphics are worth it
not compared to mods anyway
You're actually fucking retarded, have shit taste, and are just plain wrong.
Yeah that game is really easy once you figure out how it works and then leveling up persuasion makes it even easier as you get chances to rotate it when you hit the different rankings.
The lock picking game was shit though which is why they threw in the auto-attempt button. Then it becomes "keeping pushing the button till it opens" once you get the Skeleton Key.
is the combat fixed by these mods?
I found it very un-challenging and bland the last time i played
But you think skyrims shitty cities are diverse and unique? Kek!
What have they changed? Is it just a graphics overhaul?
64bit and DX11
If you just use an older version it works flawlessly.
Or just say you're the Dragonborn and they take you at your word without needing a demonstration of that power. I'm also betting they were gonna have Winterhold be an actual city but time, money or memory became an issue so they just decided the "whole city was destroyed" which made things easier. Bethesda looooooovvvvvveeesss taking the easy road.
...yes ...
Sooooooo a graphics overhaul and runs better?
Combat? quests? magic? weapons?
64-bit so it runs better and more stable, allows more vram, etc, along with small graphical tweaks like shitty godrays that look better in ENB.
The only changes they've made for the better are adding flow-based water shaders to bodies of water, and if it's raining or snowing and you go under an awning or something then the weather won't clip through.
And even then those are all available with mods in the fucking base game
Skyrim is shit
It's the exact same game, it's just the engine and default textures that have been changed.
Did Beth fixed Skyrim's annoying bugs in SE?
no because combat is shit in every tes game and broken at its core. if you want combat you should play dragons dogma, dark souls, gothic 2, dark messiah, severance blade of darkness etc.
what those mods will do however is giving you many new perks that open up various new playstyles, fixed enemy levels no levelscaling for the entire game with handplaced rare items and add a ton great new spells and enchantments.
More so. There's a distinct difference between for exemple Whiterun with its wooden buildings, Windhelm with dark age stone architecture and Markarth with dwarfish architecture.
Don't be mad just because not everyone shares your opinion. Try to understand what a slap in the face Oblivion was coming from Morrowind.
Literally no new content, and objectively even less potential for new content due to less mods available.
It's not even a graphics overhaul, just slightly better textures and other minor additions that are all done much better with an ENB.
I just use an ssd to get rid of long load times.
An SSD is essential for heavily modded skyrim.
Modded vanilla skyrim has the fucking weird pop in with windows 10
Like the the draw distance is fucked, and there's nothing beyond a certain point
Does the special edition fix this?
Really though. They couldn't even give the Morthal, Falkreath, Dawnstar or Winterhold Jarl houses unique designs. They don't even have fucking kitchens. It's three bedrooms and a room for the local strategist for whatever faction is supported there. Christ, the houses you can buy and build are more impressive than them. In Oblivion, each city had a unique castle for their leaders.
Honestly, they put more time and effort into making the dungeons more unique than they did the actual settlements.
I'm convinced you're just choosing to ignore the even greater variety of architecture between Oblivion's cities, you've never played Oblivion all along and only watched a few videos, or you DID play it when it initially came out and forgot most of it yet still think your opinion is based on recent findings and objective truths.
Nothing was more of a slap in the face than Morrowind was coming from Daggerfall.
windows 7 will fix this
yes it does whatever you want it to and more go buy it
No. They just added more filters, shaders and "improved" textures. They didn't change the coding. you're still gonna run into people who will give up and beg for mercy in combat only to get back up and fight again because they still didn't remove that from the game. It's not a glitch and it's not really something intentional, it's Bethesda being lazy fucks. They had originally planned for the player to be able to bound up enemies that give up in battle to coincide with the radiant bounty system they came up with. In typical Bethesda fashion, they ran out of time and just left the surrendering animation in the game and ever bothered to remove it afterwards.
look at this pleb. he didnt get it for free because he didnt own skyrim already.
everyone laugh at him for being a moron.
Last time I played was perhaps 3-4 years ago, but I actually looked up some of the cities before posting to remind myself how they looked, and I have to say they seem very similiar. Then again, since it's been a while since I actually explored them I can admit that there might be some finer nuances that I'm missing.
Sure thing. Never played it. Sounds like too much is randomly generated.
>there might be some finer nuances that I'm missing.
That's all I wanted to hear.
The only replies you will get are from kissless virgins who go arounf skyrim dressed as a girl with mammoth tits and a huge ass and go around having sex with everything.
People that do play the game don't really care about SKSE64.
the special edition is literally perfect and everything has been fixed. go buy the game!
You realize what you just said shows how retarded the minigame was, right?
I'm one of those guys that played Oblivion when it first came out. Enjoyed it but I wasn't a big fan of the leveling system. When you level up, monsters level up with you. Do they have mods to change this?
when will bethesda drop the creation engine?
I care about SKSE....
Not until the vore mod gets ported over to it, Toddy boy.
Permamentely delayed. Devs said that it was going to pretty easy to make since they made F4SE and they should be similar, and since then they've been coming up with excuses why it wasn't released December, then March, then April, then mid April, then "approximately whenever we feel like it faggots".
The single mod that makes the game worth playing, TK Dodge.
Bullshit. Sex mod degenerates are a very small (yet vocal) minority, they don't matter.
I can't play Skyrim without all my mods to fix all the bullshit, so until SKSE64 comes out the game is literally unplayable. Even then I'd rather be playing Morrowind or Oblivion anyway
Special Edition looks beautiful
the idea of downloading a modpack like that disgusts me
I didn't say you don't.
I play SKSE because no memory limits etc.
And it looks great and runs so much better.
>Push left or right
>Dodge and the guy missed you
>Needs a proper mod for this
Realistic Leveling or Oblivion XP Update change the leveling system for the better. The former lets you not have to worry about the minmaxing and unimmersive stat increases, the latter acts more like a traditional RPG wherein completing most actions like completing quests or killing enemies gives you exp towards a level up rather than increasing skills giving you exp.
So with the risk about causing a shitstorm since asking about the shittiest version of the console release of the most hated TES...
...but what are the essential PS4 mods?
Without another mod, power attacks can be freely aimed in the middle of them, meaning that without a little i frame sidestep you will get hit.
Lel, isn't PS4 limited no additional assets and a limit of 100 esps?
Leave and never come back.
Good toddy boys
Don't forget that the PC version looks better
Also watch out for those deadly jars
4 cities in Skyrim had unique architecture. The other 4 were the same wooden houses with thatch roofing. Oblivion had 8 cities, each with their own unique architecture:
Anvil had the grey stone houses with clay tile roofing
Bruma had the wooden housing with thatch roofing like Skyrim
Cheydinhal had the style of the houses you first see in Morrowind
Skingrad had the large, multi-leveled houses with the narrow walkways
Bravil had the slapped together wooden houses
Leyawin had the bright coloured town houses
Chorrol looked like a town in Switzerland
Kvatch while destroyed, still had a certain look that was different from the others with the stone houses with wooden roofs
Oblivion put more effort into making each town feel different.
Whats the difference between Legendary and Special edition?
which one has more to offer?
>I want muh depth even though this game doesnt have any
This is not the game for you.
I used a controller just fine with it? It does more than help mouse users
There are PS4 mods though, although there are no new assets.
Read the thread.
So they are worthless
Shut up and die